but then where will the SUSPENSE beCan we at least get a short descriptive blurb when posting a link to a YouTube video rather than making us click on it blind?
David Duke thinks Trump is going to rehab Hitler's image.
So it seems that US citizens are more likely to die in a lightning strike than a terrorist attack, both domestic and foreign.
Yearly Terrorism deaths
Yearly lightning strike deaths
So it seems that US citizens are more likely to die in a lightning strike than a terrorist attack, both domestic and foreign.
Yearly Terrorism deaths
Yearly lightning strike deaths
Lindsey Graham is now backing Ted Cruz.
Chose the poison over being shot I seeLindsey Graham is now backing Ted Cruz.
Didn't realize Ohio, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, Iowa and Missouri (kind of) were part of the confederacy.
So it seems that US citizens are more likely to die in a lightning strike than a terrorist attack, both domestic and foreign.
Yearly Terrorism deaths
Yearly lightning strike deaths
This kinda makes me like Lindsey a little bit.
They apologized for that, but it was still dumb and insulting.
PDA retracted and apologized: https://twitter.com/pdamerica/status/710518455821340672
This is the closest, someone may have made a new projection by now:
I was hoping that would be updated with new "Requirements" but they did not go that route.
This kinda makes me like Lindsey a little bit.
They apologized for that, but it was still dumb and insulting.
Edit: tweet posted by macho
Didn't realize Ohio, Massachusetts, and Illinois fought for the confederacy.
The (32+10)% worried about "immigration" and "terrorism" are just worried about brown people coming into their nation though.
PDA retracted and apologized: https://twitter.com/pdamerica/status/710518455821340672
The people mad about it aren't exactly taking that apology well and I can't really blame them.
No offense intended ha ha ha
PDA retracted and apologized: https://twitter.com/pdamerica/status/710518455821340672
David Duke thinks Trump is going to rehab Hitler's image.
Agreed. I like that he's realistic about the current state of his party and has been vocal at speaking out about the craziness. I have a feeling that he's going to vote for Hillary even though he's supporting Ted.Lindsey seems like a nice person who understands bipartisanship. I'll give him that. His policies are nuts though.
Par for the course."No offense intended... Emotionally charged term."
Do they want to take another crack at that and come back with a better apology?
So I think this is an excellent argument against many of the easy defenses for Hillary. There were definitely people who opposed the Iraq War back then, at political cost to themselves. They were right! The fact that it was politically popular to go to war with Iraq does not mean that it should have been done. We are explicitly looking for military leaders with the judgement to not invade countries just because people want to do so. Most people are very poor generals.
Note, also, that there was one easy direction to go in terms of political opposition, which is waiting for a UN resolution before acting (see the Spratt Amendment), and people chose not to take that position. This hurts Hillary's contention that she voted for it in the expectation that Bush would be rational -- there were other options that would have had more teeth in terms of enforcing rationality.
I think my position is basically that it was clearly a grave mistake and I think everybody has a full perspective on that now. Overall I trust that Hillary understands it was an error -- she has said so now -- and I would hope that making that error would improve her caution and judgement in the future. It's been 13 years, she's served as Secretary of State, and she's had a lot of opportunity to reflect and develop.
I don't know that it is reasonable to say that anybody who voted for the Iraq War should be forever ineligible for President. I mean, we didn't even do that for the people who fought against us in the Civil War! So I think that's mainly where my concern lies. Like, Hillary did a lot of stuff in the 90s and 00s that I would not want her to do now. I guess the person I'm seeing now doesn't look like a person that would do that stuff again.
Let's say Hillary wins and serves four years without getting us into a war in the Middle East. In 2020, do the people arguing against her because of the Iraq War now want to primary her because of the Iraq War? At what point do we consider Hillary "rehabilitated?"
Par for the course.
Remember Sanders supposed correction of saying white people cant be poor? Lmao
Guess what things kill the most americans? Boring stuff like heart failure (almost entirely preventable or at least heavily delayed), cancer, and lung disease. Boring things like alcohol and tobacco cost about 200 billion+ a pop to economy. Mental health costs about the same if not more (i think its underreported due to the wishy washy nature of the way we diagnose it nowadays).
I don't think I've heard the word cardiac or heart at all this election.
/medicine and epidemiology rant over.
Rubio says he is not going to be anyone's VP, won't run for FL governor, won't run for reelection. #2016 pic.twitter.com/rGXDF1gEtv