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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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It was either /S4P or /politics, but Bern gained one superdelegate. ONE, and it was a 5000 up-voted post.

He is still down by 400+.

Hmm, it's kind of hard for the GOP to pretend they're better than Trump when they're spent the last five months talking about transgender women are all coming to rape your daughters in bathrooms.

These bills are the most pointlessly, blatantly evil laws possible to pass. If the GOP gets taken over by white nationalists, the only thing that will change is that the GOP's language will get less subtle and they'll okay highway spending bills.


No Scrubs
Ted story seems to be fading, idk. Didn't expect it to make it to morning.
It might pop up in Trump shitposting, but we'll see.

Apparently the NE says there's three more women out there, so this won't be the last we've heard of it. God, if one of them comes with proof...
Katrina Pierson's Twitter said:
Katrina Pierson ‏@KatrinaPierson
What's worse? People who actually believe the trash in tabloids, or the ones who know it's false &spread it anyway? #stupidity on all levels

Seems like she's denying it to me.
If funny how the only thing MSNBC is talking about is Wisconsin. Chris Matthews last night was saying "the next big state in the Democratic Primary".

Despite how there are 3 tomorrow.

I know the long run, its really hard for Sanders, but tomorrow he will probably gain 80 delegates on her.
If funny how the only thing MSNBC is talking about is Wisconsin. Chris Matthews last night was saying "the next big state in the Democratic Primary".

Despite how there are 3 tomorrow.

I know the long run, its really hard for Sanders, but tomorrow he will probably gain 80 delegates on her.
Matthews is a damned idiot.

But also the media loves talking about races that have polls. There's been no polls in Washington and Sanders is expected to do well. That's about all you can say about it.


Dammit, is mainstream media not reporting on Ted Cruz

Give it a few hours. As the murmurs on social media turn in to roars, the mainstream media will have no choice but to report on it, even if they only report on the reaction to the story without saying anything about the veracity of the story itself.


Does anyone want to take a guess about how long it'll be until Trump brings the Enquirer story? Will it drop over the weekend? Will it happen next week? Will it go down in the DM?
Does anyone want to take a guess about how long it'll be until Trump brings the Enquirer story? Will it drop over the weekend? Will it happen next week? Will it go down in the DM?
When the next poll comes out showing Cruz ahead.

Laugh, but that's how Trump operates.


Media isn't gonna touch this until there's proof. But that doesn't mean there isn't really anything going on. John Edwards wasn't reported on until the enquirer leaked all that shit and those issues were out in the open during the campaign. It wasn't until Game Change that we learned those particulars.

But when it comes to the enquirer, I wouldn't bet against them. They do have a good record on this stuff, if you look back to even Gary Hart/Tiger Woods.
I don't know why the mainstream media isn't reporting on tabloid trash pushed to trend on Twitter by actual NeoNazis without doing their own investigation first.

It's not any of this, even though this makes logical sense and is probably correct. People just don't give mainstream media that much credit.


If they give time to the Cruz sex scandal on mainstream television then they should probably give time to the theories that certain political figures are lizardmen. The likelihood of either situation having proof come to the light feels about the same.
Holy shit Beverly Clearly is still alive

Beezus and Ramona was my jam

We have a school named after her in Portland. I didn't think you could name a school after someone until they were dead. I mean, not like I assumed there was a specific law about it, but it seems like one of those unwritten rules? Anyway, good for Beverly Cleary; Ramona was my jam too.


No Scrubs
We have a school named after her in Portland. I didn't think you could name a school after someone until they were dead. I mean, not like I assumed there was a specific law about it, but it seems like one of those unwritten rules? Anyway, good for Beverly Cleary; Ramona was my jam too.

It's good practice to wait until after someone dies because if they turn out to be a huge dickbag or turn into one it becomes incredibly awkward all-around. That said, with her there's no danger of that (I would hope).
Just because it isn't being reported does not mean networks aren't investigating the claims. A tabloid is always going to be doubted so this will take time unless multiple people are collaborating the claims behind the scenes. In the case of Edwards networks eventually found out people in his own campaign were leaking the news to Obama and DNC officials.


If this is true Ted is finished forever in politics. His evangalical base will never forgive him for this like the Democratic base forgave the Clintons.

This kills his ENTIRE platform.

Eh, I dunno. There have been Republicans who have successfully revamped their image, usually with a "I will prayerfully ask for forgiveness", et al. Evangelicals can be plenty big on forgiveness when they want to be, it's in the Bible after all.

I think if this is true, it sinks Ted Cruz because no one liked him anyway.
Eh, I dunno. There have been Republicans who have successfully revamped their image, usually with a "I will prayerfully ask for forgiveness", et al. Evangelicals can be plenty big on forgiveness when they want to be, it's in the Bible after all.

I think if this is true, it sinks Ted Cruz because no one liked him anyway.
I think that no one likes him is exactly why it will sink him. He won't have other republicans backing him or helping him recover. He relies solely on the good Protestant Christian values and how he fights against Washington to keep Christian values in politics. This would be like Bernie being found out to be taking money from Super Pacs, wallstreet and the oil industry. Etc.

Also just based on who he is, If this stuff comes out, he will lie about it, deny it until he can't anymore. He won't admit to it, and will ruin his credibility. He could possibly recover by admitting to it and saying I found Jesus etc, but he's not smart enough to do that


“I think if it’s an open convention, it’s very likely it would be someone who’s not currently running,” Walker said.

“I mean, who knows. The one thing I qualify — it’s like the qualifications you see on those ads you see for car dealerships. I think any of us who comment on this election have to qualify that almost every prediction’s been off, so it’s hard to predict anything,” Walker added.


To me it just proves power is a way more powerful aphrodisiac then I thought
To be honest, this was my first thought when Bernie started digging in.

Once you get a taste of power it's probably a bit too intoxicating, even for Bernie. Time should cool things down a bit though.
If the Cruz cheating stuff actually get steam (regardless of if it is true), I wonder if we will start hearing talk about Trumps connection to the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Nuh-uh. You never know when the Cook Islands are gonna' need to be brought into line. I want that image all red, dammit.

No, we need them for the Cook Political Report, post apocalypse edition.
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