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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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Flashless at the Golden Globes

92% want more background checks.

84% support Row v Wade decision.

Those numbers mean nothing because Congress passes laws and congress isnt passing Universal healthcare, free college, tax increases on the richest and $15 minimum wage increases anytime soon.


Sorry for the Onion posts, but this is perfect timing:

GOP Leaders Assure Sobbing Rubio It Not His Fault Party Splitting Up

In an effort to comfort the distraught former presidential candidate, top GOP leaders reportedly sat down next to a sobbing Marco Rubio Thursday and assured him that it wasn’t his fault the Republican Party was splitting up. “Marco, trust me, this isn’t about you—we’ve been having problems for years,” said RNC chairman Reince Priebus, who consoled the weeping Florida senator by repeatedly telling him that the party’s breakup had nothing to do with anything he had said or done. “The fact is, we tried our best to work through our issues, but we just fought all the time. There’s nothing you or any of the other establishment candidates could have done about it. Okay, buddy?” At press time, Rubio had started blubbering even louder when Priebus admitted the party would probably never reconcile.
Guess what things kill the most americans? Boring stuff like heart failure (almost entirely preventable or at least heavily delayed), cancer, and lung disease. Boring things like alcohol and tobacco cost about 200 billion+ a pop to economy. Mental health costs about the same if not more (i think its underreported due to the wishy washy nature of the way we diagnose it nowadays).

I don't think I've heard the word cardiac or heart at all this election.

/medicine and epidemiology rant over.
It's human psychology. Not a fan of referencing pop culture in a serious topic, but the conversation between Joker and Harvey in the hospital is broadly germane. Joker says to Harvey "Nobody panics when things go (air quote) "according to plan", even if the plan is horrifying. Tomorrow if I tell the media that a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will get blown up, nobody panics. Its all "part of the plan." But when I say that a little old mayor will die, everyone loses their minds!"

And, "Upset the order, everything becomes chaos."

People dying of cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, gang violence and on a battlefield is "part of the plan". Maybe not our plan, but a plan established by biology, chemistry, God, evolution, whatever. It's the Order. It's been that way and part of what normalcy is and we identify with the action and reaction. A terrorist strike in the heart of manhattan is not. It's not part of the Order and something we cannot comprehend. Its not normalcy to us. But a same terrorist strike in the middle of Baghdad marketplace is normal for Iraqis!

Of course we should talk about all the ways people are dying in US and find ways to reduce that. But this is partly why Terrorism sells, and deaths related to heart attack don't.
It's human psychology. Not a fan of referencing pop culture in a serious topic, but the conversation between Joker and Harvey in the hospital is broadly germane. Joker says to Harvey "Nobody panics when things go (air quote) "according to plan", even if the plan is horrifying. Tomorrow if I tell the media that a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will get blown up, nobody panics. Its all "part of the plan." But when I say that a little old mayor will die, everyone loses their minds!"

And, "Upset the order, everything becomes chaos."

People dying of cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, gang violence and on a battlefield is "part of the plan". Maybe not our plan, but a plan established by biology, chemistry, God, evolution, whatever. It's the Order. It's been that way and part of what normalcy is and we identify with the action and reaction. A terrorist strike in the heart of manhattan is not. It's not part of the Order and something we cannot comprehend. Its not normalcy to us. But a same terrorist strike in the middle of Baghdad marketplace is normal for Iraqis!

Of course we should talk about all the ways people are dying in US and find ways to reduce that. But this is partly why Terrorism sells, and deaths related to heart attack don't.

Totally, that is a great quote. It is sadly obvious why these things are not really talked about because we are used to them/brains suck at determining threat levels (why do you think anxiety is a thing).

It's absolutely underreported: for the reason you listed, because lots of Americans go to their PCP for such a diagnosis and most PCP's don't know shit about mental health and because a ton of people, especially here in the US, try to hide any evidence of mental health difficulties like that one guy in every zombie movie who hides his scratch constantly saying, "It's nothing." We have a very real cultural problem with the way we deal with and discuss mental health. Both just generally dealing with our thoughts and feelings in a way that doesn't involve outright denial and specifically about addressing mental disorders in a way that even remotely approaches constructive.

The problem is, I don't think "Waging a war on mental health issues" could be made sexy in any sort of election. Especially when its bastard hard to convince my fellow Americans even here in the fairly open PNW that they even exist in the first place.

Terrorists are a way easier target. Because America gets to pretend it's the John McClane of the world while addressing it and that is pleasing to us.

