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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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FGC Waterboy
Trump's proven himself worthy of being the Republican nominee, but the general is a different game and he does not seem prepared to change tactics. He starts 30 points down in the fourth quarter and then has to go against every Democrat (except Jim Webb) and a bunch of Republicans in the Sour Grapes Caucus. If he still manages to win, maybe he should be president.

My worry is that his NYC connections + past friendship with the Clintons mean that he has ammo no one else has that he's saving for Clinton in the general. He probably at least has all of the Goldman Sachs speeches (I know second-hand from family that one of them would be super nasty without context, and Bernie's not an idiot when he asks Clinton to release the transcripts. He also knows what is in them), and most likely has some serious freaking dirt on the Clintons. Plus, unlike the GOP, he knows what he's doing when attacking someone. Everyone's all "the GOP hasn't been able to get Clinton for 20 years!". As someone pointed out in OT Main - that's the same GOP it took Trump half a year to start annihilating. I don't think we can assume typical GOP incompetence.

I mean, hell, he could start pulling out check numbers he's written to the Clintons and go "well Hillary, I donated 500k to you so you'd help pass this pro-Wall Street bill, which you did, thank you by the way. There was the 3 million I donated to the Clinton Foundation that really came from the Chinese while you were Secretary of State, who bought a beautiful condo, really, very great condo, and paid an extra 3 million to me for it...they were very appreciative of helping XYZ consolidation / purchase go through without much government interference...", etc etc. The financial sector at high levels is unbelievably fucking shady. I don't put it past Trump that he has something bad on Clinton.


Guys, I think we all need to savor this election. I did a state of the art regression analysis on how crazy this election is and found the Trump factor produced an exceptional outlier of an election that isn't scheduled to be seen again until somewhere in the late 2050s.
When Trump talked about his penis at the debate I told my brother that he will never see another election like this one in his lifetime.


My worry is that his NYC connections + past friendship with the Clintons mean that he has ammo no one else has that he's saving for Clinton in the general. He probably at least has all of the Goldman Sachs speeches (I know second-hand from family that one of them would be super nasty without context, and Bernie's not an idiot when he asks Clinton to release the transcripts. He also knows what is in them), and most likely has some serious freaking dirt on the Clintons. Plus, unlike the GOP, he knows what he's doing when attacking someone. Everyone's all "the GOP hasn't been able to get Clinton for 20 years!". As someone pointed out in OT Main - that's the same GOP it took Trump half a year to start annihilating. I don't think we can assume typical GOP incompetence.

I mean, hell, he could start pulling out check numbers he's written to the Clintons and go "well Hillary, I donated 500k to you so you'd help pass this pro-Wall Street bill, which you did, thank you by the way. There was the 3 million I donated to the Clinton Foundation that really came from the Chinese while you were Secretary of State, who bought a beautiful condo, really, very great condo, and paid an extra 3 million to me for it...they were very appreciative of helping XYZ consolidation / purchase go through without much government interference...", etc etc. The financial sector at high levels is unbelievably fucking shady. I don't put it past Trump that he has something bad on Clinton.
Can you think of anything worse than any quote from Trump that could be pulled?

V. Good. Glad to see our $30 donations are being put to great use, and the message is spot on, too: instead of spending trillions on regime change, we should instead be investing in our future, back home :).

I see the re-cap (no prizes for guessing why I missed the live broadcast, and had to watch via a German bootleg......) Bernie's TYT interview has already racked up 513k+ views, with 41k likes (vs. 2k dislikes). Overall, I thought it was good, with Bernie, as you would expect, on TYT, in a personable mood, quoting some highly relevant, cultural references (Michael Moore's Sicko (I'd highly recommend, too) and Thom Hartman (a true gent.)), but, it was hardly what I'd characterise as an "epic" interview, and Cenk could likely have prepared better, given how long we have wanted this (not like a Warren endorsement, the spoilsport; up until very recently, it seemed remote, although, Cenk did recently interview Symone D. Sanders, Bernie's Press Secretary. What are the odds, that she has Bernie's last name? It's another sign, like my "Made in the U.S.A" rolling pin, from Vermont (a bargain at $10, on Amazon) ;) ).

Bernie's momentum going into Saturday is looking good, with the pledged delegate gap down to 298, not to mention those favorable recent national polls, with Bloomberg/Selzer showing him ahead (o.k, only by one), and Ipsos/Reuters has him within five. The HuffPost aggregate is currently 50.8 / 42.5, an 8.3% lead for Hillary.

