User 463088
Is it going in or coming out?
Oh god. That with the soup is a mental image I didn't fucking need.
Is it going in or coming out?
That's what she saidIs it going in or coming out?
Is it going in or coming out?
Seriously when you work with lots of white people and live with lots of white people who constantly shit on Deblasio for making the city LESS SAFE and flooding with homeless people when every statistic says exactly the opposite, it just grates on you to see people take whatever opportunity they can to shit on him despite all the good he does for lower income residents both white and black and other in this city.
Seeing him attacked from the left is nauseating. Ask for an apology, but pretending he is a racist is really eating your own.
Didn't somebody here pick Kasich in the game?
Cheesecake is gross.
It's not real cake. Fuck cheesecake.
Good thing you've already proven you have bad taste or this would've upset me
The only exception to this rule is lemon mascarpone cheesecake that my mom makes. And it actually has real cake on the bottom. It's acceptable.
What about oreo cheesecake?
Manky I avatar bet you that Clinton will win New York and if I win, you have to use that Kasich picture as your avatar.
adam I avatar bet you to tell me how awesome I am, and if you do it then you can use an avatar that displays my awesomeness.
Rule #637373 don't dismiss people that aren't voting for you as them wanting "something new and different"
She's implying the only reason young women aren't voting for her is that Bernie is "new and different" and not that they like his policies better. It's stupid and bad.I don't even think that's the bad part. That IS what a lot of people are saying about why they're voting for him (and Trump), that he represents "change."
It's the "wants free college" part that's bad. It's just another take on the Republican line "liberals just want free stuff" attack line, and she should really know better than to even imply that.
I thought it was because of boys
If I have to, and it has a fuck ton of Oreos. But, anything with a fuckton of Oreos is good. So...maybe?
See, I don't like creamcheese. Except in crab rangoon. So...maybe?
Hillary: I've ordered the entire state of New York nuked from orbit.
Bernie: Go Pats!
She's implying the only reason young women aren't voting for her is that Bernie is "new and different" and not that they like his policies better. It's stupid and bad.
It's bad when Bernie does it with southern people and it's bad when she does it about young people.
"Why do x voters hate you?" is always a crappy question to ask and it always elicits bad answers. If you were to ask "why do black people hate you?" to a Republican candidate or "why do white men hate you?" to a Democratic candidate you'd get pretty bad answers.
I've been using this avatar for the better part of 20 years, I ain't betting shit.
I think Hillary was referencing his policies with "new and different and revolutionary". I mean, how else would she describe them? She's not going to go down line by line on which policies they prefer, if that's something she even knows.
What is in the Sanders' tax returns!? There has to be something unseemly in them. Probably that he's worth more than he's said, or maybe he has some investments with some of the big, evil too big to fail banks or something.
There has to be some reason they haven't released them.
That's not how it looks to me. It reads to me like "Bernie is new and different therefore I'm going to vote for him" (and not because of his policies)
The correct answer is "I know there's a lot of young people struggling, especially young women and we need to work on fixing these issues. I just happen to think my plans are better and I hope they will look up my policies that will bring the change they're looking for."
Boom. Easy. Not condescending.
I'd say the reason younger women are going for Bernie is that they came of age in a time when jobs for young people were scarce because unregulated and unsafe banking practices had wrecked the economy, and Bernie is both nailing the banks for their BS and promising free college so that future generations of young people don't have the same ridiculous load of student debt that young people now are staring down. It's really not that hard to figure out.
I'm pretty sure the right answer is "man, if I knew I would be winning them."
You know what I think. I think there is something incredibly small, stupidly irrelevant, no-news blemish but that contradicted this whole 'Bernie is never wrong, he's never been wrong in his whole life' and that bothered him too much.
I think there is nothing there at all, but he mismanaged the whole thing. he should have done this ages ago and it will have been no news at all.
Now this has become something bigger just because of the expectations game, he's afraid that any small things will be blown up to the stratosphere. I think he maybe just never release them, he know he already lost so he doesn't need to release them, he can just hold until the end and then forget about it.
I'm sure he will release them right after he wins NY, he might even present them during his victory speech, while he asks for the transcripts and drops the mic.
So if you want to see those tasty tax returns better watch out for that Bernie win in NY
Nice try. Bernie doesn't give victory speeches. He gives his stump speech, the same one he's given since nineteen hundred and sixty four.
So lets be real...
Did anyone expect Hilldawg to have a challenger like Bernie (A legit one at this point),
Also who could of thought that the GOP party would implode when Trump took the front runner status.
SNL stays winning.
But Bernie's plans are pretty full of holes, so are these voters idealistic or uniformed?
Indeed, lol.
I think the NYDN is going to endorse Clinton.