I just don't see where the Trump is suddenly Lee Atwater reborn level political strategist idea is coming from. It just sounds like the internet echo chamber is getting the best of people and they're drawing parallels where there's nothing but smoke. Maybe I'm wrong and he is a master manipulator, NIMBLE NAVIGATOR and the like, but I just don't see it.
He's not Atwater, he's Wallace. Provoking a reaction isn't brilliant political strategy, it's just standard escalation. All this freaking out over the "consequences" of the latest protest is just knee-jerk cowardice from people who were comfortable playing political fantasy football in their negative peace bubble.
hmmm. gotta reverse the roles, tho.
Ninty joining MS and then taking charge of the xbox division.
feels like it'd most likely be the kind of relationship that would benefit both sides immensely, what with both having something that the other desperately lacks.
I don't think that's the analogy, because the GOP is totally not benefiting from Trump. Maybe if Nintendo took over Xbox, sold the Halo franchise to Sony, then cancelled all projects in favor of new Mario Party games.
Apparently Trump decided to get involved in politics after Obama wrecked him at the correspondents dinner as a way to nurse his shattered ego.
So I guess republicans are right in blaming Trump on Obama.
A number of people called this one.