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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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remember me
The latest David Brooks column is sad and starts off gross.


It’s 2 a.m. The bar is closing. Republicans have had a series of strong and nasty Trump cocktails. Suddenly Ted Cruz is beginning to look kind of attractive. At least he’s sort of predictable, and he doesn’t talk about his sexual organs in presidential debates!

Well, Republicans, have your standards really fallen so low so fast? Are you really that desperate? Can you remember your 8 p.m. selves, and all the hope you had about entering a campaign with such a deep bench of talented candidates?

There is another path, one that doesn’t leave you self-loathing in the morning. It’s a long shot, but given the alternatives, it’s worth trying. First, hit the pause button on the rush to Cruz. Second, continue the Romneyesque assault on Trump. The results on Saturday, when late voters swung sharply against the Donald, suggest it may be working.

Third, work for a Marco Rubio miracle in Florida on March 15. Fourth, clear the field for John Kasich in Ohio. If Rubio and Kasich win their home states, Trump will need to take nearly 70 percent of the remaining delegates to secure a majority. That would be unlikely; he’s only winning 44 percent of the delegates now.

The party would go to the convention without a clear nominee. It would be bedlam for a few days, but a broadly acceptable new option might emerge. It would be better than going into the fall with Trump, which would be a moral error, or Cruz, who in November would manage to win several important counties in Mississippi.


Goddamn, this wind is murdering Rubio's hair. I knew he'd resorted to tricky folding.

You know, I'd forgotten that the GOP hasn't been able to play up Rubio's (Or Cruz's) Hispanic roots because they're, gasp, Cuban, which is a dirty word to Republicans. Rubio is even Spanish fluent! I thought they would push that angle heavy from the start, but apparently Cuba is still -that- bad to them. For a party desperate to make inroads with a minority group it seems like a wasted opportunity.

Actually Cubans are super republican
Has anyone posted this Ezra Klein article? Straight fucking fire. http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/3/9/11182590/obamacare-donald-trump

There are two ways to look at Obamacare. One is that it was more or less American politics working as it's supposed to.

Democrats won two wave elections in a row and amassed a tremendous amount of political power. That done, they turned to their top priority: health reform...

But there's another popular narrative of Obamacare — that it was a hijacking of American politics in order to pass radical, unconstitutional legislation that forever transformed the country.

In this telling, Democrats won a hefty majority on a message of unity and moderation and then rammed socialized health care down the country's throat. They bought off interest groups, exploited parliamentary loopholes, and ignored the clear will of the people. The GOP's lockstep opposition was driven by the danger posed by the legislation and the corruption of the process. The Tea Party — which had its roots, remember, in the administration's housing policies, not in Obamacare — was a necessary reaction to the Democrats' unforgivable decision to use a transient majority to permanently reshape America...

Republicans executed a coordinated and successful strategy to make sure the country saw Obama as a hardcore partisan and Obamacare as an unconstitutional takeover of the American health care system (despite the fact that the hypothetically unconstitutional part, the individual mandate, was actually a Republican idea that many Senate Republicans were supporting at the same time they were opposing Obamacare). They did everything in their power to whip their base into a frenzy over the law. And they succeeded.

To say this more simply, grassroots conservatives weren't fated to panic over Obamacare. They were told to panic over Obamacare. And their leaders told them that for good reason.

Republicans persuaded their base that something terrible was happening to the country and promised that if they won the 2010 election they could undo the damage Obama had done. The strategy worked. Republicans won the 2010 election, and they won it in a big way. But then they couldn't undo what Obama had done. And their base was too scared to simply accept that...

Trump is a strongman who promises a new level of political confrontation, while Cruz is a hardcore ideologue who literally shut down the government in an effort to defund Obamacare. If you believe American politics is truly broken and something precious about this country is on the verge of being lost forever, these are the kinds of men you turn to...

Republican voters have good reason believe American politics is truly broken and something precious about this country is on the verge of being lost forever. They have been told that, again and again, by every leader and pundit in their party, for years.

Republicans have worked for years to radicalize their base against Obama, to persuade them that something truly different and terrifying is going on, and in that project they have enjoyed a catastrophic success.

Now elite Republicans are panicking as they watch their base turn to different and terrifying kinds of politicians in response. But even as the strategy of calculated hysteria destroys them, they can't seem to stop arguing that the Obama era — as represented, in this case, by Obamacare — has been a scary aberration in American politics.

