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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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So, you mean to say that every time the goal posts are shifted, she keeps kicking the ball through the uprights?

Also, did I mangle that metaphor too much?

Also, also, love your new avatar, Royalan. QUEEN DONNA

You didn't mangle the metaphor at all...but as a Cleveland fan, what is this "kicking the ball through the uprights" thing? Is that one of those new fangled ways to score points that I read about online?


The Democratic Party IS a liberal party, progressive party, and a moderate party. It even has a hint of conservatism in it. Because it's a coalition of voters and politicians with similar goals. It's not always going to be ideological but thats because you have to understand what it is, and that not every goal will be your preferred idea.

The party should have no problems supporting the spectrum from Bernie to Biden. You just need to find common ground and commit to work together.

Its ideology is liberalism and will always be liberalism unless socialists (not social democrats) somehow come to the fore.

Hillary is an ideological liberal, for example, and "pragmatism" within the Democratic Party is ideologically liberal.


No Scrubs
Right I have a lot of issues with the Democratic Party at times , but it's because of the coalition that we've been able to prevent conservatives from dominating politics completely at the national level.

People keep talking about third parties, but if we had a system that allowed for them, a parliamentary system, and the Dems were split into various parties, I still think they'd all come together to form a coalition government. What I mean is, the various wings of the party may not agree with everything 100%, but they agree on the basics and that counts for something. As a result progress may not be fast, but it is happening.

You didn't mangle the metaphor at all...but as a Cleveland fan, what is this "kicking the ball through the uprights" thing? Is that one of those new fangled ways to score points that I read about online?

Yes, it is. Here in NY we used to have someone who was quite good at it.


One thing that keeps coming up in this discussions is what the purpose of presidential primaries is at all.

For example, the concept of superdelegates seems weird and antidemocratic if your theory is that primaries are supposed to serve as elimination-style elections before the main election.

But if your model is that political parties are semi-closed entities who nominate members of their own group and want to identify the best option for winning the general election, they make a lot more sense.

Similarly, the argument over whether primaries are spread out over lengthy time periods is really an argument about what primaries are supposed to be testing.

I'm actually not sure that there's great theory on this question -- the modern primary is called that because it isn't that old and there hasn't been much understanding of it. Historically conventions were famous for backroom dealing and the "party control" model was pretty clearly ascendant. Is that still true? Obviously there's an antidemocratic element to that structure, but, I mean, America was designed specifically to not be purely democratic, so that should probably be not too surprising.

I tend towards the "party control" theory, which is probably clear from my posts -- I think the party establishment has a lot of control over primaries by controlling the rules process, and they just generally don't use it too much for fear of backlash. I tend to think that democracy exerts itself through the movement of the parties to capture unfulfilled voters. This is a pretty slow and tedious process, admittedly, and probably not satisfying to people who feel unrepresented. But I'm unconvinced that a more directly democratic system would have better outcomes. I live in California and I have a pretty clear view of the disadvantages of direct democracy!
Tesseract posts were of top quality compared to the relentless mining of quotes from great sources like reddit and facebook. If you post enough of them, that left tea party that doesn't actually exist might come true!
No way. Tesseract's posts were something coming out of a brain inside a jar. Just words vaguely interconnected using cringebad memes with no real meaning.


FGC Waterboy
About as expected "Why do we need this topic? What does it matter what his supporters do? Stirring the pot, etc, etc"

OT is a savage place when people criticize King Bernie. Are we Hillary fans really that defense when someone comes for our Queen?

Ehhhh sometimes. I sort of had the opposite direction of most people. I went from Clinton to Sanders-ish because of some of the folks on here. :p (I also don't use FB often, which is why sanders fans have not fully annoyed me yet)


As a (now) Clinton supporter <even changed my avatar for her!>... I have to agree with that thought though.

Let's be real and totally honest for a moment-- *everyone* on the internet knows about the small segment of disrespectful fuckwits that are supporting Sanders. We've alllllll made fun of S4P, and we all know how terrible they are.

There's no reason to make threads about this. This is GAF, and maybe I'm being too naive/optimistic but I don't think it's GAFers that are doing this. I'm pretty sure most of the Sander GAF supporters are probably respectful, polite people.

Making a thread like this just seems like it's one of those "pile on to share terrible anecdotes," and we see enough of those that it's just kinda gross and dirty now.

The people acting like that are digging their own graves. We don't need to stand around and mock them.



What was banned?

