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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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So, will this impact Trump at all in the upcoming races? Will it cause him to lose WI? Or will he just dominate another news cycle?

Won't impact him at all, his base in the Republican primary is solid. He's just continuing to kill himself with women in the general
So, will this impact Trump at all in the upcoming races? Will it cause him to lose WI? Or will he just dominate another news cycle?

I mean, women have figured him out by now. The Republican women that care about this stuff already aren't voting for him and he's going to lose independent women in a legendary margin in the general.

The media is trying their best to ruin him these days.

The media hasn't posted a single story on this yet (since it's been 20 minutes), lol. Donald Trump's Twitter account is trying to ruin him these days.


Trump is going to be buried in the GE by Hillary (assuming she wins the Dem nomination).

He's a thin-skinned idiot, good thing. He just can't help himself.


It's incidents like these where I still wonder - just for a moment - if he's tanking on purpose.

I mean, he's clearly clever in many regards. He's manipulated the media masterfully. He's hit all the right buttons among the GOP's base of voters - he's done his homework on what sore spot issues to hit and which talking points to deploy. He has to know how this will play with the general.



I don't know.

I'll grant that he's smarter than I originally gave him credit for. He's hooked the media to his every word and action masterfully. But I think that he's starting to lose control of it, and is just riding the wave at this point. Can't turn back now.

I keep going back to that last debate, and how he refused to be baited. He knew it was time to pivot, and he tried. Doesn't seem to have worked out though.
The media is trying their best to ruin him these days.

So true. CNN is disgusting having the protestor that tried to attack him on stage do a sit down interview with them. They are encouraging the violence at his rallies.

The media hasn't posted a single story on this yet (since it's been 20 minutes), lol. Donald Trump's Twitter account is trying to ruin him these days.

It will be all they talk about tomorrow. It's too late for today.


No Scrubs
I don't know.

I'll grant that he's smarter than I originally gave him credit for. He's hooked the media to his every word and action masterfully. But I think that he's starting to lose control of it, and is just riding the wave at this point. Can't turn back now.

I keep going back to that last debate, and how he refused to be baited. He knew it was time to pivot, and he tried. Doesn't seem to have worked out though.

The thing is, I think not taking the bait in that debate took everything he had in him. I think it literally caused him pain to not hit back.


I'm having doubts Trump is going to be nominated at this pace. Lasting 4 more months without him insulting the entire party might as well be one of those American Ninja Warrior gauntlets.


It's incidents like these where I still wonder - just for a moment - if he's tanking on purpose.

I mean, he's clearly clever in many regards. He's manipulated the media masterfully. He's hit all the right buttons among the GOP's base of voters - he's done his homework on what sore spot issues to hit and which talking points to deploy. He has to know how this will play with the general.



Trump is both a master manipulator and an incredibly thin skinned man child. The two are not mutually exclusive. He has always been a personality driven salesman and he has always been unable to respond to attacks or criticisms without being incredibly crude and petty.
The fact that this asshole as a greater than non-zero chance at being President is fucking disgusting to me. I know we all found this funny as hell at the beginning, but my god....



Catching up on the goings on of the day on CNN after spending all day at work...

...did Ted Cruz REALLY just borrow a line from The American President? And then mess it up?



He should have shit on her for working for goldman sachs. Attacking her looks isn't a good thing to do, but he will just say it was a retweet and he isn't the one that posted it. He's just benefitting from someone else's attack like Cruz did when the super pac attacked Melania.

Trump directly retweeting that post is ostensibly the same thing as him saying it. Canada Cruz at least has plausible deniability that he had nothing to do with the Melania attack (funny how the bucks always stops somewhere else with Teddy).
Trump directly retweeting that post is ostensibly the same thing as him saying it. Canada Cruz at least has plausible deniability that he had nothing to do with the Melania attack (funny how the bucks always stops somewhere else with Teddy).

I agree, but I'm sure that will be his excuse. I just hope he makes it to the general.




The fact that this asshole as a greater than non-zero chance at being President is fucking disgusting to me. I know we all found this funny as hell at the beginning, but my god....