Yup, sexy/flashy things being more important than boring stuff is a problem even in the scientific field. Flashy methods/discoveries go to more impactful journals and boring but good science languishes. Such is life as a human.


Bush's old speechwriter wrote an amazing roast of Trump. Articulated better than anyone on either side of the aisle.

Trump pretty much represents the negation of everything I've argued about politics and ideology for the last 30 years. What he is attacking is not just "the establishment." He is attacking a way of doing politics based on persuasion, consensus, compassion and inclusion. Those who argue that conservatism is fundamentally at odds with these values know nothing of conservatism. But Trump represents the confirmation of the worse conservative and Republican caricatures -- a belief that cultural and religious minorities are threats, a belief that America should abandon its deepest values in the conduct of global affairs, a belief that the values and institutions of our government have failed, and that the times require a strong hand.

When Trump supporters say, in effect, "Tear it all down," they are proposing to destroy things that I and others love about this country. At its best (and, God knows, it has not always been at its best) America shows a welcoming spirit, an example of how a great nation can be united by ideals instead of bloodlines, a place, as George Washington said, where "there shall be none to make him afraid." We should love American traditions and institutions enough to repair them, not hand them over to an authoritarian wannabe, who is too ignorant to even understand the inheritance he is casting away.

Trump's magical policy thinking, setting goals with no serious thought of how they might be achieved; his menacing encouragement of political violence; his disdain for ethnic and religious minorities, which has unleashed and emboldened racists and anti-Semites of every sort; his penchant for conspiracy theories, including a very dangerous vaccine denialism; his promises to conduct the war on terrorism by ordering war crimes, which would set up a constitutional crisis when the US military honorably refuses; his cynical manipulation of gullible religious leaders with tactics that border on blasphemy; his casual use of lies, which he defends even when exposed.

How does any of this return lost greatness to our nation? Sometimes I want to shake people (intellectually,not physically) who favor political "disruption" and ask: Disruption in favor of what? Look at what you are doing! Look at what you have done! The Republican Party is now firmly harnessed to the wild, uncontrollable horses of fear and exclusion. It has already sustained damage with Latino voters that may take a generation to undo. And now many Republicans will find rationalizations to support Trump. That is natural -- the reality of politics in every time. Many people simply go with the winner. But this isn't a normal time. I believe that the decision to support Trump, like an embarrassing tattoo, will follow them the rest of their lives. Republicans are not merely making a choice; they are looking into the abyss.

I also believe that men and women who opposed Trump with all the influence available to them -- a political column, a primary vote, a serious, civil talk with a neighbor -- will look back on this terrible time with some satisfaction. They will be able to tell their children they did all they could, at a time when it really mattered. Whatever the outcome, there is value in standing up -- now, when it might still shape events -- and saying: I am not reconciled to Donald Trump, and will never be.


Doing those things aren't mutually exclusive to Bernie. I wish more people would realize that, but people are too dumb to realize.

I'm surprised the number for "want big money out of politics" isn't higher, because it's a great pointlessly vague statement to rally behind, just like "doesn't want puppies to be abused". When it actually comes to what it takes to get "big money" out of politics and what "big money" means you're going to see support drop like a rock, the same way that most Americans support gun control in the abstract but are sharply divided over specific measures.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Uniting the country, except for the south

Yeah, the first one is a bunch of bullshit. And the second one, many of those ideals are also supported by Hillary. (Yes, there are a few caveats on some of them)


I wish magazines would stop putting shit in front of their logos. How am I supposed to know what they're called?!?
My favorite thing about TIME is when they position the subject's head such that the two top points of the 'M' make it look like he/she has devil horns.
Talk about a blast from the past.

Christine "I'm not a Witch" O'Donnell is being interviewed right now on CNN about not supporting Trump. Trump is making people come out of the woodwork.



Holy shit is that gross. LOL at the "sorry if we offended you " apology that followed too. We need a version of that Miyizaki gif with him calling "Liberals are a mistake, they're nothing but trash"


yo he looks broken

Dude looks like he aged 10 years in the span of 1.