Cerium is the guy I was thinking about who was pretty much a bad poster on the Hillary side of the fence. Lots of shit slinging, victory dancing, coming to PoliGAF to talk about how well his trolling of OT was going, earnestly asserting that all Bernie supporters were racists.


FGC Waterboy
Cerium is the guy I was thinking about who was pretty much a bad poster on the Hillary side of the fence. Lots of shit slinging, victory dancing, coming to PoliGAF to talk about how well his trolling of OT was going, earnestly asserting that all Bernie supporters were racists.

I have to agree with this. Was fairly frustrated by many of those posts.


Another interesting thing I've noticed this time around is that campaigning seems to have very little effect on the primary/caucus results. Hillary made a point to try and narrow Bernie's margins in WA and still got completely trounced. Same thing happened to Bernie in South Carolina. It seems that no matter how strongly states are contested, you can basically predict the outcome based on region, diversity and voting system. The south strongly favors Hillary, the pacific northwest and flyover states with caucuses strongly favor Bernie, and the midwest is almost perfectly split between the two. It's kind of amazing to me that the results in Illinois, Iowa and Missouri are pretty much identical, the results in Alaska, Idaho, and Utah are pretty much identical, and the results all through the south are pretty much identical. You can attribute the deviation between GA and AL and MS almost entirely to the amount of urban areas in each state. I'm pretty sure with enough data you could make an algorithm that predicts these outcomes and forego actual voting.

I think this is my biggest takeaway from these primaries so far. Could one argue that through the internet and social media, people become "educated" (I use the word loosely) enough about the candidates and who they want to support that last minute campaigning and what not has lost its appeal? Even TV ads seem to be near worthless this cycle. Is this just all the power of the internet?


Gets shit on constantly for daring to support Hillary. Always civil, though.

Kind of frustrating that those threads get locked. People are genuinely asking about how things like Superdelegates work and getting answers. I think a lot of the stuff that fuels some of this is a lack of familiarity with how the systems work.


Let's be real and totally honest for a moment-- *everyone* on the internet knows about the small segment of disrespectful fuckwits that are supporting Sanders. We've alllllll made fun of S4P, and we all know how terrible they are.

There's no reason to make threads about this. This is GAF, and maybe I'm being too naive/optimistic but I don't think it's GAFers that are doing this. I'm pretty sure most of the Sander GAF supporters are probably respectful, polite people.

Making a thread like this just seems like it's one of those "pile on to share terrible anecdotes," and we see enough of those that it's just kinda gross and dirty now.

The people acting like that are digging their own graves. We don't need to stand around and mock them.

I disagree.

Granted, the thread is locked now, but I thought the topic was thread worthy not because it would rile people up (lets face it, that's every political thread in OT right now. If I wanted to go toe-to-toe with some Bernie supporters, all I have to do is close my eyes and click), but because you don't see a lot of people coming out against what a lot of Bernie's supporters are doing, and when you do, it gets brushed off as "LOL HillaryGAF/PoliGAF!" I think it's easy to call out these behaviors when they happen on the right, especially because GAF is largely a left-leaning board, but I think it's important to remember that a lot of those behaviors are occurring on the Left as well. It's something I've been aware of since SC, and a lot of condescension I've had to deal with as a black voter who's not supporting Bernie, both online and in real life. But lately its been spreading, and it has a lot to do with Bernie's rhetoric.

Honestly, I would have made that thread even if it was Hillary supporters that were the guilty party, because that kind of online behavior is a huge part of the reason I've stopped posting frequently in PopGAF and other Pop Music communities. That stan-speak faux obsession that arose about 5 years ago, and was really fun for a while, was starting to progress to the point that celebrities were getting blatantly harrassed in the name of stanning for your fave. It's a bad look.


I went from "meh, she has my vote" to "what would you ask of me, my Queen?"

I think I attribute that to the fifteen thousandth Bernie thread in OT. I had dismissed it all as a gigantic circlejerk before, but once I saw old right-wing talking points and Fox News drivel being thrown at Hillary firsthand, I dug in my heels.

It was really strange to me. One day we were all expecting a Hillary candidacy and were excited for what looked to be a guaranteed third Democrat term, the next, she was public enemy number one because she actually decided to run.

East Lake

No way. Tesseract's posts were something coming out of a brain inside a jar. Just words vaguely interconnected using cringebad memes with no real meaning.
Like I said even if that were true, which I don't accept it's still better than spending time concern trolling about reddit warriors. In Tesseract's defense most of his posts are probably "psychedelic." That he happens to support Birdie Sanders is just a bonus.


