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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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I disagree. Obama is doing this for real. If he never gets a hearing then yes, Garland being denied a chance makes the GOP look bad. But that isn't the primary reason for choosing him.

We can speculate about his intentions, but outcomes are way more important at this point


Just wait until Republicans see his TRUE form!


(Somebody's made this joke, right?)


I believe he'll drop out of the nomination after the election in November and Hillary will appoint someone else. I just feel a bit bad. Hopefully she gives him a job in her administration or something.

That's why this is a perfect nominee. As Chief Judge of the DC Circuit, he's already got the most prestigious non supreme court judicial role in the country, and it's one with a life tenure.

It's not a career ender for him to get knocked back or have to withdraw.
I disagree. Obama is doing this for real. If he never gets a hearing then yes, Garland being denied a chance makes the GOP look bad. But that isn't the primary reason for choosing him.

Disagree. The dudes resume is tailor made to look as middle of the road as possible, and he's older than you would expect for someone nominated to a lifetime position.

It also bucks the trend of Obama's two previous nominees. Both were minority women much farther to the left.

He's not the ideal nominee in any sense, unless that sense is making Chuck Grassley look like a career obstructionist.


I disagree. Obama is doing this for real. If he never gets a hearing then yes, Garland being denied a chance makes the GOP look bad. But that isn't the primary reason for choosing him.

I don't understand this reasoning. Look bad to Democrats? -- cause the GOP can't look any worse to them.

From a GOP perspective, this is the first thing the Senate has actually done to justify them controlling the Senate. Garland is moderate and an easy pass. If Obama had nominated a conservative, of any color/gender/age, then the obstruction would look petty even to me.


I don't understand this reasoning. Look bad to Democrats? -- cause the GOP can't look any worse to them.

From a GOP perspective, this is the first thing the Senate has actually done to justify them controlling the Senate. Garland is moderate and an easy pass. If Obama had nominated a conservative, of any color/gender/age, then the obstruction would look petty even to me.

The majority of the country and Republicans think Obama's nominee should get a hearing and vote. Republicans are appealing to the far right of the far right.
His middle of the roadness is a tad overstated.
So his record pins him as liberal, but he's managed to accumulate the praise of Republicans during his entire career? Yeah he's a perfect pick, even if a little old. It's still worth putting a ridiculously overqualified person on the table for nomination for the rest of this year in hopes Republicans cave after witnessing their impending doom, or just come to their senses in general. Any nudge of the court to the left is worth chasing for Obama during his last year.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The majority of the country and Republicans think Obama's nominee should get a hearing and vote. Republicans are appealing to the far right of the far right.

Yep. This is a terrible political move. The only ones against hearings are the far right that will never vote for anything but republicans.


Wow I was so confident he wouldn't go for another white guy. Kinda sucks.

Buddy, it's bait. the Senate is in a no win scenario. They have two options:

1. Deny having a serious nomination process for a 63 year old moderate who will serve a comparatively short tenure and isn't some boogie man. This makes them look like jackasses to the majority of America, damaging their chances across the board at keeping the senate after November.

2. Have a hearing, appoint Garland, see the SCOTUS take a decidedly left leaning 5-4 slant with Kennedy and Roberts more concerned with jurisprudence than political stance. The base hates them even more than they already do and either primary them if their primary hasn't come up yet, or protest vote/abstain against them in the election.

Either way they're going to lose politically, #2 would also rile up a serious chunk of their special interest group base since Garland has a legitimate gun control record that will make the NRA and co. freak out.

Sandoval would have been a risky pick as he was a moderate conservative and the payoffs were all the same as Garland. Garland is a moderate progressive with a few red flags that make him anathema to large sets of the GOP base however, so he is only marginally more appoint-able for the senate than a far left choice but with the ability to deal far more damage with moderates when they don't.

The real coup de gras here is that Obama chose gun control as one of the biggest GOP red flags. Mainstream America WANTS more gun control. If the senate even tries to hold a disingenuous review of Garland they'll end up attacking him for supporting gun control (they can't help it, the Ted Cruz's of their party won't be able to keep their mouths shut) and turn it into even more political fodder than simply denying the guy out of hand.

It's second term Obama to a 't'. A pragmatic choice that puts all the political pressure on the opposition now faced with a lose/lose more proposition. This is what the GOP gets after going HAM on obstruction following 2010.


I don't understand this reasoning. Look bad to Democrats? -- cause the GOP can't look any worse to them.

From a GOP perspective, this is the first thing the Senate has actually done to justify them controlling the Senate. Garland is moderate and an easy pass. If Obama had nominated a conservative, of any color/gender/age, then the obstruction would look petty even to me.