Republicans desperately need to persuade their base that this moment isn't as dire as they think it is and a more conventional class of political figures is appropriate to meet it. But doing so would require such a radical revision of the party's core narrative — a narrative they themselves believe — that it's become effectively impossible.
Goddamn, this wind is murdering Rubio's hair. I knew he'd resorted to tricky folding.

You know, I'd forgotten that the GOP hasn't been able to play up Rubio's (Or Cruz's) Hispanic roots because they're, gasp, Cuban, which is a dirty word to Republicans. Rubio is even Spanish fluent! I thought they would push that angle heavy from the start, but apparently Cuba is still -that- bad to them. For a party desperate to make inroads with a minority group it seems like a wasted opportunity.

It's not because Rubio and Cruz are Cuban. It's because every time they speak Spanish, there is a knee-jerk reminder that there are /other/ people in this country who speak Spanish. And Trump is going to build a wall to keep those /other/ people out.
My Spanish is rusty as hell, but the Spanish version of his stump speech gives the impression of being more gloomy. Which is saying something since he already tells a dark tale. Might just be the inflection?
The latest David Brooks column is sad and starts off gross.
Who spends 6 hours at the same bar awful bar? Lightweights pathetically pacing themselves, clearly.
Actually Cubans are super republican
Oh duh. Well, then it makes even less sense that they haven't played this angle at all. But...
It's not because Rubio and Cruz are Cuban. It's because every time they speak Spanish, there is a knee-jerk reminder that there are /other/ people in this country who speak Spanish. And Trump is going to build a wall to keep those /other/ people out.
Aah, this is the answer I'm looking for! Thanks. I love how even after the 2012 "autopsy" that flagged issues with Hispanic voters at the top of their list of problems they've somehow managed to alienate them even more.


I think you did not understand my post fully. Hillary Is the public figure and is of course the reason the photo was taken... notice all the other media around in the background just by being there is willful consent to having the media take your picture. Moreover she wasn't identified the priest at all in the caption but how she was touring women businesses. Argument of taking this down is akin to going to a Hillary Rally or a location where the media is at, get in a picture and then demand they not show the picture with you in it.

She wasn't at a rally. She was at work, doing her damn job, and that was twisted against her will into a pseudo-endorsement.

I work customer service. I would never go to a Trump event, but if he showed up at my work tonight, I would sell to him, because it's my job. If I woke up tomorrow and was featured in his campaign materials, I'd be pissed. It's really not unreasonable. The only reason it's even slightly controversial on here is because people think she should be willing to support Hillary, but that isn't for you to decide.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Yo damn Rubio really brought out Megyn Kelly

This kinda stinks, Trump vindicated

LOL he's going to go nuts about this at the debate.


LOL he's going to go nuts about this at the debate.

She wasn't at a rally. She was at work, doing her damn job, and that was twisted against her will into a pseudo-endorsement.

I work customer service. I would never go to a Trump event, but if he showed up at my work tonight, I would sell to him, because it's my job. If I woke up tomorrow and was featured in his campaign materials, I'd be pissed. It's really not unreasonable. The only reason it's even slightly controversial on here is because people think she should be willing to support Hillary, but that isn't for you to decide.
Well I'm sorry you don't understand the flexibility public figures get with photographs of this nature. If that server tried to sue civilly she'd lose. If you want to see something unethical look up Fiorina and the pre schooler fiasco.


Yo damn Rubio really brought out Megyn Kelly

This kinda stinks, Trump vindicated

If Trump were smart (he isn't) he should be hammering how much the GOP establishment is out for him. It wouldn't even be conspiracy theory bullshit, he would be 100% right. It would probably further endear him to voters. Good thing for us Trump is dumb though.
If Trump were smart (he isn't) he should be hammering how much the GOP establishment is out for him. It wouldn't even be conspiracy theory bullshit, he would be 100% right. It would probably further endear him to voters. Good thing for us Trump is dumb though.

If memory serves, he has done that numerous times. He even skipped one of their debates, and that was the reason given.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Those FOX polls are exactly how I see the races playing out. I see no way Kasich loses Ohio, and no way Trump loses Florida. I mean, he is doubling up on Rubio.

My favorite part of those polls is Cruz still under 20%. Kasich taking Ohio is more delegates Cruz can't have.
If Trump were smart (he isn't) he should be hammering how much the GOP establishment is out for him. It wouldn't even be conspiracy theory bullshit, he would be 100% right. It would probably further endear him to voters. Good thing for us Trump is dumb though.

