So if Trump and Kasich don't show up to the Utah debate... I mean, they have to cancel the debate, right?
you don't want to watch Cruz talk to himself and eat boogers for 2 hours?
So if Trump and Kasich don't show up to the Utah debate... I mean, they have to cancel the debate, right?
So, now that's all said and done, chances of the Republicans growing up and behaving like sane adults?
So if Trump and Kasich don't show up to the Utah debate... I mean, they have to cancel the debate, right?
Every time he spouted the "New American Century" line I died a little inside.I know the Supreme Court pick is all the rage right now, but I'd like to take a moment to remember the 347 times Marco Rubio said during the debates "... And when I'm President of the United States..."
I cringed every single time. Glad you got wrecked, Rubio.
Caucus and the Mormons love him as evidenced by Idaho and Nevada.Why are we assuming Cruz will get over 50% in Utah? Caucus?
Garland sounds like a solid pick. Generally centrist, left enough to side consistently with the liberal wing on big-ticket stuff like Obergfell, Roe v. Wade, gun control, probably Citizens United. Certainly a massive leftward move relative to Scalia. Also puts the Judicial committee in a tough spot because members have been specifically quoted praising him, which makes it tough to quietly kill the vote there, which means that he's forcing a floor vote. Then, if he gets knocked down, Obama can just point at the GOP's prior promises of obstructionism and Garland's overall moderate status and say "look, it's not my fault, it's those assholes being assholes again" and that provides cover for him to tap someone further left in.
Or they do confirm, in which case the Court has still moved way to the left relative to Scalia.
Obama with that Xanatos Gambit juice.
Trump said Wednesday that a contested GOP convention could be a disaster if he goes to Cleveland a few delegates shy of 1,237 and doesnt leave as the partys nominee.
I think youd have riots, Trump said on CNN.
Noting that hes representing many millions of people, he told Chris Cuomo: If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, Im sorry, youre 100 votes short I think youd have problems like youve never seen before. I think bad things would happen.
Something's weird here. Why would Orrin Hatch say he was a good pick?
Im sorry this is hilarious
Ah, I think I misread your post. Capitulation by Obama or capitulation of Republicans to Obama?
LOL, yo, even Fox News is saying that Obama's Garland is a trap for the GOP.
Why are we assuming Cruz will get over 50% in Utah? Caucus? Also Trump should fly out Benny and just have him go in Utah.
LOL, yo, even Fox News is saying that Obama's Garland is a trap for the GOP.
LOL, yo, even Fox News is saying that Obama's Garland is a trap for the GOP.
Waited until after Florida so he wouldn't piss off Rubio people too much I guess?Rick Scott endorsed Trump.
Rick Scott endorsed Trump.
Rick Scott endorsed Trump.
I wouldn't be shocked if she still goes through with Garland but it'd probably piss off a lot of people.Another point from the SCOTUSBlog, which I hadn't considered at all, is that this is a box-in pick in more than one way. Merrick Garland was originally nominated to the D.C. Circuit Court by Bill Clinton! You could argue that Obama is pinning Hillary here as well by making it difficult for her not to continue the nomination when she gets in if he hasn't gotten seated yet.
Well first of all, I assume hes speaking figuratively," Sean Spicer, the RNC's chief strategist and spokesman, told CNN. "I think if we go into a convention, whoever gets 1,237 delegates becomes the nominee. Its plain and simple.
CNN host Carol Costello pushed back, remarking that she did not think Trump was speaking figuratively when he told the network's morning show that in the event he comes up short of the nomination, "I think you'd have riots. I think you'd have riots.
Spicer disputed the assessment, remarking, "Its the left, and the people on the left that have disrupted events are trying to go in and undermine peoples First Amendment rights," a possible allusion to protesters supporting Bernie Sanders who forced the cancellation of Trump's rally in Chicago last Friday.
"I think Republicans will have a very orderly process. Well vote in the open. The delegates that are elected by the Republican voters will go to Cleveland," he continued. "If we get to a point where there needs to be more than one ballot, well do it in a very orderly and transparent way. And we will pick a nominee and go on and win in November. But I feel very good about how were going to run our convention. I think it will be very open, I think it will be very transparent, and we will do it in a very democratic way. We wont use a bunch of superdelegates to stack an elite front-runner as our nominee."
A brilliant night for our queen and for America, time to make it whole again. The grieving stage has well and truly arrived for some, brainchild sleep tight you'll be back, and Huelen10 its ok you can come out as a republican here we won't judge
Waited until after Florida so he wouldn't piss off Rubio people too much I guess?
I'm afraid Republicans might try to vote for Garland after Trump loses the election. Although of course Obama could rescind the nomination. I wonder how much of a gut punch that would be for Garland. I'd feel bad for him.
Isn't one of the guys in the video dead? Is that the british ISIS guy that was droned?
I'm afraid Republicans might try to vote for Garland after Trump loses the election. Of course Obama could rescind the nomination that same month. I wonder how much of a gut punch that would be for Garland. I'd feel bad for him.
I'm not a republican, I'm a democrat, and will soon be NPA again.
Not gonna lie, I chuckled.
Your point being? I'm also queer and voting Trump is a possibility. Point is, I'm nothing party-wise, and I refuse to let labels or affiliation control me. That's why I'm NPA, signing to a party solely for the primary.You?
the Ben Carson defender is a democrat?
Obama would not have chosen Garland if he wasn't fine with him on the bench.