If you call that one you, better, workDid we already do a Rupaul debate thread?
If not I'll take the next Democratic debate. I have a secret plan.
Hillary just announced 1,000,000 individual contributions.
WOW, Adam -- so many of you have stepped up since we announced our big one-million donor goal, its amazing! Fun fact: Our average online gift yesterday was just $27. (Sound familiar?)
Hillary just announced 1,000,000 individual contributions.
Where are these polls that show Trump beating Hillary?
From the fundraising email I got:
WOW, Adam -- so many of you have stepped up since we announced our big one-million donor goal, its amazing! Fun fact: Our average online gift yesterday was just $27. (Sound familiar?)
Where are these polls that show Trump beating Hillary?
Ken Kutaragi beats Hillary in PSN poll. 3D online another Obama term world.
Where are these polls that show Trump beating Hillary?
five polls across one year, two of which(the most recent) are in the MoEWhere are these polls that show Trump beating Hillary?
Finally, something Japanese where I know the reference!These are all words, but I don't know what they mean together.
Well let's see, there's one fairly recently and uh, one more.
I see. Thanks guys. I believe him slightly more now.five polls across one year, two of which(the most recent) are in the MoE
Dammit Trump don't remind me about how the Supreme Court is up for grabs.
Imagine if Ted Cruz becomes president.
From the fundraising email I got:
Duck Dynasty and the Duggars on the Supreme Court.
They can make tater tot casserole between decisions about how to ban gays, women and brown people.
I feel like thisAnyone else just feeling totally confused when trying to draw up the electoral math in your head?
What's your map looking likeI feel like this
I would have been better off watching the circus debate tonight instead of that "date". My word/
It wasn't a circus. It was like an NPR programI would have been better off watching the circus debate tonight instead of that "date". My word/
You would have fallen back asleep if it were on.I fell asleep about a half hour before the debate, assuming it would wake me up. Given I just woke up now, I'm extremely disappointed.
No one trying anything truly bold is code for "yup, this is the situation we candidates have gotten ourselves into and we're fucked." They just don't have the energy for the bullshit anymore.
Obama: "Where else could a boy born in Calgary run for president of the United States?"
Kasich flipping out on CNN. Wow. What an asshole.
Kasich flipping out on CNN. Wow. What an asshole.
Like Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! but with Donald trump reciting the limericks instead ofIt wasn't a circus. It was like an NPR program
Kasich flipping out on CNN. Wow. What an asshole.
Lol, this dude always snaps on women. He has so much underlying anger. He acts like he's the nice guy on the debate stage and just a total asshole everywhere else
Oh boy, man geeze wow, guys, let me tell you, this is nuts. Ohio, Ohio Ohio. Wow man geeze.
Let's stop fighting!Oh boy, man geeze wow, guys, let me tell you, this is nuts. Ohio, Ohio Ohio. Wow man geeze.
Let's stop fighting!
Master troll, genius strategist. Spends months being outrageous and after Romney calls everyone to arms they tune in to find reasonable trump and wonder what all the fuss was about.Ok Trump is winning 80% on Time's debate poll. That's higher than he usually gets. Looks like his calm and peaceful demeanor struck a cord with more moderate republicans.