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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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When a politician says something, there's often more than one way to interpret it. It's what Twitter and, arguably, this blog are for. But ultimately, deciphering a politician's true intention is in the eye of the beholder.

And Paul Ryan's interview with CNBC's John Harwood on Tuesday night will likely have to fall into that gray area: Did he or did he not keep the door to a presidential run open?

Ryan told Harwood he hasn't given much thought the idea of accepting a last-minute nomination at a contested convention this July.

GOP is fucking desperate. Boy Blunder is now your savior.


So both Bernie and Cruz could request a recount. Cruz's campaign already said he probably wouldn't. Nothing from Bernie, but it also doesn't matter since it's proportional.


I'm amazed that Clinton was able to sweep after all of the Rahm and NAFTA talk by Sanders. I thought she would have lost Cook County by a lot in Illinois.

The anti Rahm ads and endorsement of Chuy Garcia(who ran against Rahm) really helped Bernie keep it close in cook county due to Hispanics.


Trump has to not do well in California and Cruz has to break 20% in New York and probably Trump needs to not win Wisconsin or Arizona.
Hm, I feel like the GOP is very desperate with now even Paul Ryan being lined up for the convention - but at the same time, are they competent enough in the middle of this civil war to pull it off? Still up in the air, I guess.
Poligaf, any articles on what went wrong for Sanders in OH? I want to see how much accurate I was regarding Franklin and Hamilton counties.

Looking at some of the results on a county-by-county basis, he wasn't able to cut deep enough into places that may have been receptive to an anti-free-trade message. He lost most of the major counties in and around Cleveland as well as Lucas County (Toledo)

It may also have backfired in western Ohio, where foreign trade deals have brought jobs from companies like Honda (which has major U.S. plants in Marysville and Anna that employ thousands of people who would otherwise be out of work) and foreign investment has saved other jobs (hi, Fiat Chrysler)
So bernieBros are saying they aren't going to vote for HIllary. I hate petty nonsense like that.


Three guesses on who wrote the article. First two don't count.

That being said, Bernie Sanders is still the front-runner. Clinton could get FBI and Justice Department indictments at any moment, and future primaries are favorable to Sanders. This is far from over.

Looking at some of the results on a county-by-county basis, he wasn't able to cut deep enough into places that may have been receptive to an anti-free-trade message. He lost most of the major counties in and around Cleveland as well as Lucas County (Toledo)

It may also have backfired in western Ohio, where foreign trade deals have brought jobs from companies like Honda (which has major U.S. plants in Marysville and Anna that employ thousands of people who would otherwise be out of work) and foreign investment has saved other jobs (hi, Fiat Chrysler)
Any fracking backfire? I believe theres a huge fracking industry on the eastern part. Why didnt Clintons comments on clean coal hurt her, if fracking comments hurt Sanders? In any case, I hope he learns a lesson here: sweeping generalized yes and no answers on complex issues like trade and energy has an impact. It makes a good applause line during a debate though!



This was my favorite part:

I still want to see Clinton's 22 Top Secret emails that the State Department won't allow Americans to view, but the Clinton campaign feels is simply over-classification.

This person believes Hillary Clinton should be indicted over these emails because they are top secret, but still thinks it'd be perfectly fine to see the same top secret emails. Because transparency or something.

And this comes after the line: "The problem with Hillary supporters is that they have no concept of hypocrisy."
Ryan seems like little more than a deflection. The only person I believe is arrogant enough to accept a stolen nomination is Mitt Romney. Ryan already took one job he didn't want, he's not going to take another.

Also shows how little many republicans truly care about people. From what I understand Ryan was in tears explaining why he didn't want to be Speaker, his fears about his health, etc. Yes ultimately he took the job, but with major concessions. Concessions that a president can't demand. Why would anyone force someone like that to be president "to save the party"? Pathetic.


Ryan seems like little more than a deflection. The only person I believe is arrogant enough to accept a stolen nomination is Mitt Romney. Ryan already took one job he didn't want, he's not going to take another.

Also shows how little many republicans truly care about people. From what I understand Ryan was in tears explaining why he didn't want to be Speaker, his fears about his health, etc. Yes ultimately he took the job, but with major concessions. Concessions that a president can't demand. Why would anyone force someone like that to be president "to save the party"? Pathetic.

really? that's interesting.


Most of Rubio's delegates will be unbound and they can pick whoever they want.
Trump can literally give them a suitcase full of cash.
Report: Republicans told Obama they’d confirm Merrick Garland if the Democrats win the presidential election.

NPR’s Nina Totenburg reports that Senate Republicans “sent some sort of a back channel message to the White House” that they would confirm Garland in the event of a Democratic victory. “They would confirm him in the lame duck session,” Totenburg said.

