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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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FGC Waterboy
Holy shit.

Trump just used the people who hate him the most (progressives and hardcore liberals) to basically fucking take out Cruz for him. A National Enquirer story is getting major play in the actual news, because the schadenfreude involved in a potential Cruz sex scandal blew up over the (generally very liberal) twitter / social media / internet, so much so that it baited Cruz into responding, and then now it becoming an actual story. Mind you, he got this story launched on GOOD FRIDAY; and it's now a story going into freaking Easter, of all times. The hardcore christian conservative has a sex scandal over Easter, one of two times a year most Christians think and reflect about their Christianity.

Donald Trump may just have manipulated progressives into taking out his major threat for him.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Yeah. I don't want any part of Trump in a general election any more.


True or not, this is the story, and it's going to be on GOP voters' minds. Might not be fair, might be downright sleazy and calculated.. I'm laughing more at the implosion/GOPocalypse angle of it more than anything else.

The GOP's fading hopes of stopping a disastrous nomination - Ted "The Theocrat" Cruz - just got hit by adultery allegations. It's just too delicious.


Holy shit.

Trump just used the people who hate him the most (progressives and hardcore liberals) to basically fucking take out Cruz for him. A National Enquirer story is getting major play in the actual news, because the schadenfreude involved in a potential Cruz sex scandal blew up over the (generally very liberal) twitter / social media / internet, so much so that it baited Cruz into responding, and then now it becoming an actual story. Mind you, he got this story launched on GOOD FRIDAY; and it's now a story going into freaking Easter, of all times. The hardcore christian conservative has a sex scandal over Easter, one of two times a year most Christians think and reflect about their Christianity.

Donald Trump may just have manipulated progressives into taking out his major threat for him.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Yeah. I don't want any part of Trump in a general election any more.
I do. Can't wait for the twists.


Holy shit.

Trump just used the people who hate him the most (progressives and hardcore liberals) to basically fucking take out Cruz for him. A National Enquirer story is getting major play in the actual news, because the schadenfreude involved in a potential Cruz sex scandal blew up over the (generally very liberal) twitter / social media / internet, so much so that it baited Cruz into responding, and then now it becoming an actual story. Mind you, he got this story launched on GOOD FRIDAY; and it's now a story going into freaking Easter, of all times. The hardcore christian conservative has a sex scandal over Easter, one of two times a year most Christians think and reflect about their Christianity.

Donald Trump may just have manipulated progressives into taking out his major threat for him.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Yeah. I don't want any part of Trump in a general election any more.
He didn't do anything at all
The creepy thing is, plus or minus some Trump Speak within it, that's actually a really really good PR response.
Yeah, but he made up for it by tying Ted Cruz to O.J. Simpson. I mean, that is the pinnacle of bomb-throwing. "Ted Cruz is just like the black thug who got away with killing one of our women" is just...wow.
This in particular. Holy shit. It's really obvious to anyone with any political smarts that that's the implication, but he can semi-reasonably feign ignorance if asked. In fact, anyone that would dare ask him would be called racist for even bringing up such an absurd question.

The whole ordeal fits into Trump's narrative from this past week of him being a "counter-puncher", too. Cruz was stupid enough to call out Trump by name and now he can have infinite fun with it.


No Scrubs
Holy shit.

Trump just used the people who hate him the most (progressives and hardcore liberals) to basically fucking take out Cruz for him. A National Enquirer story is getting major play in the actual news, because the schadenfreude involved in a potential Cruz sex scandal blew up over the (generally very liberal) twitter / social media / internet, so much so that it baited Cruz into responding, and then now it becoming an actual story. Mind you, he got this story launched on GOOD FRIDAY; and it's now a story going into freaking Easter, of all times. The hardcore christian conservative has a sex scandal over Easter, one of two times a year most Christians think and reflect about their Christianity.

Donald Trump may just have manipulated progressives into taking out his major threat for him.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Yeah. I don't want any part of Trump in a general election any more.

This worked in large part because everyone hates Ted Cruz with the white hot heat of a billion exploding supernovas. This wouldn't have worked against Jeb or Rubio or Romney or Carson or anyone else. Cruz is such a unique brand of asshole, and moron, that everyone was more than willing to come together to take him down.


To be fair, this scandal should come as no shock to anyone. After all, the Republicans have a long history of fucking over women and then trying to hide what they're doing.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Weirdly enough, the Washington Times was a co-sponsor of the most recent Republican Debate in Miami.

They're still a shitrag, but they're becoming a more widely-respected shitrag.

