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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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And here I'm thinking I was discussing the campaigns of Hills and Bernie, not hillaryis44 vs bernieis45.

I was answering someone who quoted me, thinking he was talking about actual campaigns not angry people on the internet.

So once again in the topic I was discussing can you point me in the directions of the vile things Bernie has said about Hillary?
I didn't even quote you.


That rests on the faulty assumption either has a brain. I'm not sure we have confirmation of that.

At least they don't have a broken circuit like Robio or a low energy brain like Jeb - the vacuums in their heads has swallowed the whole GOP. I can't decide who is worse


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I mean, I don't know why this behavior is shocking to anyone, really. These same people have shown open contempt for entire groups of people because they didn't vote for Bernie. These are the people that were writing off African American voters, Southern voters, LGBT people who didn't feel the Bern and anyone else who didn't feel the Bern.

They would do this to Clinton supporters if we had a public forum on which they could Bernsplain why we're horrible people. It's disgusting behavior. It's idiotic, but it's what they've been doing for months and months. Now, they're just directing it at specific people instead of the wider "establishment." This has been their problem all along. Instead of trying to have a dialog with people about the issues, they've been trying to brow beat every person who disagrees with them based on nothing more than the confidence in how fucking right they are about every little thing.

To be clear, this isn't all Bernie supporters. It's just a bunch of people who have an abundance of time and no sense of propriety.
No wonder Bernie folks love caucuses, they get to literally stand in a room and yell at Clinton supporters to switch sides.
When Hillary Clinton won five states on March 15, giving her a strong lead for her party’s presidential nomination, accolades poured in from Democrats across the country. One call, however, never came through.

Bernie Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver didn’t phone Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin until 1:30 a.m. to connect the candidates, hours after Clinton had addressed her supporters at the West Palm Beach convention center and retired for the night. The call went straight to voicemail.

At his own rally in Phoenix, where he delivered an impassioned hourlong call to arms, Sanders never mentioned Clinton or acknowledged her big wins that night.
“Are you ready for a political revolution!” Sanders bellowed.

While it's easy to make too much of the complicated etiquette of election-night phone calls, such personal gestures often matter quite a bit when it comes to uniting a party after a bruising campaign.

On March 22, Sanders did not call Clinton after she won the Arizona primary, a race that was called two hours before the caucuses in Idaho or Utah — states Sanders won — and was the only primary that day that the candidates had contested.

It didn’t go unnoticed. “I think there is a much meaner culture in the Sanders campaign than people realize,” said Clinton donor Eleni Kounalakis, a former ambassador to Hungary, who said her family was bullied by Sanders supporters while volunteering for Clinton in Nevada.

“The Berners are very aggressive, and that kind of culture has to be validated to some degree from the top,” she said. “My feeling is he doesn’t address these people at the end of the night because if he sends a message of graciousness to his people, that’s going to take the fire out of the aggressive approach.”

He didn't reach out after Iowa, where Clinton ultimately won by a tiny margin of .25 percent — and his campaign still isn’t willing to concede defeat there.
“Who won Iowa?” said Sanders senior strategist Tad Devine. “I’m still kind of wondering, myself, today.”
Another sign unification at the end of all this might prove difficult.

I remember Hillary or Obama talking about how they at least managed to maintain a semblance of a personal relationship by making these sorts of phonecalls even when their campaigns (and Bill) were at each other's throats in 2008. Unfortunately it seems Bernie and Hillary really don't like each other.



Another sign unification at the end of all this might prove difficult.

I remember Hillary or Obama talking about how they at least managed to maintain a semblance of a personal relationship by making these sorts of phonecalls even when their campaigns (and Bill) were at each other's throats in 2008. Unfortunately it seems Bernie and Hillary really don't like each other.
Ha! I remember people were shit talking me when I said Hillary probably despises Bernie and the feeling is mutual


Why should he? Devine is making millions from this.

I get that these people are a small minority of Sanders supporters, but it might be time for him to remind them that harassing people on social media isn't exactly helpful to the campaign.
I get that these people are a small minority of Sanders supporters, but it might be time for him to remind them that harassing people on social media isn't exactly helpful to the campaign.

The window in which Bernie could exert control over these people has long, long closed. He kept quiet too long and totally lost control.
Daniel B·;199365858 said:
Momentum is what Bernie always has, win or lose. Because someone will have written it.
Except for stats like: Bernie's campaign has now received, in excess of, 6 million individual contributions!
So? Hillary has, too
From every bank on wall street

Sure, Hillary is raising large sums, too, but from a far smaller pool of people, and I believe her individual contribution count is something like a fifth of Bernie's.

If you plotted the number of individual contributions Bernie's campaign has received, over time, I think you'd find it would be an excellent indicator of Bernie's momentum, with him connecting with ever greater numbers of the American people, and, I believe, receiving over a million contributions in this month alone, leading up to yesterday's caucuses, so, by the end of March (with the added positive coverage), 6.5 mill, easy?
This is correct.

The pledged delegates would be

Hillary 2046
Bernie 2005

He is winning California by triple digits tho.

Adding to the politico article, I do think the rifts between Clinton and Sanders are way more significant than between her and Obama. People may be less antagonistic than back in 08, but the candidates sure as hell are not.

The Progressive Party is happening y'all.


He is winning California by triple digits tho.