It still is depressingly hilarious to watch a once respectable political party, one that long ago made a deal with the darker elements of our society and has continually been the cause of the ongoing logjam in our political system while constantly refusing to look in the mirror, utterly implode at the hands of the very forces they've thrived on for decades.

The chickens are coming home to roost in the most satisfying way imaginable and it couldn't be happening to a shittier party. I honestly feel for the few, decent Republicans on the hill that weren't complete obstructionist assholes to the president for the past eight years, but sadly, many once, great politicians on the right succumbed to the siren song of the radical right and refused to push back when their fellow party members were spewing racially tinged comments about the POTUS, his family, and the country in general. The GOP, in their current state, is the stumbling block to a functioning country once again. I will not shed a single tear for the events that will hopefully come their way come November.

Now, if we could just put the FBI investigation behind us so I can sleep better at night...


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
The man has held a grudge against Rosie O'Donnel for how long now? He literally has no ability to let anything go ever. His skin couldn't be any thinner if it were made of tissue paper and he couldn't hold a grudge longer if he was an elephant.

Talc Trump. An ego so soft a baby could crush it in its trump sized hands.


The Donald going deep.

When they ask him he'll just say people post things on his twitter all the time... "wasn't me who made it" - "followers send me all sort of stuff..."...


He's trying to goad Ted into saying something nasty. That would kill his appeal. Meanwhile, Trump has already gone there.


Please vote in mid terms guys.
My public university that I applied to in IL is unable to give most students (including me) financial aid because of the budget crisis. Not to mention, scholarships are being stripped.
Which all stems back to the pitiful turn out in the 2014 mid-terms that allowed Bruce Rauner to take office. Not that Pat Quinn was much better.

Voted in those midterms, but I missed my state's local elections last year I believe. I really need to be better at keeping track of local elections

Awful. As if trans people don't get enough shit already


Lol Cerium, why do you have a Perez profile pic?

Cuz that's your next Vice President.

http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/michigan/flint-water-crisis/2016/03/23/feds-make-available-flint-water-recovery/82183726/ said:
The Obama administration is making $7.5 million available immediately to workers in Flint to train them to assist with the city’s recovery from its water crisis, the Department of Labor announced on Wednesday.

The agency said the job training money will fund up to 400 temporary jobs that can help “assist with humanitarian and recovery efforts resulting from the contaminated water crisis” in Flint.

“What happened in Flint was obviously inexcusable,” Labor Secretary Tom Perez said in a Wednesday conference call with reporters in Washington.

“As a federal official and a former local elected official and as a parent, I’m maddened and saddened along with the people of Flint,” he continued. “From public health to infrastructure to identifying and responding to the crisis, government broke down and we now have an even greater responsibility to help build Flint back up.”
http://www.politico.com/tipsheets/morning-shift/2016/03/persuader-rule-out-today-213362 said:
The Labor Department will issue a long-awaited rule Wednesday that will require public disclosure of any consultants that employers hire to thwart union organizing.

The agency estimates that 71-87 percent of employers hire such consultants to oppose union organizing campaigns, but “too often workers do not know that the messages being delivered by management, including trusted front-line supervisors, have been in fact created by paid outsiders,” Labor Secretary Tom Perez said in phone call with reporters Tuesday. “This rule will pull back the curtain” on those activities, he said.

The persuader rule won't require employers or consultants to disclose the content of the advice offered. But it will require them to report when they “plan, direct, or coordinate managers to persuade workers; provide persuader materials to employers to disseminate to workers; conduct union avoidance seminars; and develop or implement personnel policies or actions to persuade workers” on union organizing, according to the Labor Department.


So he's actually serious about using super delegates to override the delegate deficit aka the will of the people.

Incredible. It's hilarious coming from the pillar of morality and honesty.

And I'd be against it if it was Clinton doing it.

Though I'd probably do it because I hate losing

He's not doing that. He's spoken about this already. He's actually trying to fight for the will of the people. Love how this keeps on getting spinned here on GAF. He's only speaking about trying to convince super delegates in states he wins who still want to vote hilary that they should vote to represent what their state's majority voted for.
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