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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Byron YorkVerified account
Rubio stadium event in Hialeah. Stands empty; crowd in one end zone.

Wow. I sort of feel bad for him. Basically lost his job...any chance of future election...

Well wait, he will probably become a lobbyist and make a shit ton. Nevermind.
Obama's not concerned:

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Wednesday that Obama hasn't ruled out endorsing, but that Obama himself was served well by a drawn-out primary race eight years ago.

"The Democratic candidates are likely to benefit from having a longer-than-expected campaign. That certainly was true when he ran in 2008,” Earnest said.

He added that the extra months of battling Clinton gave Obama and the party the chance to build a campaign apparatus in states where Democrats had not previously been competitive during a general election. He cited Indiana — a state a Democrat hadn’t won in decades before Obama did in 2008 — as an example.

A longer Democratic primary is “not necessarily bad news,” Earnest said. “I think that would also be part of the explanation for the president not weighing in in that race.”



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Wonder how much Trump's score on the economy can/will change as his shoddy business ventures keep getting hammered. This week certainly shows he's plenty insecure about them.

Gotta' love publications declaring "the game has changed" when neither Trump nor Sanders have actually, y'know, won yet.

In a few weeks this guy will be begging for superdelegates to overturn the pledged delegate results and give the thing to Bernie because of vague notions of momentum and voters waking up.


that rubio rally is just sad. I'm actually starting to feel bad for him now

It's really hard to feel bad for him, i hope he drops out before Florida or loses Florida and he cries on Jeb's shoulder. Something something shoved down our throats something next century American century.
It's hard to feel bad for Rubio when he was given all of the advantages and delivered no results. Connect with voters or die.

The personal attacks on Trump came off as a desperate move, and it's plainly obvious that they didn't work now.


Obama's right. A vigorous but not insane primary is ultimately good for the party. Not only for organizational reasons, but so that the party can figure out what it wants to be. What positions are most important, what can a big tent party really coalesce around? I think Obama v Clinton 08 really helped in that regard.

That's a very kind way to tell HIllary to get her shit together. And, by extension, her supporters.

Yeah that is not How it works with public figures especially when the lady was not identified in the picture. Unless the lady provides proof that her employer threatened her if she did not pose the picture she has no legal standing to have that photo removed.

I never said she has legal standing.


Yeah that is not How it works with public figures especially when the lady was not identified in the picture. Unless the lady provides proof that her employer threatened her if she did not pose the picture she has no legal standing to have that photo removed.

On the other hand, this really just isn't a hill worth dying on. I say, if the lady wants it removed, the Clinton Campaign should just remove it. It's not like it was that meaningful, important or impactful of a post for Hillary anyway. What does Hillary gain from flipping this barista the bird and keeping her picture up?

Who cares? Just take it down.
On the other hand, this really just isn't a hill worth dying on. I say, if the lady wants it removed, the Clinton Campaign should just remove it. It's not like it was that meaningful, important or impactful of a post for Hillary anyway. What does Hillary gain from flipping this barista the bird and keeping her picture up?

Who cares? Just take it down.
I would bet money the only people that care about that photo coming down or are already heavy Bernie Sanders supporters. Everyone else will not care or see the lady as being rude.


One weeeeeiiiird side effect of Bernie's Michigan win last night:
I'm seeing a lot of conservatives online brushing-off these new polls (ABC, NBC) showing big national Hillary leads over Trump; the standard line of thought seems to be, "suuuure. And the polls said she'd win Michigan handily, too."

Michigan's polling being off is enabling them to ignore warnings about Trump's electability for the general.


President Clinton will drone that coffee shop or whatever it is anyway so might as well keep the picture up for sentimental value once they're gone.


Byron YorkVerified account
Rubio stadium event in Hialeah. Stands empty; crowd in one end zone.


One weeeeeiiiird side effect of Bernie's Michigan win last night:
I'm seeing a lot of conservatives online brushing-off these new polls (ABC, NBC) showing big national Hillary leads over Trump; the standard line of thought seems to be, "suuuure. And the polls said she'd win Michigan handily, too."

Michigan's polling being off is enabling them to ignore warnings about Trump's electability for the general.


President Clinton will drone that coffee shop or whatever it is anyway so might as well keep the picture up for sentimental value once they're gone.

This is a bad joke and you should feel bad :(

Though even I will admit this #coffeeshopgate silliness is kind of dumb too


Yeah that is not How it works with public figures especially when the lady was not identified in the picture. Unless the lady provides proof that her employer threatened her if she did not pose the picture she has no legal standing to have that photo removed.

"Cashier" is not a public position, and regardless of the legality of the situation, she shouldn't have to choose between refusing to do her job or having her likeness used to promote a candidate she doesn't support.


One weeeeeiiiird side effect of Bernie's Michigan win last night:
I'm seeing a lot of conservatives online brushing-off these new polls (ABC, NBC) showing big national Hillary leads over Trump; the standard line of thought seems to be, "suuuure. And the polls said she'd win Michigan handily, too."

Michigan's polling being off is enabling them to ignore warnings about Trump's electability for the general.


I look forward to another episode of Karl's Perfect Math Class come November.
Like 80% of the Rubio rally are GOP VIPs, apparently...
Also, the campaign is now so poor that they have to pull their own campaign bus up behind a stage to offer a backdrop.


Obama's right. A vigorous but not insane primary is ultimately good for the party. Not only for organizational reasons, but so that the party can figure out what it wants to be. What positions are most important, what can a big tent party really coalesce around? I think Obama v Clinton 08 really helped in that regard.


The one good thing about last night's loss was that it was a wake-up call to Hillary that she needs to retool her message for that region. Not against Bernie (he's finished. She just needs to hold serve), but Trump.

Anti-trade sentiment is strong in that part of the country, and a drawn out, wonkish message won't resonate as strongly as "CHINA AND MEXICO ARE TAKING YOUR JOBS.' Hopefully she gets that now.


Rubio said the winner of the Florida will be the winner of the republican nomination, and he's probably right. I think secretly he knows he's not going to be either.
"Cashier" is not a public position, and regardless of the legality of the situation, she shouldn't have to choose between refusing to do her job or having her likeness used to promote a candidate she doesn't support.
I think you did not understand my post fully. Hillary Is the public figure and is of course the reason the photo was taken... notice all the other media around in the background just by being there is willful consent to having the media take your picture. Moreover she wasn't identified the priest at all in the caption but how she was touring women businesses. Argument of taking this down is akin to going to a Hillary Rally or a location where the media is at, get in a picture and then demand they not show the picture with you in it.
Goddamn, this wind is murdering Rubio's hair. I knew he'd resorted to tricky folding.

You know, I'd forgotten that the GOP hasn't been able to play up Rubio's (Or Cruz's) Hispanic roots because they're, gasp, Cuban, which is a dirty word to Republicans. Rubio is even Spanish fluent! I thought they would push that angle heavy from the start, but apparently Cuba is still -that- bad to them. For a party desperate to make inroads with a minority group it seems like a wasted opportunity.
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