I think you can place most media on one of 4 tiers

1.) The absolute shit rags that just make stuff up like the Weekly World News which is now defunct.
2.) National Enquirer, Globe, The Sun
3.) Washington Times, Fox News and TMZ.
4.) NYTimes and CBS News

Basically, the leveling of vetting required and the blowback they receive if they fuck up is increased for each tier. I guess you could technically get rid of Tier 1 now and move everything down a level.
Oh, this is so delicious. Like I said last night, it doesn't matter if it's true or not. Cruz responding to it, and pinning it on Trump gives the media a blank check to talk about it and cover it. If there's even an iota of truth there, real journalists could uncover something.

Hahahaha, the GOP is so fucked.


Oh, this is so delicious. Like I said last night, it doesn't matter if it's true or not. Cruz responding to it, and pinning it on Donald "Why doesn't he show his birth certificate" Trump gives the media a blank check to talk about it and cover it. If there's even an iota of truth there, real journalists could uncover something.

Hahahaha, the GOP is so fucked.

It is so so good. Hold me Adam!


Holy shit.

Trump just used the people who hate him the most (progressives and hardcore liberals) to basically fucking take out Cruz for him. A National Enquirer story is getting major play in the actual news, because the schadenfreude involved in a potential Cruz sex scandal blew up over the (generally very liberal) twitter / social media / internet, so much so that it baited Cruz into responding, and then now it becoming an actual story. Mind you, he got this story launched on GOOD FRIDAY; and it's now a story going into freaking Easter, of all times. The hardcore christian conservative has a sex scandal over Easter, one of two times a year most Christians think and reflect about their Christianity.

Donald Trump may just have manipulated progressives into taking out his major threat for him.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Yeah. I don't want any part of Trump in a general election any more.

Why are you giving Trump so much credit for this? It blew up on social media because Cruz is a scumbag on his own right and people want to see him fail


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Oh, this is so delicious. Like I said last night, it doesn't matter if it's true or not. Cruz responding to it, and pinning it on Trump gives the media a blank check to talk about it and cover it. If there's even an iota of truth there, real journalists could uncover something.

Hahahaha, the GOP is so fucked.

It's so fucking bizarre as his initial one line response was all that was needed: "Most of what I know about this matter I learned from reporters at YOUR newspaper."

Did he bother to run that later release by ANYBODY?

But you'll endorse him if he's the nominee, RIGHT TED?


FGC Waterboy
I do. Can't wait for the twists.

I'm just worried he has something planned for Clinton. Clinton's pretty good at Foot in Mouth syndrome.

He didn't do anything at all

I disagree completely.

This worked in large part because everyone hates Ted Cruz with the white hot heat of a billion exploding supernovas. This wouldn't have worked against Jeb or Rubio or Romney or Carson or anyone else. Cruz is such a unique brand of asshole, and moron, that everyone was more than willing to come together to take him down.

I'm pretty sure Trump knew that, and that's why he used this tactic on him. Cruz was shaping up to be the unity candidate for the GOP, and Trump hit him as soon as Kasich became mathematically eliminated.

Why are you giving Trump so much credit for this? It blew up on social media because Cruz is a scumbag on his own right and people want to see him fail

How many candidates do you need to see fall apart after they go after Trump that after a certain point, you go, hrm, there's sooooort of a pattern here.

Seriously? This is happening to Cruz on Easter. There is no fucking way that's a coincidence. We know that the Enquirer has done Trump's dirty work for him in this primary already (see NYMag article I posted earlier). Dropping a sex scandal on Cruz and waiting for everyone, who already wants a reason to hate him, to bubble a freaking National Enquirer story to get play on CNN and NBC? Getting Cruz to respond and then blowing him up for it (and dropping hints that it might be true)?

That is in no way a happy accident of circumstance. He got a National Enquirer story, which has had zero backing from any other sources so far, national cable news play already. He even waited till after Kasich was mathematically eliminated on top of it - so now at worst, even all the unity in the world can't get Kasich the nomination.

Either the dude is the luckiest man ever, or he's playing everyone like goddamn fiddles.
Haha. Trump wins. CNN is framing the segment as "Trump responds to Cruz accusation,", which is true, because Cruz was dumb enough to fall into this trap.

Trump is a god of "you started it!" politics. He's routinely a complete bastard, but more often than not he can bait a quote out of a foe first which opens the floodgates against them. Had Cruz just said this was all lies and never mentioned Trump by name this story would probably fade off. But, no, had to fall for it. Again.


Guys, I think we all need to savor this election. I did a state of the art regression analysis on how crazy this election is and found the Trump factor produced an exceptional outlier of an election that isn't scheduled to be seen again until somewhere in the late 2050s.



