Mark Murray @mmurraypolitics 16m
Day of Romney's anti-Trump speech, Trump held a 23-delegate lead over Cruz, per NBC's count.
Two weeks later, Trump's lead is 261 delegates.
Because people are jerks or worse. I've lost respect for many a friend this year.This woman on MSNBC spitting truth about how she doesn't get how people can support Trump without buying into his "deport all the people" anti-women shit.
Yas ma'am, you silver haired goddess. Yasssss.
This woman on MSNBC spitting truth about how she doesn't get how people can support Trump without buying into his "deport all the people" anti-women shit.
Yas ma'am, you silver haired goddess. Yasssss.
And from PPPVoters split in #AZSEN race, acc to Merrill Poll McCain 41% Kirkpatrick 40% Neither 3% Undecided 16%
Will Trump/Cruz take McCain down with them this Fall?We've found McCain has 26/63 approval, quite possibly most unpopular Senator in the country
And from PPP
Will Trump/Cruz take McCain down with them this Fall?
If Bernie's people want to start calling Ohio part of the confederacy that isn't going to sit well here.
Stop trashing states that you lost, assholes.
And from PPP
Will Trump/Cruz take McCain down with them this Fall?
And from PPP
Will Trump/Cruz take McCain down with them this Fall?
God I couldn't handle it..MY ERECTION
And from PPP
Will Trump/Cruz take McCain down with them this Fall?
Maybe but I'm hoping Ward pulls through first.
stoooopAnd from PPP
Will Trump/Cruz take McCain down with them this Fall?
And from PPP
Will Trump/Cruz take McCain down with them this Fall?
And from PPP
Will Trump/Cruz take McCain down with them this Fall?
"Riding the Blue Wave" is sexist since most feminine hygiene commercials use blue liquid to advertise their absorptiveness.OMG. Yes. Please. Take him down. He deserves more punishment for Palin...and a lot of other shit. I want a blue wave in November, with Queen riding the glorious charge. Yaaasss
Best case scenario (unless shit really goes down) would be 57-43HOLY FUCKING SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!
I would have never possibly imagined that Iowa and Arizona could be contested Senate races (albeit HIGLY unlikely that they flip). Just to indulge a little, what would the Senate makeup be if the Dems sweep all of the races that are deemed toss up plus AZ and IA? Would it be 55-45?
I would have never possibly imagined that Iowa and Arizona could be contested Senate races (albeit HIGLY unlikely that they flip). Just to indulge a little, what would the Senate makeup be if the Dems sweep all of the races that are deemed toss up plus AZ and IA? Would it be 55-45?
I would have never possibly imagined that Iowa and Arizona could be contested Senate races (albeit HIGLY unlikely that they flip). Just to indulge a little, what would the Senate makeup be if the Dems sweep all of the races that are deemed toss up plus AZ and IA? Would it be 55-45?
I think Boozman maybe falls before Grassley.It would be something like this. If Grassley is falling so is probably Blunt.
We've already seen how this goes:At some point late in the race the messaging on the senate races is probably going to become 'don't give Hillary a Democratic Senate!'
to be fair so does Reagan 30 years+ on, and he isn't even alive anymore. Best living post presidential tenure is Carter easily.Obama being pretty candid in private to his donor base. What's the youngest a President has been post-tenure? He's going to continue to have a lot of clout for like 30 years.
I think Boozman maybe falls before Grassley.
The Federalist also feeling complete despair:
LMAO I scrolled down and I didn't expect to be literally correct:
We've already seen how this goes:
Linda got real desperate.
What's her current best speech in your (or the HillHive's) opinion?The convention will be great. I'm sure Hillary will give the best speech she's ever given in her life. Obama's going to put Hillary's name into nomination. Bill's going to light the fireworks for us for the first night as presidential spouse.
What's her current best speech in your (or the HillHive's) opinion?
What's her current best speech in your (or the HillHive's) opinion?
I'm sure Hillary will give the best speech she's ever given in her life.
So my mom keeps on freaking out about Trump because of the people switching from Dem to Republican before the primary.
She's legit terrified that Trump is going to win the general election even though I've tried to explain to her multiple times the general election layout, minority vote, the GOP intentionally trying to deny him the primary, the down ticket seats being told to distance themselves...
Yea, she's thinks I'm wrong and that I'm "treating her like an idiot", anyone have other sources or articles/numbers to show her so I don't have to listen to her freak out every time we listen to the nightly news during dinner, I'm not going to be able to stay sane listening to the same freakout for the next six months.
So my mom keeps on freaking out about Trump because of the people switching from Dem to Republican before the primary.
She's legit terrified that Trump is going to win the general election even though I've tried to explain to her multiple times the general election layout, minority vote, the GOP intentionally trying to deny him the primary, the down ticket seats being told to distance themselves...
Yea, she's thinks I'm wrong and that I'm "treating her like an idiot", anyone have other sources or articles/numbers to show her so I don't have to listen to her freak out every time we listen to the nightly news during dinner, I'm not going to be able to stay sane listening to the same freakout for the next six months.
It's a legit real thing that people are anxious about. She's right to be anxious because there's a very real possibility of it. If I was you, I'd try to help her distract herself from the election as much as possible. Avoid the news media.So my mom keeps on freaking out about Trump because of the people switching from Dem to Republican before the primary.
She's legit terrified that Trump is going to win the general election even though I've tried to explain to her multiple times the general election layout, minority vote, the GOP intentionally trying to deny him the primary, the down ticket seats being told to distance themselves...
Yea, she's thinks I'm wrong and that I'm "treating her like an idiot", anyone have other sources or articles/numbers to show her so I don't have to listen to her freak out every time we listen to the nightly news during dinner, I'm not going to be able to stay sane listening to the same freakout for the next six months.
Uh..weren't the Federalists the exact opposite of a small government party?