P.S. Its got to be a conspiracy, that the improvement to GAF's SSL will likely prevent one of the few hardcore Bernie supporters, from posting using his beloved games console (although EviLore may well have to permanently rollback full use of SSL, on GAF, as may not be possible to get ads working, however, just using this for login would prevent posts from PS3)? I suppose, I could login via my Logitech Revue, and manually copy the cookie to my PS3 (oh, happy days) ;).
My worry is that his NYC connections + past friendship with the Clintons mean that he has ammo no one else has that he's saving for Clinton in the general. He probably at least has all of the Goldman Sachs speeches (I know second-hand from family that one of them would be super nasty without context, and Bernie's not an idiot when he asks Clinton to release the transcripts. He also knows what is in them), and most likely has some serious freaking dirt on the Clintons. Plus, unlike the GOP, he knows what he's doing when attacking someone. Everyone's all "the GOP hasn't been able to get Clinton for 20 years!". As someone pointed out in OT Main - that's the same GOP it took Trump half a year to start annihilating. I don't think we can assume typical GOP incompetence.

I mean, hell, he could start pulling out check numbers he's written to the Clintons and go "well Hillary, I donated 500k to you so you'd help pass this pro-Wall Street bill, which you did, thank you by the way. There was the 3 million I donated to the Clinton Foundation that really came from the Chinese while you were Secretary of State, who bought a beautiful condo, really, very great condo, and paid an extra 3 million to me for it...they were very appreciative of helping XYZ consolidation / purchase go through without much government interference...", etc etc. The financial sector at high levels is unbelievably fucking shady. I don't put it past Trump that he has something bad on Clinton.
So you're basically saying he might have an October surprise ready to fire. We'll see.


Once again, Sanders' wins tomorrow are likely to get zero attention because of ongoing fuckery. Really can't catch a break.


Tulsi Gabbard is definitely running for President one day. It's pretty shrewd of her to publicly resign over disagreements with DWS and hitch her wagon onto the ascendant Bernie wing of the party. I don't know too much about her yet though.


FGC Waterboy
Can you think of anything worse than any quote from Trump that could be pulled?

From the Clinton speeches? There are two that I know of, had Sanders gotten them and been able to leak them without context, could have made the primary pretty close. Had one of them been dropped right before Iowa, Clinton would have been fuuuuuuuuuuuucked in Iowa. She's managed to divert attention away from them during the primary, which is smart, because Sanders would be the best candidate to use it against her. His message discipline + some choice, out of context quotes, would have been a pretty brutal hammer.

To me, it's fairly harmless (IMO) in the context that she's being paid a crapton of money to rah-rah a bunch of investment bankers, but some of the comments that have been dripped out via politico and other places are tamer versions of what she said. But if you wanted to paint her as an out of touch elitist who will go back on her word to fight for the middle class the second she has your vote...it would be a pretty darn good soundbite. To tell you how worried some of those folks are about Sanders - most of the people there would be considered die-hard republicans, and none of them have leaked even a summary of what she talked about to anyone in this long. IMO, Wall Street would have backed Clinton over most of the GOP candidates this cycle, tbh. Devil they know, etc etc...but the people I know personally from GS are all out of London, so their political opinion isn't quite as relevant. :D

I could see Trump trying to use some of them to turn the demographic fight from racial / gender to class - which then would probably favor him heavily if he's able to use these comments as effectively against Clinton as he has been attacking other GOP candidates.

As for the shit Trump says, I'm starting to be convinced that nothing the man says actually sticks to him. Hell, I wondered if he picked up his teflon from the same place Bill did.
Tulsi Gabbard is definitely running for President one day. It's pretty shrewd of her to publicly resign over disagreements with DWS and hitch her wagon onto the ascendant Bernie wing of the party. I don't know too much about her yet though.
Appears to be that way, though I think she's going to parlay this into working up the ladder. Go for Senate, governor etc.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
As others are saying in the other thread, the $500,000 payment from the Cruz PAC to the Fiorina PAC is bizarre and may end up being the smoking gun here. There is literally no reason for that to happen.
As others are saying in the other thread, the $500,000 payment from the Cruz PAC to the Fiorina PAC is bizarre and may end up being the smoking gun here. There is literally no reason for that to happen.

Oh come on, like Cruz would really fuck Fiorina and then be stupid enough to cover it up with major campaign finance fraud that would land him in prison.


From the Clinton speeches? There are two that I know of, had Sanders gotten them and been able to leak them without context, could have made the primary pretty close. (Had one of them been dropped right before Iowa, Clinton would have been fuuuuuuuuuuuucked in Iowa)

To me, it's fairly harmless (IMO) in the context that she's being paid a crapton of money to rah-rah a bunch of investment bankers, but some of the comments that have been dripped out via politico and other places are tamer versions of what she actually said. (Family member was a very high up trader in Goldman Sachs before starting his own investment firm in London. He's also why I had no student loans after 5 years of private university. Huzzah smart finance people). But if you wanted to paint her as an out of touch elitist who will go back on her word to fight for the middle class the second she has your vote...it would be a pretty darn good soundbite.