This strategy might indicate the GOP’s confidence that it will keep control of the Senate after 2016. Republicans can’t block nominations for an entire presidential term, but they can settle on a candidate who, while not a conservative, is, as Orrin Hatch once said, a “consensus nominee.” If a Republican wins the White House, then they can keep blocking the nomination until inauguration and the later appointment of a more conservative candidate.

But it’s not a foregone conclusion that the Republicans will keep the Senate after November. There are more Republican seats at risk than Democratic ones, and some analysts believe that down-ballot races could be negatively affected by a Trump nomination (though that may be wishful thinking). If the Republicans lose the Senate they’ll be appointing Garland for fear of an even more liberal judge coming in.

Another reason I'm not a fan of the pick. David Frum and others are also arguing it makes sense to nominate him now (or in the lame duck) to avoid whatever liberal Hillary will pick (perhaps with a democrat senate).
Lot of derpy stuff on twitter:



It would still look political but Garland would have a good excuse to take himself out of the nomination after the November election if Hillary wins. "I've been waiting 9 months and you've just been dicking around, so fuck it I'm out."

User 406

Black voters really carried Hillary through the entire primary. She needs to thank Obama.

She needs to follow through on what she said in her Harlem speech. It's long past time the Democratic party started earning those black votes they've been getting.

Can't watch at work. Please summarize.

Trump just putting out the first of many not-so-subtly sexist "Hillary is a bitch" and "We don't need a weak woman we need a strong man" attacks. :/

Trump will imply so heavily that riots should happen at the RNC that they probably will end up happening.

Trump wins convention on first vote, Trump fans riot anyway.


Well, I hope Garland goes down as the sacrificial lamb and Hillary shoves Goodwin Liu down their miserable throats.


Thinking about the SC pick strategies, an alternate narrative occurred to me. One of the great agonies of Obama's Presidency has been gun violence. Sandy Hook really got to him. All the talks he's made after each mass shooting have made it clear just how much he hates it. What if Garland's gun control record isn't a poison pill to make the Senate look bad by disregarding his qualifications and moderate appeal? What if it's the other way around, and Obama is trying to pick a guy with strong gun control views who has the best chance of getting through confirmation? Garland being an elite level jurist probably helps a lot too, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if Obama really wants him on the court for the gun control thing. Just a thought.



Another reason I'm not a fan of the pick. David Frum and others are also arguing it makes sense to nominate him now (or in the lame duck) to avoid whatever liberal Hillary will pick (perhaps with a democrat senate).

This article (well at least the quoted part) basically reads like the Obama playbook on how to negotiate with Republicans . . . ask Republicans what they want, then give it to them.


Has Bernie asked for more money yet? Interested to see the positioning on that.

I haven't gotten an email from either Bernie or ActBlue since yesterday morning.

Oops, I lied: Just checked email and discovered the following:
When we started our campaign 10 months ago, besada, I don't think you could find a single person who would believe you if you said Bernie Sanders would win nine states by this point in the campaign.

Last night we beat all the polls in almost every state. We earned a significant number of delegates, and are on track for the nomination. Here's why:

What you will not hear from the political and media establishment is that, based on the primary and caucus schedule for the rest of the race, this is the high water mark for the Clinton campaign. Starting today, the map now shifts dramatically in our favor.

Arizona, Idaho, and Utah are up next Tuesday. Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington State caucus the Saturday after. Then it's Wisconsin's turn to vote.

That means we have an extremely good chance to win nearly every state that votes in the next month. If we continue to stand together, we’re just getting started for our political revolution:

Make another contribution to our campaign and we can win this Democratic primary, the White House, and take our country back from the billionaire class.

Section for donating predetermined amounts

No one said a political revolution would be easy. We are up against a billionaire class and super PACs that are determined to see us lose.

The fact remains that Hillary Clinton’s lead will never be as large as it is right now. From here on out we keep chipping away until we take the lead. But that can only happen if we keep fighting, and that’s why your contribution to our campaign is so important.

The whole country will be watching to see how we respond in this moment. Let’s send a message that millions of Americans are just as ready to fight for an economy that works for everyone as we were when this campaign started 10 months ago.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders


The Bernie Bro stuff is getting old, but I get it, they're super bummed whatever.

What I don't get is why Bernie is defying mathematics and pushing on - why do you think his followers still believe?

Hard to say. I don't mind if he keeps running, I just hope he tones down the attacks on Hillary, time for unity among progressives is now.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
It's varies on a state by state level, a lot of them won't be unbound despite what Ginsberg said.
He did say most wound be unbound. Most models today are showing trump getting the nom but even if he doesn't, he won't need more than like 100.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I haven't gotten an email from either Bernie or ActBlue since yesterday morning.

Oops, I lied: Just checked email and discovered the following:

Section for donating predetermined amounts

Does anyone have Hillary emails from 2008 (I mean besides Sidney blumenthal and huma)?
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