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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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What's with all of this Publix love?

Yep, that tax calculator is dangerously misleading. Yeah, a lower flat tax sounds nice if you ignore how it'd require dismantling government services and raising the price of goods and services as a result of Cruz's VAT.

publix is goat for cakes in the bakery. where you buy cakes.

and they have doughnuts and pies. and its so good. and its good.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
publix is goat for cakes in the bakery. where you buy cakes.

and they have doughnuts and pies. and its so good. and its good.

Why yes, It's one of the few redeeming qualities of Florida. They also have awesome subs at a very reasonable price. I'll get one into work Tuesday :)
And, they don't abuse their employees like Walmart.
Why yes, It's one of the few redeeming qualities of Florida. They also have awesome subs at a very reasonable price. I'll get one into work Tuesday :)
And, they don't abuse their employees like Walmart.

their're subs are soooo good. one time we got ya.

they used to do the food four our young democrats meetings but they manager didn't want to know it was for that. she was a republican lady but she was so nice.


I knew caucuses were a form of suppression but dayum:

Hawaii Congressional and Gubernatorial Democratic Primary 2014: 237,917 votes

Hawaii Democratic Caucus 2016: 33,716 votes

Gotta figure that caucuses are going to scare away anyone with social anxiety, and potentially anyone whose views align differently than the state polling suggests.

But also, you can't vote early, right. And you have to sit there the whole time or your vote doesn't count. That's tremendously inconvenient.

Probably a lot of yelling too


Why yes, It's one of the few redeeming qualities of Florida. They also have awesome subs at a very reasonable price. I'll get one into work Tuesday :)
And, they don't abuse their employees like Walmart.

We have Publix in Georgia too. I generally prefer em to Kroger, at least the subs are better

their're subs are soooo good. one time we got ya.

they used to do the food four our young democrats meetings but they manager didn't want to know it was for that. she was a republican lady but she was so nice.

Yes they are. I get them multiple times a week for lunch lol.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Poligaf 2016 OT3 | WV was not part of the Confederacy?!?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions


PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| The first female PoliGAF thread
PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Zodiac Killer Investigation Hotline
PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| This thread will raise your taxes by $11,200 per year


This Race for the White House series on CNN has been damn good so far.

GODDAMMIT Dukakis. Losing with dignity (but still losing) like a true Dem...:(

Can't wait until CNN can do a docu-series on the Republican primaries this year. They have a full season's worth of content to work with.

Yeah, it irks me that people fail to realize that it doesn't matter how noble you were if you lose. The defining image of Dukakis in my head right now is him going on CNN last Black Friday talking about how much he loves turkey soup and how people drop turkey carcasses on his doorstep every year. I never thought of him as a noble campaigner because he is a footnote in presidential political history (because he lost). Winning is all that matters at this stage in the game.

It's an analogous situation to aerospace startups pre-Elon Musk (blessed be his name). There has been a deluge of startups since the mid 90s and yet everyone sans Orbital Sciences (now Orbital ATK) is dead because they were always focused on the engineering or visionary planning at the expense of being a functioning business. They wanted to be pure and died off because they were unviable in the eyes of the market. With SpaceX, Elon (all glory to our lord) understood that the tech marvels, engineering advances, and grand mission plans are impossible without major cashflow coming in and the only way to achieve that is to be a successful launch provider. That's been SpaceX's primary focus since their inception and it is allowing them to actually make a tangible Mars plan a reality.

If you don't win elections in politics, it doesn't matter how pure you are or how grand and functional your policy proposals are. Winning is the great facilitator of change in the political world because it allows you to actually act upon your vision.


PoliGAF |OT 4| Carpet Bombing is Cruz Control for Cruel

You know, I don't get upset about a lot...but how dare you bring Publix into this. :p

That's why he'd hide one underneath a Publix - you'd have to destroy their delicious bakery to get to it. A heinous plot only the architect of the largest Medicare fraud in American history could plan.

publix is goat for cakes in the bakery. where you buy cakes.

and they have doughnuts and pies. and its so good. and its good.

