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PoliGAF 2016 |OT3| You know what they say about big Michigans - big Florida

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No Scrubs
I'm disappointed Obama hasn't made this go away, considering how much of a non-issue it is.

This just needs to play out. So long as she's done nothing wrong, which I am very certain of, she'll be fine. It's a real bitch in terms of the election, but I don't think anyone who isn't a republican is going to care about this. The GOP poisoned the well like they always do with attacks against the Clintons.
If Obama "made it go away" he'd be doing more harm than good. A thorough, extensive investigation that clears Clinton of all wrongdoing is the best way to go.


contribute something


Less than 25% of Trump's base believes most black people are not violent

oh my lord

He also played a rabbi in a movie in the 90s.


Dukakis After Dark was an SNL sketch that aired on November 5, 1988, days before the election. The premise was that Dukakis was destined to lose, so he figured he'd throw a swanky party to end the campaign (instead of the pre-planned infomercial).



I love Hartman's Ted Kennedy impression! And there are a few very telling moments when policy is briefly brought up.

Free needles and condoms and abortion on demand being a punchline back then makes me sad :mad:



Oh shittt. Will Bern support Hillary? Up in the air.

CHUCK TODD: But you'll support her if she doesn't share your views on that?

BERNIE SANDERS: I did not say that. No, I did not say that. I did say that it's absurd we remain the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care to all people and paid family and medical leave. We have got to change that.

At least this is much better than what's going on in the GOP.


Free needles and condoms and abortion on demand being a punchline back then makes me sad :mad:
If I could, I'd make some of these sketches required viewing, just to demonstrate the political environment back then. The country was a LOT more conservative, and I'm finding reminders all over the place of this.

(Makes me laugh when folks criticize Clinton for being too conservative back in the 90s, considering where the average swing voter was at that time. The leftward drift we've made since then has been nothing short of remarkable.)



Oh shittt. Will Bern support Hillary? Up in the air.

At least this is much better than what's going on in the GOP.

Hasn't Hillary already had this position for a while now? Obama has campaigned on it as well. It's strange to me when Bernie acts like he's the only politician to discover that mandatory paid family leave and maternity leave are good things. Having a position is one thing, making it happen is another.


If I could, I'd make some of these sketches required viewing, just to demonstrate the political environment back then. The country was a LOT more conservative, and I'm finding reminders all over the place of this.

(Makes me laugh when folks criticize Clinton for being too conservative back in the 90s, considering where the average swing voter was at that time. The leftward drift we've made since then has been nothing short of remarkable.)
It hasn't been a uniform left shift.




If I could, I'd make some of these sketches required viewing, just to demonstrate the political environment back then. The country was a LOT more conservative, and I'm finding reminders all over the place of this.

(Makes me laugh when folks criticize Clinton for being too conservative back in the 90s, considering where the average swing voter was at that time. The leftward drift we've made since then has been nothing short of remarkable.)

Watching that clip gave me horrible flashbacks even of 2005, when Republicans controlled everything and talk of Karl Rove's permanent Republican majority seemed believable.


No Scrubs
Hasn't Hillary already had this position for a while now? Obama has campaigned on it as well. It's strange to me when Bernie acts like he's the only politician to discover that mandatory paid family leave and maternity leave are good things. Having a position is one thing, making it happen is another.

Pretty sure she's been for this type of thing ever since she was a senator, probably even before.

East Lake

Trump's 35% tariffs against China and Mexico would cause those countries to enter a massive recession... and us as well:


Only seven million jobs lost though.
Donald's trade war stuff is stupid but there's no way to know if those economic projections are accurate. There's dissent within the article. It's impossible for Moody's to forecast how congress and overseas businesses will interact with tariffs reliably.


Donald's trade war stuff is stupid but there's no way to know if those economic projections are accurate. There's dissent within the article. It's impossible for Moody's to forecast how congress and overseas businesses will interact with tariffs reliably.
Also, Moody's are fucking idiots who are wrong about everything.


No Scrubs
Donald's trade war stuff is stupid but there's no way to know if those economic projections are accurate. There's dissent within the article. it's impossible for Moody's to forecast how congress and overseas businesses will interact with tariffs reliably.

No, but there's a reason we try and avoid what Trump is advocating. Tariffs followed by retaliatory tariffs will just makes shit way more expensive for everyone involved and if you think wages will keep up with that increased cost, well I don't know what to tell you.

We already know Congress won't do shit, that's a fair assumption to make. As for China, I doubt they'd take this shit lying down.

Also, Moody's are fucking idiots who are wrong about everything.

I don't necessarily disagree, but at the same time I can't really see Trump's plan not causing huge amounts of damage to our economy.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The desire for it to be true has made some of us crazy.
At this point a segment of the Internet's Cruz haters are fully determined to ruin some lives and relationships, one way or another. Because who cares whether any of this is true or not, right? Cruz and some of the other names mentioned are nasty people who espouse awful things. They should burn regardless!

East Lake

China already doesn't take it lying down, and I don't think congress not doing anything is even a fair assumption, much less any of the rest of it. Yes it wouldn't be good, but I have no idea what employment might look like under a hypothetical Trump presidency and neither does Moody's.

Also we all like Tesla right dudes?

Tesla Motors Inc. Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk, who’s preparing to begin deliveries of the Model S electric vehicle in China, forecast the company will be making cars in the country in the next three to four years.

The company is also building a “big” network of battery-charging stations in China, including superchargers in Beijing and Shanghai, the billionaire said at a packed Geekpark Conference in the nation’s capital yesterday. Today, he told reporters in Beijing that the company plans to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in the country.