FGC Waterboy
Amusingly enough, it looks like we both went in completely opposite directions :p. I was Sanders -> Clinton, and you were the opposite :D.

(I really like the /r/hillaryclinton subreddit for Clinton supporters, btw. It's actually, in some ways, a bit more pleasant than here :p. Just in case you'd like to check it out <33.)

You'll always be my AAPI brother no matter how we vote doe <333333

Lol, always. <3.

Plus, it's a really nice problem to have to be choosing between one of the most qualified people I have ever met to be president (Clinton) and a dreamer who worries for the long term effects of our current path (Sanders). There aren't many people who make feel incredibly inadequate when it comes to raw intelligence and understanding how things work. Clinton definitely did that to me. (Which is a feeling I loved, being challenged and wrecked that hardcore). She is unbelievably smart and brilliant, and I deal with insanely smart people on a daily basis. (NASA / SpaceX / Boeing R&D will do that to you). She may be many things, but that woman is fucking sharp. Period.

(Watching her and Obama talk issues near the end of the 08 campaign was unbelievable. I had boners from that much intelligence being flung around casually).

aside: gamergate is the gaming / GAF equivalent of Godwin's law, lol. Every thread eventually gets there. (Looking at now closed Bernie thread)
Putin is going to end up dead and hung in a Moscow street within five years and pundits will still be talking about why Obama won't confront the Russian threat:

All of Obama's political opponents end up destroying themselves while he calmly observes. Conservatives and the media will never catch on.

He could never change Congress but for all the bullshit over the past five years, Obama's smelling like roses and Boehner no longer has a job.


Well, I agree with you that on facebook / IRL I never see people talking about those kinds of people-- but that's because they don't exist in real life as much as they do online. (At least, I think so. It might come out more as the primary goes on, but I suppose I'll just have to prepare for it.)

I understand where you're coming from-- it was intended to be a criticism of "us" as a whole (internet people), and not of "BernieBros." I understand the point you're trying to make, and sadly some of the posts in that thread directed at you were really just... like, wow, way to prove OP's point guys.. but I think because GAF seems to be more vocal pro-Clinton supporters (surprisingly so actually lol), it looked like you were just shitting on a small minority. That's not your fault, and it makes sense now that you've explained what you underlined.

I can't wait for this stupid primary to be over. It's brought out so much ugliness @_@.

If you polled US GAF it would be 3/4 Bernie. Hillary supporters here are the minority. We are the 18% of the people in exit polls supporting the Queen.


Putin is going to end up dead and hung in a Moscow street within five years and pundits will still be talking about why Obama won't confront the Russian threat:


2) Or, rather than accepting a reduced role for itself in the world and in Europe, it could do what declining powers often do, which is seek to make up for weakness by becoming more provocative or aggressive. This would introduce even greater instability and risk for conflict in Eastern Europe and elsewhere on the Russian periphery, which is already high.

3) Russia's elites, its public, or both will suffer economic setbacks severe enough to worsen political instability, with unknowable but surely dire consequences. Modern Russia has experienced repeated periods of political instability, at times violent, amid economic decline.

Say hello to a massive turn towards fascism in Russia! Considering the way Putin's been manipulating things, I don't think it's very likely that a collapse of his regime would lead to a more liberal society but a more reactionary one, and even their communist party is not very communist these days.


(but forreals, is there a poll I missed?)

I doubt there's been a poll.

I think PoliGaf is mostly made up of Hillary supporters. I think a lot of that comes from most of us following politics for a while, so we have...and I don't mean to sound elitist or like I'm being an ass....a better understanding of the system in place. So, like when HillaryGAF is accused of something it's not because we support Hillary that we think something's going to go the way it does, it's just because this ain't our first rodeo.
I don't get why people are saying super delegates should vote with their state.

They should vote for whoever wins the most pledged delegates at the convention. Who they are saying they support now shouldn't make any difference.


I doubt there's been a poll.

I think PoliGaf is mostly made up of Hillary supporters. I think a lot of that comes from most of us following politics for a while, so we have...and I don't mean to sound elitist or like I'm being an ass....a better understanding of the system in place. So, like when HillaryGAF is accused of something it's not because we support Hillary that we think something's going to go the way it does, it's just because this ain't our first rodeo.

There's also the issue that the more outspoken Bernie supporters wind up banned a lot. I swear, we lose them by the day. Still praying for poor Melkr to be spared.


I don't get why people are saying super delegates should vote with their state.

