Does anyone else notice this is a long article with one or two sentences of new information? It's a restatement of the facts of the case that have been public for months.
Jeff Weaver, Mr. Sanders’s campaign manager, sent a letter on Sunday to his counterpart in the Clinton campaign, Robby Mook, asserting that the two teams had agreed to have a debate in California in May but had not yet come to terms on an April showdown. Mr. Weaver argued for New York as the location, noting that it had the most delegates at stake in April, and then adopted a taunting tone, suggesting that Mrs. Clinton was afraid to debate Mr. Sanders.
“It is difficult to understand your motivation,” Mr. Weaver wrote. “Can you please explain why New York should not host the April debate? Is the Secretary concerned about debating before the people who twice elected her to the U.S. Senate? Perhaps there is some tactical advantage you are seeking by avoiding a debate in New York but I would remind you that Senator Sanders agreed to debate the secretary in New Hampshire when he was well ahead.” Mr. Sanders ended up winning the New Hampshire primary in a rout; Mrs. Clinton had double-digit leads over Mr. Sanders in some recent New York polls.
I guess I differ in that I think almost every human being ever has acted, politically, in service of their own self-interest, and if lower taxes or less regulation or open access to guns are what perceive as best for you, it seems unrealistic to expect you to not act on that because it's wrapped in packaging you don't like.
Because she can't keep getting away with it!
Also, Jeff Weaver continues to stay classy.
I do wonder what would have happened if he had had a better campaign staff.
Morning Joe hits new low as Ted Cruz staff agrees with Joe and mika that super delegates are a form of voter suppression so dems are the real racists
!!Morning Joe hits new low as Ted Cruz staff agrees with Joe and mika that super delegates are a form of voter suppression so dems are the real racists
ExactlyIt's amazing any republican right now outside of trump could whine about super delegates when their plan is to override the voters at the convention
Quick, we need subtitle ideas!
PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| A Confederacy of Dunces
OT4 | I Fucked Ted
PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Made with real dank memes, now tesseract free!
Morning Joe hits new low as Ted Cruz staff agrees with Joe and mika that super delegates are a form of voter suppression so dems are the real racists
Quick, we need subtitle ideas!
YESPoligaf 2016 |OT4| A Jesus Loving Man Nails His Own Carpenter
New CA Polling(LA Times)
A felony for a noise violation are you kidding?
I was faced with the prospect of graduating from college but never getting a job, should the felony charge stick. This was a terrible thing to face and I was truly frightened. Not the least of my problems was explaining it to my lawyer father.
A fretful week went by, with me receiving only tangential help from the university's (non-lawyer) legal services. Then I received a phone call.
As clear as yesterday, I can recall the words on the other end of the line: "This is Bernie Sanders. I am new here and I like to do things differently." That got my attention.
Bernie went on to say, "How about this: You organize a dozen of your friends to pick up trash in city parks and fill in potholes for two days. If you do that, we can forget the whole thing. What do you say, do we have a deal?"
"You bet," I said. I am not sure, but like to tell myself that this was Bernie's first act as a politician.
I guess my problem with the whole GOP is racist angle is it doesn't seem to me to actually capture the minds of GOP voters all that well. Not that a good amount of them aren't racist, but people can be complicated and throwing around terms like white supremacy seems to blur the lines between a Rubio supporter and a Klan member.
A hypothetical progressive might look at poverty and think, these communities need police reform/prison reform, jobs etc... Where a hypothetical conservative might look and see the same issue and think the people in those communities need to make better decisions. Now the conservative could be saying that due to racism in certain cases, but they also could genuinely believe it and think the GOP has more just policies, while not buying that whites are superior.
I think maybe some of the problem is that for people on the left the solutions are sort of technocratic, which I think is the right way to go in theory. If for example there's high poverty rates in a community, to me the right thing to do is have the government provide whatever incentives/reforms are needed to reverse the problem, and not sit idly and let it persist, so you either need some compassion for people who are in tough positions or you merely look at it as pieces on a chessboard like THE ESTABLISHMENT, but either way on some level I don't think you can honestly be a fiercely moralistic person in those two scenarios, but liberals are.
If you extend your compassion to some people, you have to extend it across the board, even to conservative voters.
bit weirded out by those age splits. usually clinton wins 40-49 and loses 30-39
TRUMP THA GODAlso the notion that 11% of white people are intent on voting for a candidate other than Bernie or Hillary seems strange.
Also the notion that 11% of white people are intent on voting for a candidate other than Bernie or Hillary seems strange.
Great article today in the NYT about how republicans have screwed poor ignorant white racists for so long and now it's finally starting to bite them in the ass.
NY Times said:The distance was magnified by the Supreme Courts 2010 decision in the Citizens United case, which gave wealthy donors rising weight in Republican circles, even amid signs that the partys downscale voters were demanding more of a voice.
Morning Joe hits new low as Ted Cruz staff agrees with Joe and mika that super delegates are a form of voter suppression so dems are the real racists
Morning Joe hits new low as Ted Cruz staff agrees with Joe and mika that super delegates are a form of voter suppression so dems are the real racists
This whole "primaries are undemocratic!" mantra from all sides is bizarre. Everything's fine and dandy until your candidate is disadvantaged by the system. At least with most Democratic states you get proportional delegates (and Sanders has benefited most from caucuses which are definitely less democratic, superdelegates or no.)
It's not a democratic system. I agree. Caucuses aren't either. This is not new info to anyone except for people who are..."new" to the political process, let's say.I wouldn't go that far, but it's clearly an anti-democratic system.
Though I'm sure the RNC wishes they had a similar system in place to stop the Don.
Morning Joe hits new low as Ted Cruz staff agrees with Joe and mika that super delegates are a form of voter suppression so dems are the real racists
also, i can't believe "trump is a liberal plant sent to win the election for clinton" truthers are actually a thing, but i'm interacting with one on facebook right now
New CA Polling(LA Times)
Some of that was running around last summer, but it was clearly a joke.also, i can't believe "trump is a liberal plant sent to win the election for clinton" truthers are actually a thing, but i'm interacting with one on facebook right now
New CA Polling(LA Times)
Love this one.PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Single white Zodiac seeking caucus worship
Her lead is slightly larger, 47% to 36%, among those most likely to vote.
PoiGAF 2016 |OT4| Inconceivable the Power of Cyber
He's probably not just going to need to win California but blow her out depending on what happens in New York.CA way too close for comfort.
Significant AA populations in both states. Don't worry about Clinton in either IMO.Any new polls from New Jersey/Maryland? Hoping for solid wins from Clinton there.
How many delegates is DC worth?
Tempted to go try to get into Kasich's town hall at 6 tonight.