The Republican primaries from a beltway point of view in one image:


ayyyy lmao

I feel bad for Lindsay Graham. I disagree with a lot of his policies but there are positions of his I can jive with and he's clearly an intelligent, self-aware Republican who has never stirred up hate or racial dog-whistles to my knowledge. If more/most of the Republican party was like him I still couldn't vote for them but I'd respect them a whole lot more. Like how I respected McCain a lot before he turned hard right to pander to the try to get the 2008 nomination and never seemed to have left :(
I feel bad for Lindsay Graham. I disagree with a lot of his policies but there are positions of his I can jive with and he's clearly an intelligent, self-aware Republican who has never stirred up hate or racial dog-whistles to my knowledge. If more/most of the Republican party was like him I still couldn't vote for them but I'd respect them a whole lot more. Like how I respected McCain a lot before he turned hard right to pander to the try to get the 2008 nomination and never seemed to have left :(

He's a neocon warmonger that wants to set the world aflame in military conflicts and is now stumping for Ted Cruz, don't feel sorry for him! If he had his way hundreds of thousands would die.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
He's a neocon warmonger that wants to set the world aflame in military conflicts and is now stumping for Ted Cruz, don't feel sorry for him! If he had his way hundreds of thousands would die.

Yeah, people say Hillary is hawkish, he makes her look like Gandhi.
Greenwald concern trolling the Brazil crisis.
Lol big shock.

Outraged at the judge leaking recordings. Feigned concern for the actual reason people are pissed.

Wonder how he feels about mark felt leaking to the post or maybe even a government official at the NSA going against his institutional role because he had morals.
Holy shit is that gross. LOL at the "sorry if we offended you " apology that followed too. We need a version of that Miyizaki gif with him calling "Liberals are a mistake, they're nothing but trash"

Dude looks like he aged 10 years in the span of 1.

ayyyy lmao

I feel bad for Lindsay Graham. I disagree with a lot of his policies but there are positions of his I can jive with and he's clearly an intelligent, self-aware Republican who has never stirred up hate or racial dog-whistles to my knowledge. If more/most of the Republican party was like him I still couldn't vote for them but I'd respect them a whole lot more. Like how I respected McCain a lot before he turned hard right to pander to the try to get the 2008 nomination and never seemed to have left :(

I hope you're being facetious. Lindsey Graham is not that far off from the rest of the loony bin.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Greenwald concern trolling the Brazil crisis.
Lol big shock.

Outraged at the judge leaking recordings. Feigned concern for the actual reason people are pissed.

Wonder how he feels about mark felt leaking to the post or maybe even a government official at the NSA going against his institutional role because he had morals.
How in the world could greenwald be mad at a leaker?


He's a neocon warmonger that wants to set the world aflame in military conflicts and is now stumping for Ted Cruz, don't feel sorry for him! If he had his way hundreds of thousands would die.

I mean those are the reasons I would never vote for him but at least he seems human? I feel that's more than I can say for a lot of Republicans of national notoriety. I dunno, maybe I just want to give points to Republicans who don't show obvious and concentrated disdain for anyone who isn't a straight, white, christian male?

I hope you're being facetious. Lindsey Graham is not that far off from the rest of the loony bin.

I admit, I may not know a lot about him. Aside from AWFUL foreign policy stances, and Republican tribalism (though that's an issue on the left too) what else is wrong with him?
I dunno, maybe I just want to give points to Republicans who don't show obvious and concentrated disdain for anyone who isn't a straight, white, christian male?
But Lindsay Graham is one of those people. He's been staunchly anti-gay rights and wanted a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage for years. He's not big on church/state separation and uses religion to justify his war hawking. His bits of self-deprecation don't make his policies any better.


But Lindsay Graham is one of those people. He's been staunchly anti-gay rights and wanted a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage for years. His bits of self-deprecation don't make his policies any better.

Graham is anti-gay rights and anti-abortion but he's also not a crusader like a lot of the guys who came in off the Tea Party wave. And he also is one of the few major figures in the party who unabashadly says climate change is happening with no "but we don't know how much influence people have" crap.

I mean the guy is still awful but outside of being the biggest war hawk on the planet he's not as bad as most of the other Republicans currently in high positions in government. Which, admittedly, says more about the state of the party than him.
This woman on MSNBC spitting truth about how she doesn't get how people can support Trump without buying into his "deport all the people" anti-women shit.

Yas ma'am, you silver haired goddess. Yasssss.


This woman on MSNBC spitting truth about how she doesn't get how people can support Trump without buying into his "deport all the people" anti-women shit.

Yas ma'am, you silver haired goddess. Yasssss.

"He'll walk it back"
The mantra you hear time and again. Because walking back deporting 11million immigrants, shitting on muslims and women as a whole is as simple as saying sorry.
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