Adding to the politico article, I do think the rifts between Clinton and Sanders are way more significant than between her and Obama. People may be less antagonistic than back in 08, but the candidates sure as hell are not.

The Progressive Party is happening y'all.

God, this is my true nightmare.

At least I would get a huge tax break to console me.
He is winning California by triple digits tho.

Adding to the politico article, I do think the rifts between Clinton and Sanders are way more significant than between her and Obama. People may be less antagonistic than back in 08, but the candidates sure as hell are not.

The Progressive Party is happening y'all.
I'm fine if the two party system ends up with Hillary and Bernie representing the center of each.

Bernie doesn't seem very invested in the idea of a third party though and certainly not in building that infrastructure. You need to start getting people elected at local levels to build up a bench and support.
To go back a couple of pages...

Yeah, I can agree with both 1 and 2 here. I would not suggest that employees will always capture all the benefit of regulatory changes. I just want to push back against the idea that employers will always capture all the benefit.

Obviously there's no easy way to judge 2 without understanding what people pay for healthcare and what they would get in a public system, which is a much larger question.
I think what people don't realise is that taxes are not ultimately borne by companies regardless of the legal incidence, they are borne by people; labour, shareholders or consumers.
If you basically overlay the map of caucuses vs primaries, with few exceptions that's the Sanders / Clinton win / loss map. Which probably isn't dissimilar from the Obama map excluding black voters.


About as expected "Why do we need this topic? What does it matter what his supporters do? Stirring the pot, etc, etc"

OT is a savage place when people criticize King Bernie. Are we Hillary fans really that defense when someone comes for our Queen?

Now that the mods have cracked down on people coming back to the clubhouse to complain about how stupid OT is, I think it's somewhat better. There are a few notable bad posters on the Hillary side, the biggest example of which is currently banned.
About as expected "Why do we need this topic? What does it matter what his supporters do? Stirring the pot, etc, etc"

OT is a savage place when people criticize King Bernie. Are we Hillary fans really that defense when someone comes for our Queen?
Most of the time we aren't, but there have been occasions that made me cringe even as a Hillary supporter. Some of those responsible have been banned though.


I'm fine if the two party system ends up with Hillary and Bernie representing the center of each.

Bernie doesn't seem very invested in the idea of a third party though and certainly not in building that infrastructure. You need to start getting people elected at local levels to build up a bench and support.

I welcome him to trying to creating voting rolls for himself, since a huge part of campaigning as either party is the campaign information of voters from either party. That's why the DNC cutting their link was a big thing.

That gives you a starting point to drum up donations and outreach.

He is not going to be able to get all of that from the Internet.

Not from the most likely of voters (older people)

East Lake

Tesseract posts were of top quality compared to the relentless mining of quotes from great sources like reddit and facebook. If you post enough of them, that left tea party that doesn't actually exist might come true!


Now that the mods have cracked down on people coming back to the clubhouse to complain about how stupid OT is, I think it's somewhat better. There are a few notable bad posters on the Hillary side, the biggest example of which is currently banned.

What was banned?
The Democratic Party IS a liberal party, progressive party, and a moderate party. It even has a hint of conservatism in it. Because it's a coalition of voters and politicians with similar goals. It's not always going to be ideological but thats because you have to understand what it is, and that not every goal will be your preferred idea.

The party should have no problems supporting the spectrum from Bernie to Biden. You just need to find common ground and commit to work together.
Just did the math (based off of 538). If supers voted for the winner of their state only, their delegate totals would be:

Clinton: 1,516
Sanders: 1,151

So, you mean to say that every time the goal posts are shifted, she keeps kicking the ball through the uprights?

Also, did I mangle that metaphor too much?

Also, also, love your new avatar, Royalan. QUEEN DONNA
The Democratic Party IS a liberal party, progressive party, and a moderate party. It even has a hint of conservatism in it. Because it's a coalition of voters and politicians with similar goals. It's not always going to be ideological but thats because you have to understand what it is, and that not every goal will be your preferred idea.

The party should have no problems supporting the spectrum from Bernie to Biden. You just need to find common ground and commit to work together.

Right I have a lot of issues with the Democratic Party at times , but it's because of the coalition that we've been able to prevent conservatives from dominating politics completely at the national level.



Another sign unification at the end of all this might prove difficult.

I remember Hillary or Obama talking about how they at least managed to maintain a semblance of a personal relationship by making these sorts of phonecalls even when their campaigns (and Bill) were at each other's throats in 2008. Unfortunately it seems Bernie and Hillary really don't like each other.

And the moral of the story kids, don't let folks who aren't members of the club run to lead it. Sanders has no real interest in how the Democrats do as a party.


I see royalan has fans, as always.

My aunt visited today. She's a Bernie supporter. She's also an "herbal supplements" type of gal, so I'm sure she was swayed by his GMO comments. Didn't do him much good in her home state of Florida, though.


On the Upshot at NYT, there's a post about what eliminating the trade deficit would do in terms of foreign policy.

What’s more, eliminating the trade deficit would not, on its own, make America great again, as Mr. Trump promises. And in isolation, the fact that the United States has a trade deficit does not prove that trade agreements are bad for Americans, a staple of Bernie Sanders’s campaign in the Democratic presidential primary. In fact, trying to eliminate the trade deficit could mean giving up some of the key levers of power that allow the United States to get its way in international politics.
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