Trump is eliminating one candidate at a time,

instead of waging war on multiple fronts, he is setting up all his Risk soldiers, horses and cannons into Rubio's territory
That David Brooks piece is another one that I've seen where an important conservative voice starts to come around to government stepping in to help displaced workers. They're going to have to walk back decades of tying such programs to racist language in order to get their base to accept it, and who knows how long that will take, but they're beginning to move in that direction. I wonder when actual GOP leadership will start to vocalize those same ideas.

At this point, I feel sure that the only way to have a free market economy as massive as ours and avoid the sort of social and economic unrest that leads to people like Trump making legitimate runs at the White House is to adopt certain ideas related to European-style socialism in order to help people financially so that they can survive and re-train when they lose their jobs to Indonesia or to technological advance.


This Rubio coverage on CNN is just sad.

Dude needs to suck it up and drop out before Trump blows his ass out on Tuesday.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think kasich could flop in Ohio depending on how many votes poobio and Cruz siphon off of him.


Uh... They have been doing specials like this with all of the candidates. Even Drumpf is doing one tonight.

Here's one with Hannity and Cruz.

This is a pretty bizarre thing to get upset about.

A FNC townhall is one thing, but Fox pseudo-celebs going to a candidates rally is another. I actually think that going to a Cruz rally to do an "interview" is also equally shitty, had no idea that was done.


SO to CNN framing most polls they've referenced today as "if they're right because they were so wrong yesterday lol"


Well I'm sorry you don't understand the flexibility public figures get with photographs of this nature. If that server tried to sue civilly she'd lose. If you want to see something unethical look up Fiorina and the pre schooler fiasco.

I don't really care if it's legal or not. Either way the cashier is well within her rights to raise a stink about it online. Instead we have everyone acting like Hillary is a victim because someone dared call her out on it.
What's Kasich's plan after Ohio?

My guess is that an OH win allows him to present himself as the reasonable candidate. With Rubio presumably gone after a FL loss, he's now the only viable person that the GOPe might put forth at the convention since they hate Trump and mostly hate Cruz. He'll have to show that Ohio is no fluke by winning in the Midwest and maybe in the Northeast or West to show that he's not a one-trick pony, but if he can do that and rack up a sizable amount of delegates, he's now a guy that the party can reliably elevate in a brokered convention.
That David Brooks piece is another one that I've seen where an important conservative voice starts to come around to government stepping in to help displaced workers. They're going to have to walk back decades of tying such programs to racist language in order to get their base to accept it, and who knows how long that will take, but they're beginning to move in that direction. I wonder when actual GOP leadership will start to vocalize those same ideas.

At this point, I feel sure that the only way to have a free market economy as massive as ours and avoid the sort of social and economic unrest that leads to people like Trump making legitimate runs at the White House is to adopt certain ideas related to European-style socialism in order to help people financially so that they can survive and re-train when they lose their jobs to Indonesia or to technological advance.

It's gonna have to happen fast cause automations gonna hit us hard in the next decade.
he took Hillary's scoreboard thing?

edit: is the flag half-mast part of the rally or legitimately half-mast?

I would assume it's for Ms. Reagan.

Also, I'm not sure Kasich gets Ohio. He's been pressing hard for it, but some parts of the state are more like Alabama than anywhere else. GOP may like him, but I'm not sure that they like him enough to turn out to overcome the Trump Train. Choo Choo.


Goddamn, this wind is murdering Rubio's hair. I knew he'd resorted to tricky folding.

You know, I'd forgotten that the GOP hasn't been able to play up Rubio's (Or Cruz's) Hispanic roots because they're, gasp, Cuban, which is a dirty word to Republicans. Rubio is even Spanish fluent! I thought they would push that angle heavy from the start, but apparently Cuba is still -that- bad to them. For a party desperate to make inroads with a minority group it seems like a wasted opportunity.

Nah... Cuban Americans are Republicans' favorite Hispanics! If you're talking about Cubans living in the island of Cuba then that's another matter.

But a lot of right wing older generation of Cuban immigrants fled Fidel Castro's government after he took power, and they took their ideas with them to the US. These are the people like Ted Cruz and Rubio's parents (2nd Gen).

Now, totally anecdotal, but I think that staunch conservativism is starting to die off with the 3rd generation, based on the time I lived in Miami.


A FNC townhall is one thing, but Fox pseudo-celebs going to a candidates rally is another. I actually think that going to a Cruz rally to do an "interview" is also equally shitty, had no idea that was done.
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