Someone please poll Missouri.
OGB Polling Group:
Sanders 54
Clinton 46
Someone please poll Missouri.
Guy who predicted Bern win in michigan has forecasts out for ST2
Are you comparing the same polling outfit?
Probably, you're paying too much attention to people on the internet.Seeing #BernieOrBust ramp up again today. Possibly my least favorite thing about primaries.
Seems like there hasn't been a second poll from the same organization.
The big long-term solution is to steer your party message away from appeasing southern white voters. I don't know how that would work though.
Someone please poll Missouri.
Probably, you're paying too much attention to people on the internet.
Looks like there has barely been any polling at all.
There was one last July, but I don't think it should really count, because, July. Lulz.
As for Missori and other states, I find this site really useful. They sometimes post local polls and also is easy to navigate.,_2016
lol Trump saying Rose should be in the Baseball HOF now in Cincy.
That cheap pop.
You omit the part where more folks flush their money down the toilet of futility.Based on these polls, I'm just going to assume that this will be a replay of last week.
Hillary will win some states, Bernie will win some states. Hillary will net more delegates, making her lead even more unassailable. Bernie will continue to push the false narrative that because he's "won some states" that his candidacy is somehow still viable, all while sending notes to superdelegates that read "I'm sorry about what I said, pls consider switching to me thx <3<3<3"
Trump's taking questions from seventh graders
Oh, man, can you imagine him reading a story like Bush did pre-9/11?
Oh, man, can you imagine him reading a story like Bush did pre-9/11?
Jesus, that's awesome for the general. If the GOP loses Florida, they're FUCKED.
vicissitudes, how do you feel now that the bromance is ending?Going to use a Bernie avatar for a while.
Looking forward to Tuesday!
lol someone asked Trump what day in office he'd put Hillary in jail.
lol someone asked Trump what day in office he'd put Hillary in jail.
Fiscal conservatism is a joke. People loooove saying they are fiscally conservative so they can feel special and above the two parties. For the last 30 years, fiscal conservatism has meant tax cuts for millionaires, ballooning military budgets and costly incursions into foreign lands, and cuts to federal services and programs that ameliorate the crushing pressure on the poor.
Sorry for my outburst, both sides are the same, the increase in military spending paid for itself with the collapse of the soviet union, etc etc
A male medical emergency technician, 36, from Chicago, said he had watched the devastation wrought on areas of the city by job losses that in his view had been caused by free trade. “Donald Trump is the only candidate besides Bernie Sanders who cares about curtailing Free Trade. This is my only reason for supporting him if he makes if to November and Clinton is the Democratic nominee.”
Of the respondents who shared their views, 61% said they were motivated by an anti-Hillary feeling – the remainder were split down the middle between saying they were “pro-Trump” or felt equally pro-Trump and anti-Hillary.
A woman, 55, who described herself as a homemaker, said: “Both Trump and Sanders are non-establishment candidates who are not bought by the special interests that have control over policy and legislation because of their ‘bribes’.”
One male Sanders fan wrote: “Trump is an obnoxious vulgar blowhard who says foolish things. However, unlike Clinton – but like Sanders – at least he is an outsider who understands that the government and the economy are broken.”
“The data does not indicate any meaningful concern for Clinton that if she wins the Democratic nomination large numbers of Sanders voters would head to Trump,” said Jeff Horwitt, a senior vice-president with Hart Research.
It's amazing what Reagan did to people. Made them blind.
So this dude's project for a computer science class spits out a correct Michigan projection, but gets lots of other stuff completely wrong. Now he thinks people want to hear him ramble on for paragraphs and paragraphs about how Bernie might win, but Hillary might win also.
Fuck Tyler.
Why do you think this? His model is based on Google searches and whatnot.Even Tyler himself started his predictions with the expectation that they would be off and then would become less off as more data came in. Notice the difference in accuracy between his oldest data and his most recent data.
The accuracy of his model depends on accounting for as many variances in data points as possible.
Right or wrong, after his predictions for this Tuesday, his subsequent predictions are likely to be very, VERY accurate.
vicissitudes, how do you feel now that the bromance is ending?
Even Tyler himself started his predictions with the expectation that they would be off and then would become less off as more data came in. Notice the difference in accuracy between his oldest data and his most recent data.
The accuracy of his model depends on accounting for as many variances in data points as possible.
Right or wrong, after his predictions for this Tuesday, his subsequent predictions are likely to be very, VERY accurate.
That, or maybe he's just overfitting.
Even Tyler himself started his predictions with the expectation that they would be off and then would become less off as more data came in. Notice the difference in accuracy between his oldest data and his most recent data.
The accuracy of his model depends on accounting for as many variances in data points as possible.
Right or wrong, after his predictions for this Tuesday, his subsequent predictions are likely to be very, VERY accurate.
Even Tyler himself started his predictions with the expectation that they would be off and then would become less off as more data came in. Notice the difference in accuracy between his oldest data and his most recent data.
The accuracy of his model depends on accounting for as many variances in data points as possible.
Right or wrong, after his predictions for this Tuesday, his subsequent predictions are likely to be very, VERY accurate.
I bet by July, once he updates his model with more data points, it will be super accurate at predicting past results. We just have to wait for that model to find out how things will turn out.
What the fuck is going on with him.
Neil deGrasse Tyson Verified account ‏@neiltyson
If there were ever a species for whom sex hurt, it surely went extinct long ago.
2:59 PM - 11 Mar 2016^tfw
I think Cruz takes Illinois from Trump and almost guarantees a contested convention.
What the fuck is going on with him.
Neil deGrasse Tyson Verified account ‏@neiltyson
If there were ever a species for whom sex hurt, it surely went extinct long ago.
2:59 PM - 11 Mar 2016^tfw
Wouldn't he have come out and said that by now? Maybe he's taking up drinking?Maybe someone hacked him?
Wouldn't he have come out and said that by now? Maybe he's taking up drinking?