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Haha. Trump wins. CNN is framing the segment as "Trump responds to Cruz accusation,", which is true, because Cruz was dumb enough to fall into this trap.

Trump is a god of "you started it!" politics. He's routinely a complete bastard, but more often than not he can bait a quote out of a foe first which opens the floodgates against them. Had Cruz just said this was all lies and never mentioned Trump by name this story would probably fade off. But, no, had to fall for it. Again.

It's frankly one of the dumbest moves this election cycle. I'm still giggling like a little girl over it. And this has the propensity to tank Cruz far harder than most candidates including Trump due to his proclivities. In an election where getting close to Trump in delegates and making an argument that Cruz has a better chance of winning in the GE...


Wow, if that was anymore state of the art, then it would be on 538!
Guys, I think we all need to savor this election. I did a state of the art regression analysis on how crazy this election is and found the Trump factor produced an exceptional outlier of an election that isn't scheduled to be seen again until somewhere in the late 2050s.

Are you willing to revise this for retroactive momentum?


Guys, I think we all need to savor this election. I did a state of the art regression analysis on how crazy this election is and found the Donald "Nobody builds walls better than me" Trump factor produced an exceptional outlier of an election that isn't scheduled to be seen again until somewhere in the late 2050s.

This is the sort of expert and insightful analysis of politics this thread needs more of :p

In all seriousness, that is fantastic.


How many candidates do you need to see fall apart after they go after Trump that after a certain point, you go, hrm, there's sooooort of a pattern here.

Seriously? This is happening to Cruz on Easter. There is no fucking way that's a coincidence. We know that the Enquirer has done Trump's dirty work for him in this primary already (see NYMag article I posted earlier). Dropping a sex scandal on Cruz and waiting for everyone, who already wants a reason to hate him, to bubble a freaking National Enquirer story to get play on CNN and NBC? Getting Cruz to respond and then blowing him up for it (and dropping hints that it might be true)?

That is in no way a happy accident of circumstance. He got a National Enquirer story, which has had zero backing from any other sources so far, national cable news play already. He even waited till after Kasich was mathematically eliminated on top of it - so now at worst, even all the unity in the world can't get Kasich the nomination.

Either the dude is the luckiest man ever, or he's playing everyone like goddamn fiddles.

Ah, you are suggesting Trump played a role in the story leak. That's possible, and he definitely has ties to the National Enquirer. Releasing rumors and then turning it into a story by arguing about it does sound like a Trump thing to do


He's seriously a terrible politician. Why the fuck would you even try to shame or establish a moral high ground on Trump? As if GOP primary voter give two shits. Just toss out that initial statement and then forget about it and let it fade over Easter weekend.

And considering the idiocy posted on social media nowadays, I don't know any politician that would be able to run in 2050 without some stupid and embarrassing shit coming to the surface. I don't even want to think about how stupid young voters will probably be by then.

After all of this is over, we need like a timeline of insanity reminiscing over the entirety of this election.
He's seriously a terrible politician. Why the fuck would you even try to shame or establish a moral high ground on Trump? As if GOP primary voter give two shits. Just toss out that initial statement and then forget about it and let it fade over Easter weekend.

Exactly, kill the story today, on Good Friday. Wait three days, call your hooker and let it rise again.


I'm just worried he has something planned for Clinton. Clinton's pretty good at Foot in Mouth syndrome.
Trump's proven himself worthy of being the Republican nominee, but the general is a different game and he does not seem prepared to change tactics. He starts 30 points down in the fourth quarter and then has to go against every Democrat (except Jim Webb) and a bunch of Republicans in the Sour Grapes Caucus. If he still manages to win, maybe he should be president.


contribute something
But you'll endorse him if he's the nominee, RIGHT TED?

My hope is that this infighting would lead to the non-Trump right just refusing to acknowledge him as a legitimate candidate. If the amount of establishment Republicans who don't vote in 2016 is equal to the number of Trump fans who vote for the first time, Hillary can beat the Donald.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I mean, that statement from Trump about the National Enquirer being right on big stories in the past...masterful stuff. Masterful. I don't know who wrote it, but it's brilliant.


Really when you boil it down, it's sort of impressive to see just how hard the internet can shitpost something till it breaks into reality. Ran through /pol/ threads last night and it was all cylinders with links to tipping off reporters at certain media groups and everything.

Really it's just too wild to not stand back and simply laugh at the absurdity of it all. It's legit awful but fuck man.
This isn't politics so much as it's throwing gas on a burning home now.
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