“At some point in the next three or four years we’ll be establishing local manufacturing in China,” Musk said. “China is very important to the future of Tesla. We’re going to make a big investment in China in terms of charging infrastructure.”

Local production in the world’s biggest auto market would allow Tesla to sell cars at cheaper prices by avoiding China’s 25 percent import tariff. While entering the country presents an opportunity for Tesla to sell as many vehicles there as in the U.S. by as soon as next year, Musk, 42, will attempt to accomplish what the Chinese government has struggled to do: get people to buy electric cars.

Manufacturing in China would require Tesla to team up with a local company and create a joint venture. Tesla hasn’t held any serious partnership discussions yet and it’s unlikely for the company to make an announcement on the matter for at least a year, Musk said today.


Their projections are actually really tame given a trade war. Every Republican president presides over (or engineers) a recession in their first term and 3 million lost jobs seems pretty typical.

East Lake

Trade wars from ages ago...

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. International Trade Commission's final approval of steep antidumping duties on Japanese supercomputers sends a clear message abroad: Foreign supercomputers, keep out.

The ITC ruled 3-0 on Friday that a proposed supercomputer sale by NEC Corp. would damage U.S. industry, in particular the Cray Research subsidiary of Silicon Graphics Inc. The ITC decision essentially ratifies an earlier Commerce Department decision to slap 454% antidumping duties on NEC supercomputers, and 173% antidumping tariffs on supercomputer exports by Fujitsu Ltd.

The ITC plays a key role in the government's procedure for dealing with foreign products that are being "dumped" in the U.S. Once the Commerce Department rules that an item is being sold in this country at below-market prices, the ITC determines separately if the dumping injures U.S. firms. If the agency finds injury, as it did in the supercomputer case, dumping margins determined by the Commerce Department go into effect. In most cases, exporters decide to cancel the sales rather than accept the tariffs.

The ITC ruling follows a series of actions by U.S. agencies to protect domestic supercomputer makers from foreign competition. Since the late 1980s, either the administration or Congress has pressured Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Energy Department nuclear-weapons laboratories to shelve plans to buy discounted Japanese supercomputers. The ITC ruling puts an end to plans by the University Corp. for Atmospheric Research, a consortium of universities doing climate research, to buy a $35.2 million supercomputer from NEC for weather research.

The "Buy America" pressure is especially ironic because the U.S. has accused Japan of conducting a "Buy Japan" policy to block imports of U.S. supercomputers. The U.S. has charged the Japanese government with using quiet intimidation against Japanese scientific agencies willing to buy Cray machines. "Persistent market access barriers have emerged" in the Japanese supercomputer market, the U.S. Trade Representative noted in its most recent report on global trade barriers.

After a decade of effort, Japanese firms have yet to sell a single supercomputer to agencies funded by the U.S. government, says Gary Smaby, president of Smaby Group, a Minneapolis computer consulting firm. "It's difficult for anyone looking at this objectively to say it isn't protectionism," says Mr. Smaby. "They [the government] have locked the Japanese out of the market."

Cray Research, which has defined and dominated the supercomputer market, has been the main beneficiary of the U.S. trade efforts. Cray said it "welcomed" the ITC finding, which it said ensures that "fair competition based on rational pricing will prevail." Cray built a hugely successful company selling supercomputers to the Pentagon and the Energy Department for designing nuclear weapons and deciphering intercepted messages.


Dukakis After Dark was an SNL sketch that aired on November 5, 1988, days before the election. The premise was that Dukakis was destined to lose, so he figured he'd throw a swanky party to end the campaign (instead of the pre-planned infomercial).



I love Hartman's Ted Kennedy impression! And there are a few very telling moments when policy is briefly brought up.

That was while conservative Jim Downey was head writer.
Uh, I hate to break this to you, but there's probably a reasonable (25-30) percentage of black voters who would be in one of the first three categories. But you'd have to do an actual breakdown to be sure.

I suspect older blacks / those who grew up in extremely rough areas (ala Compton in the 90s) might be liable to cast their vote in the first three categories. Folks who grew up in the height of the gang issues / increase in violent crime / etc also might fall into those categories.

Eyeballing those categories, its 45% in the first three categories vs 55% in the last two categories.

I know, but that's still immensely depressing to me. I don't find self-hatred among an already marginalized group to be much less disheartening than bigotry.


Poligaf 2016 |OT4| Bill and Ted's Excellent Serial Murder Spree

Poligaf 2016 |OT4| cLEAVEland

Poligaf 2016 |OT4| Big Donald and Daddy Cruz Double Team a Random John


PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| The Ted Cruz Experience

PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| Love Trumps Marriage

PoliGAF 2016 |OT4| The West is Berning


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
In her administration? None. That's a power struggle no one would want to deal with. Plus, I have a feeling Obama's done with politics. You just don't top being President.

Unless you are Taft and you'd rather be Chief Justice.
I really don't understand Kasich. He wants to be the moderate, compromise, anti -Trump candidate yet won't come out and say he won't support Trump?

Does he honestly think if Trump doesn't get it he'll need his support? I really don't understand what's behind these decisions, other than outright cowardice at this point. If someone wants to be the anti-Trump they need to be the anti-Trump. If Kasich wants to win more states then he needs to do something to seperate him from Cruz.

Kasich is spineless along the rest of them. The best thing he ever did though was making everyone think he's a moderate candidate.
Kasich is spineless along the rest of them. The best thing he ever did though was making everyone think he's a moderate candidate.

I mean, it kinda feels like calling Kasich an extremist is akin to saying Hillary is "center-right" if you compare her to EU politicians. In the current climate of the GOP, Kasich seems moderate to me. You can argue that the party as a whole is extreme right now, and I'd agree, but I don't think Kasich is especially far right within that spectrum.
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