Jean Matthews first voted in a presidential election for FDR. Now shes 96 years-old and backing Bernie Sanders at the Democratic caucus in Vancouver, Washington. She doesnt expect him to win the nomination and says she will not vote for Hillary Clinton in the general election.
Im voting for Bernie Sanders because hes the only person in this election you can trust, Matthews said. Hillary lies all the time. She lies about any stuff that can met her look good. She stands for thee status quo, she said at the Hudson Bay high school.
Then Matthews said something you dont often hear from nonagenarians: Im for a revolution. Matthews said that she is likely to vote for the Green Party candidate in the general election if Clinton gets the Democratic nomination even if that helps Donald Trump.
My son says I vote my principles. I dont care. Principles not personality. Hillary is a totally unprincipled person. Ill just be sick if she gets it. Im sitting her with a bunch of Hillary people. I dont want to be around them.