Exactly! And their freshly made breads every Sunday... I'm so happy that I'm going to still be within walking distance of a Publix after moving cities.
Mr. Trump declined to take a position on a petition to allow guns at the Republican convention, contending that delegates at the high-security event risk being “sitting ducks, utterly helpless against evil-doers and criminals.” Mr. Trump said he had not seen the petition, which is aimed at candidates like himself, and that he would have to review it before commenting, although he noted he was a “very, very strong person for the Second Amendment.”

This is really going to happen, isn't it.



|OT4| Nation Prepares to Say Goodbye to Cleveland

This would be perfect for OT 5.

On that note, a dark part of me wants the Republican true believers to rally for open carry at the convention. After all, if their logic that more guns is always better and gun free zones are just tragedies waiting to happen, then they should address this pressing issue before their convention is attacked by [bogeyman of the week].

And here we go...




LA Times said:
Federal prosecutors investigating the possible mishandling of classified materials on Hillary Clinton’s private email server have begun the process of setting up formal interviews with some of her longtime and closest aides, according to two people familiar with the probe, an indication that the inquiry is moving into its final phases.

Those interviews and the final review of the case, however, could still take many weeks, all but guaranteeing that the investigation will continue to dog Clinton’s presidential campaign through most, if not all, of the remaining presidential primaries.

No dates have been set for questioning the advisors, but a federal prosecutor in recent weeks has called their lawyers to alert them that he would soon be doing so, the sources said. Prosecutors also are expected to seek an interview with Clinton herself, though the timing remains unclear.

The interviews by FBI agents and prosecutors will play a significant role in helping them better understand whether Clinton or her aides knowingly or negligently discussed classified government secrets over a non-secure email system when she served as secretary of State.

The meetings also are an indication that much of the investigators' background work – recovering deleted emails, understanding how the server operated and determining whether it was breached – is nearing completion.

“The interviews are critical to understand the volume of information they have accumulated,” said James McJunkin, former head of the FBI's Washington field office. “They are likely nearing the end of the investigation and the agents need to interview these people to put the information in context. They will then spend time aligning these statements with other information, emails, classified documents, etc., to determine whether there is a prosecutable case."

Many legal experts believe that Clinton faces little risk of being prosecuted for using the private email system to conduct official business when she served as secretary of State, though that decision has raised questions among some about her judgment. They noted that using a private email system was not banned at the time, and others in government had used personal email to transact official business.

The bigger question is whether she or her aides distributed classified material in email systems that fell outside of the department’s secure classified system. But even if prosecutors determine that she did, chances she will be found criminally liable are low. U.S. law makes it a crime for someone to knowingly or willfully retain classified information, handle it in a grossly negligent manner or to pass it to someone not entitled to see it.

Clinton has denied using the email account to send or receive materials marked classified. Though some emails have since been deemed to be too sensitive to release publicly, Clinton's campaign has attributed that to overzealous intelligence officials and "over-classification run amok."

Legally it doesn’t matter if the emails were marked as classified or not, since government officials are obligated to recognize sensitive material and guard against its release. But legal experts noted that such labels would be helpful to prosecutors seeking to prove she knew the information was classified, a key element of the law.

“The facts of the case do not fit the law,” said Stephen Vladeck, a law professor at American University. “Reasonable folks may think that federal law ought to prohibit what Hillary did, but it’s just not clear to me that it currently does.”

Even so, her use of the private server, which was based at her home in New York, has become fodder for Clinton’s political foes as she campaigns to secure the Democratic nomination for president.

Though Sen. Bernie Sanders has largely declined to use the email scandal against her in the Democratic primary, Republicans have repeatedly said she should be indicted or disqualified from running for the nation's top office.


No Scrubs
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