Swing state and blue state Republican senators: Toomey, Portman, Kirk, etc. -- forces them to choose between getting primaried or facing a more difficult general election.


Something's weird here. Why would Orrin Hatch say he was a good pick?

I'm trying to think of a good way to phrase this, but he's been pretty consistent in ruling against various types of prisoner appeals.

But ultimately he's regarded as a plain excellent jurist, the Supreme Court has never granted cert (i.e deemed to take on a case) from the DC circuit where Garland has written the majority decision. Which when you consider how much work the DC circuit tends to throw the SC's way is pretty exceptional.
I disagree. Obama is doing this for real. If he never gets a hearing then yes, Garland being denied a chance makes the GOP look bad. But that isn't the primary reason for choosing him.
But they've already soiled the bed with Trump. It's nigh impossible for them to look worse with a racist bigot poised to be their nominee. I'd probably agree with you and others if the republican nominee was someone different, even if it was Cruz.


The majority of the country and Republicans think Obama's nominee should get a hearing and vote. Republicans are appealing to the far right of the far right.

Majority of the country, but I haven't seen a survey showing the majority of Republicans would want that. It would be further Obama capitulation.


Kasich won't be at debate if Trump isn't there?


Also now you endorse Trump, Rick Scott? Coward.
Coming up with a realistic pick who would easily get confirmed by a *reasonable* senate is a fantastic way to either get a good Judge nominated even if he's not the dream pick, or to underline that the senate isn't reasonable.

And one reason the senators running for re-election are scared of that obstructionist label? American voters traditionally don't like obstructionists.

"Hey, the guy currently leading our primary is a loose cannon we have absolutely no control over who bad mouths us at every turn and says he wants to clean house. And our base is just eating it up. What do we do?"
"Ummm... completely obstruct a judicial appointment that we're already on record as supporting just to be spiteful?"


"What the fuck just happened? Where did we go wrong?"

The problem with this theory of course is that guys like Orrin Hatch, John Cornyn, Jeff Sessions and Mike Lee are in seats that they virtually cannot lose unless the demographics of their states change considerably in the next few months (Mike Lee is the only one of those even up for reelection this year). So they can keep being wild obstructionists, their constituents won't give half a shit, and they'll serve effective life terms in the Senate because the only thing Americans hate worse than obstructionism is change.


No Scrubs
But they've already soiled the bed with Trump. It's nigh impossible for them to look worse with a racist bigot poised to be their nominee. I'd probably agree with you and others if the republican nominee was someone different, even if it was Cruz.

This just makes those down ticket races even easier to win. Between Trump and the current crop of morons acting like children, it would take a special kind of idiot to lose a senate race. Gotta grease those cogs as much as you can, gotta take every advantage there is, because you never know what can happen.


Swing state and blue state Republican senators: Toomey, Portman, Kirk, etc. -- forces them to choose between getting primaried or facing a more difficult general election.

Well, that's the concern. A floor vote could let Garland in. Works for those Senators, but hurts the vast majority of the others.


Kasich won't be at debate if Trump isn't there?


Also now you endorse Trump, Rick Scott? Coward.

Really stupid of Kasich. It also makes it look like Trump is in control. You clearly have issues with him Kasich. Show him up and take the damn spotlight.


Majority of the country, but I haven't seen a survey showing the majority of Republicans would want that. It would be further Obama capitulation.

Well, that's the concern. A floor vote could let Garland in. Works for those Senators, but hurts the vast majority of the others.

It would only be a capitulation if you don't think that Garland is a massive shift to the left of Scalia and you also think Obama can successfully appoint someone more liberal.


Wow, reading about Garland the last hour or so. What a solid pick even if he's centrist. Too bad the GOP are fucked and a total bunch of assholes. Well, hopefully we get someone even more liberal. May they pay the price for playing politics and being obstructionist fools.


It would only be a capitulation if you don't think that Garland is a massive shift to the left of Scalia and you also think Obama can successfully appoint someone more liberal.

I don't know Garland's record, but from what I've seen a vote for him would be capitulation. If Obama had nominated someone slightly to the right, then I could see Republican voters pressuring the Senate for a vote. This guy just allows the GOP Senators to dig in further. Surprised by the pick.


I don't know Garland's record, but from what I've seen a vote for him would be capitulation. If Obama had nominated someone slightly to the right, then I could see Republican voters pressuring the Senate for a vote. This guy just allows the GOP Senators to dig in further. Surprised by the pick.

Ah, I think I misread your post. Capitulation by Obama or capitulation of Republicans to Obama?
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