They should vote for whoever wins the most pledged delegates at the convention. Who they are saying they support now shouldn't make any difference.
Super delegates are allowed to vote for whomever they like. They are not bound to any pole position or particular candidate. There is also nothing wrong with lobbying them, although, of course, harassment and slurs are wildly unacceptable.

Also, I'll cut anyone who's mean to Donna Brazile.


No Scrubs
Considering the shit he has had to go through and how nothing has gone through congress for what seems like an eternity it would be incredible for him to leave on such a positive note.

Part of me thinks his numbers have been going up due to the Trump effect and the GOP shitshow. I'd like to think people see the shitshow, look at Obama and realize how good we've had it these last eight years.


Considering the shit he has had to go through and how nothing has gone through congress for what seems like an eternity it would be incredible for him to leave on such a positive note.
The GOP being a dumpster fire right now must be playing a big role in it.

**Beaten like Sanders beat Clinton yesterday :(


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The GOP being a dumpster fire right now must be playing a big role in it.

**Beaten like Sanders beat Clinton yesterday :(

It's GOP Dumpster Fire™
(alt + 0153)

It makes it seem more official ;)

East Lake

Putin's approval ratings are still pretty solid. I guess it's possible he could be forcibly removed by elites bitter about the oil cash machine running dry but that might be more to do with failing to diversify the economy than whatever Obama's policy is at the moment.


Part of me thinks his numbers have been going up due to the Trump effect and the GOP shitshow. I'd like to think people see the shitshow, look at Obama and realize how good we've had it these last eight years.

Part of the reason I want this primary to wrap up soon. So that that the Obamas can get out there and stump before the GOP has had a chance to "unify" under whoever gets their nomination.

The more time Dems have to snipe at the GOP while they're a bunch of angry bees warring with each other, the better.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Putin's approval ratings are still pretty solid. I guess it's possible he could be forcibly removed by elites bitter about the oil cash machine running dry but that might be more to do with failing to diversify the economy than whatever Obama's policy is at the moment.

The country is at a precipice.
Oil could come back in the next year quite a bit, but it could also stay around where it is now. It's tough to gauge since the price drop in the first place was virtually unexpected by anyone. Most analysts see it recovering over the next 2 years.
Its ideology is liberalism and will always be liberalism unless socialists (not social democrats) somehow come to the fore.

Hillary is an ideological liberal, for example, and "pragmatism" within the Democratic Party is ideologically liberal.
The Democratic Party is nowhere in the foreseeable future going to be a socialist party.

It's basically a technocratic party.

There seems a weird fantasy occasionally propagated on here that capitalist economies around the world are on the cusp of flipping or something. It's not happening any time soon. At best certain specific functions best controlled by the state will be.

While places like Norway, which has relied heavily on their state capitalist controlled oil production and the industries that support it, are probably going to need to undergo major reform.


There's also the issue that the more outspoken Bernie supporters wind up banned a lot. I swear, we lose them by the day. Still praying for poor Melkr to be spared.

Most of the outspoken Bernie supporters get banned for being terrible posters (except for Crab who got banned for having Australian table manners, God rest his soul).

Melkr is a pretty good poster except for his tendency to run away from ha problems*.

* No, I do not plan to come up with new material any time soon. Why do you ask?


fleurs n'est pas britannique
I don't get why people are saying super delegates should vote with their state.

They should vote for whoever wins the most pledged delegates at the convention. Who they are saying they support now shouldn't make any difference.

I really don't think we should be counting Super delegates in general. Not saying they shouldn't exist, but whenever anyone mentions Hilary's delegate count they count in these 'unpledged' super delegates, and it's only ever to mention the broad gap in delegates between Sanders and her. Suddenly a 200 delegate difference becomes 600. I'd be more fine with them if we didn't start counting their votes ahead of time. Hard not to feel frustrated when you see one candidate with what appears to be a 400 delegate handicap.
The Democratic Party is nowhere in the foreseeable future going to be a socialist party.

It's basically a technocratic party.

There seems a weird fantasy occasionally propagated on here that capitalist economies around the world are on the cusp of flipping or something. It's not happening any time soon. At best certain specific functions best controlled by the state will be.

While places like Norway, which has relied heavily on their state capitalist controlled oil production and the industries that support it, are probably going to need to undergo major reform.

I wish it was technocratic, maybe we would see some real drug scheduling, research, or general STEM focus/reform/whatever (other than science which is always a weird thing I do agree but automation may be the start of something).
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