But I could see Trump trying to use some of them to turn the demographic fight from racial / gender to class - which then would probably favor him heavily if he's able to use these comments as effectively against Clinton as he has been attacking other GOP candidates.

As for the shit Trump says, I'm starting to be convinced that nothing the man says actually sticks to him. Hell, I wondered if he picked up his teflon from the same place Bill did.
Trump is teflon only in the context of the Republican primary.
Trump is teflon only in the context of the Republican primary.

yeah i'm pretty sure his net favorables for the general are like 10% lower than when the campaign started, and that's only with him receiving more and more media attention

he's teflon in the context of the absolute clown show that is the GOP, he's concrete shoes in the context of literally everyone else


Are we 100% sure about that? Clinton went after him with "sexist" as a charge, and he whipped that around on her so fast that she dropped it immediately.
I'm not sure, but it remains to be seen that Trump can succeed with a more representative electorate.


Trump most likely won't even acknowledge the mental illness quip. Part of the reason why the Cruz story gained so much traction in so little time was specifically because the trolls dicking about smelled the blood and ran with it.
Why funnel it through a pac? Cant he just cut her a check?

1) It isn't Ted's money.
2) That's a good way to go to prison for extortion.
3) There are ways to benefit from money getting donated. Can help your career. Think "promote me and I can make a big cash infusion happen".

Right? Cruz is going to pay off a woman with $500K (jesus christ, come on now) and do it in the most public way possible?

Nobody who understands this is implying that Sarah Isgur Flores got $500,000 cash.
The Trump Has Tiny Hands PAC is getting good feedback from the Trump campaign, very civil:


1) It isn't Ted's money.
2) That's a good way to go to prison for extortion.
3) There are ways to benefit from money getting donated. Can help your career. Think "promote me and I can make a big cash infusion happen".

I'm pretty sure that he'll go to prison for telling his PAC to give money to another PAC too.


contribute something
My worry is that his NYC connections + past friendship with the Clintons mean that he has ammo no one else has that he's saving for Clinton in the general. He probably at least has all of the Goldman Sachs speeches (I know second-hand from family that one of them would be super nasty without context, and Bernie's not an idiot when he asks Clinton to release the transcripts. He also knows what is in them), and most likely has some serious freaking dirt on the Clintons. Plus, unlike the GOP, he knows what he's doing when attacking someone. Everyone's all "the GOP hasn't been able to get Clinton for 20 years!". As someone pointed out in OT Main - that's the same GOP it took Trump half a year to start annihilating. I don't think we can assume typical GOP incompetence.

I mean, hell, he could start pulling out check numbers he's written to the Clintons and go "well Hillary, I donated 500k to you so you'd help pass this pro-Wall Street bill, which you did, thank you by the way. There was the 3 million I donated to the Clinton Foundation that really came from the Chinese while you were Secretary of State, who bought a beautiful condo, really, very great condo, and paid an extra 3 million to me for it...they were very appreciative of helping XYZ consolidation / purchase go through without much government interference...", etc etc. The financial sector at high levels is unbelievably fucking shady. I don't put it past Trump that he has something bad on Clinton.

Agreed. Trump could very conceivably beat Clinton in the general, which is why all of those liberals who cheer him on get a lot of side-eye from me. I think Clinton's going to be our next president, but it's going to be a tough fight. Some potential democrats will vote for Trump.
Jews really hate Trump and Cruz:

The poll, conducted January 2 to March 21, showed that 72 percent of Jewish Americans have an unfavorable view of both Cruz and Trump. 24 percent see Trump as favorable, while only 20 percent have a favorable opinion of Cruz. Ohio Governor John Kasich is the only Republican presidential candidate who has a positive image among Jewish Americans (45/28 favorable/unfavorable).

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is viewed most favorable (61/30), although Hillary Clinton’s net favorability rating is just a few points lower (60/35).



Agreed. Trump could very conceivably beat Clinton in the general, which is why all of those liberals who cheer him on get a lot of side-eye from me. I think Clinton's going to be our next president, but it's going to be a tough fight. Some potential democrats will vote for Trump.
Trump can win. Similiarly, Yale almost won the NCAA tournament.
Trump didn't smear Cruz, it was Rubio.


reitbart News, the notoriously Trump-friendly conservative outlet, was also pitched the story of Cruz’s extramarital affairs, according to a source close to the publication. That source said an operative allied with Marco Rubio—but not associated with his official campaign—showed the publication a compilation video of Cruz and a woman other than his wife coming out of the Capitol Grille restaurant and a hotel on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But the outlet opted not to report on the video, which demonstrated no direct evidence of an affair.

“We got it from a Rubio ally,” said the source. “It was too thin, so [Breitbart’s Washington political editor Matt Boyle] decided not to run it. There was no way to verify the claims.”

A Rubio spokesman wasn’t immediately available for comment.

Listen guys, if Breitbart thinks a story is too thin, it's too fucking thin, mmkay.
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