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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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So Colbert's song Death. Taxes. Hillary was amazing.

I captured some gifs to celebrate.





I read this earlier this morning from a guy who is a VP of programming and research at Fox Sports, so I guess take it with a grain of salt, but it includes the three broadcast networks and the three cable news networks:

"18.8 overnight rating across six networks for night 1 of the DNC. 15% higher than RNC night 1 (16.3)".

He also said the 10 biggest markets for the DNC night 1 were

Top 10 markets for DNC night 1:
New York
West Palm
Ft. Myers
San Diego
Oh this is really great news. Esp the top 10

Bernie had a stern talking to the Californians with big mouths this morning over breakfast.

They might throw a little hissy fit at roll call, but after that, they probably won't even stick around the convention.
Yeah I read about this. Not convinced it will calm them down. We shall see

So, they're reporting Bernie won't nominate Hillary.
Why the fuck not? It's poetic.

If they're not replaced prior to today, they will be once she has the nomination. That's just the way it works.

Oh really? So like they'll be gone very soon

- Against raising taxes on the rich
- Against Iran Deal (maybe he came out for it later idk)
- Keeps money in offshore accounts
- Beats his wife


- Was once a Republican

I mean the choice here is clear, right? Grayson is the true liberal!

It's all his secret plot to become the Democratic nominee! Don't you know in 1932 FDR endorsed his opponent before the convention? And besides, we can always vote for Jill Stein, right? Bernie blinked morse code at me saying we should.

Unfortunately, I think Little Marco is gonna beat whoever comes out of that.
Oh, Shaun King. You're totes adorbs. Shame you were so toxic during the primary. Try not drinking so much Kool-Aid next time.

KING: To stop Donald Trump, I’ll be voting for Hillary Clinton

There's an interesting line in that article that I think is important:

I'm repeating myself because I know it's her earned victory that has been particularly hard for many Sanders supporters to accept.

I think this is the crux of the problem, to be honest. Bernie lost by every possible metric you could come up with. Nothing was rigged against him. I think a lot of the Bernie or Busters (and this is a small subset of people) can't accept that their ideas didn't lose. Their a generation who has been told you win for playing, and the idea that you can actually completely 100% lose even if you're "right" is something they're ill equipped to deal with.


I LOLed when the CT delegation said ''home of the WWE'' last week at the RNC

WTF is that on the right of Trump? He looks like a foot.


Oh, Shaun King. You're totes adorbs. Shame you were so toxic during the primary. Try not drinking so much Kool-Aid next time.

KING: To stop Donald Trump, I’ll be voting for Hillary Clinton

But, but he told me a vote against Hillary isn't a vote for Trump.

I'm seeing this all over my Facebook. Former Bernie diehards who finally see the real stakes and are now having to explain to their diehard friends what we knew all along. Go read the comments in that article. This toxicity and fervor is partly on them, too, and, while I'm glad they finally woke up, it's super interesting to see them make the same argument I was making to them just 2 months ago.


But, but he told me a vote against Hillary isn't a vote for Trump.

I'm seeing this all over my Facebook. Former Bernie diehards who finally see the real stakes and are now having to explain to their diehard friends what we knew all along. Go read the comments in that article. This toxicity and fervor is partly on them, too, and, while I'm glad they finally woke up, it's super interesting to see them make the same argument I was making to them just 2 months ago.

Yeah, the most surreal moment for me was watching a girl who is a Bernie supporter and friend of mine shout down her own father who is a Buster. Essentially, her argument boiled down to: I'm a woman and queer and disabled. I can't afford a Trump presidency. End of story.

I for one have been doing my part to try and ease unity with as many of my Bernie supporter friends as possible by stating that I have not been and will never be against the ideals and goals of Bernie Sanders. That's not at all why I supported Hillary over him. I've been trying to reassure people that progressivism won't just die the moment Hillary is formally nominated. It seems to be helping. For a lot of them, as horrific as this is to think about, I am the face of Hillary supporters because I am the only one in our social circles. I've gotten a fairly positive reaction to my outreach, which makes me hopeful moving forward..


We need a super/omnibus thread for all of these Bernie people that come back into the fold. Include dates and likely cause of their return.
Nate Silver is trying way, way too hard.

A "good news" story comes out about Hillary, and he's on Twitter saying WELL MAYBE THIS HELPS TRUMP OR NO ONE OKAY!?

It's really, really weird. It's obvious. But it's weird.


I for one have been doing my part to try and ease unity with as many of my Bernie supporter friends as possible by stating that I have not been and will never be against the ideals and goals of Bernie Sanders. That's not at all why I supported Hillary over him.

Part of the problem I have with this topic as well is that I support socialist and progressive ideals and I actually think Bernie's policies are mostly not good at advancing them. So this argument is tough to make!
I really wish people wouldn't lie with this preface of "she needs to earn our vote"

She's literally done everything she could possibly do to earn it in terms of listening policy wise, altering the party platform and projection, and taking massive risks in the process doing it. It would have made all the sense in the world to play to the center this cycle because of Trump, but she pushed to the left in order to reach out to these people.

If she doesn't have it by now, there isn't anything she can do. You just don't believe she'll do anything she says she will do. So just admit it. Because you are lying when you said you are a vote waiting to be courted. You aren't. It's bullshit, and the only thing that would make you happy is Bernie getting the nomination and Hillary being thrown in jail. So just be honest and say that is what you feel, instead of playing this nonsense game like you have your feet planted in reality and are only asking for reasonable concessions or just want a seat at the table.

You have that. You've gotten the concessions. You have a seat at the table. Bernie and Hillary working together on this platform is proof she is listening.

If that isn't enough for you than just fuck off to Trump already because you aren't a rational actor and there isn't anything the DNC or Hillary can do to appease you.


Part of the problem I have with this topic as well is that I support socialist and progressive ideals and I actually think Bernie's policies are mostly not good at advancing them. So this argument is tough to make!

Oh, I've been pretty quiet on why I didn't support Bernie. My focus has been on highlighting the ways in which we are the same and being complimentary toward Bernie's goals while not discussing at all what I think of his actual policies. If someone asked me about it, I'd be completely forthright in my opinion in as respectful a way as possible, but so far no one has cottoned on to that part of my statement. They're just feeling relieved that Clinton supporters are not straight up trying to slam the door in their face like I guess they assumed we would. I am fine with that. The goal of the statement was just to make them feel better and to feel heard. Seems to be working with my friends, but then most of the people I know are heading into their 30's now. I'm sure this would be harder if I was in my early 20's.
Oh my gay gods...

Meryl Streep is introducing Bill. OMG.
And America Fererra (my bae, and would) is speaking tonight.


Bill talking to the media in 1993 about if there will be a female president. He says he thinks so in his life time, and gives Hillary the side eye. Then says, it would probably be less controversial than the partnership he and Hillary have.
Shaun King's piece is really great, but it's absurd that it has gotten to this point. This whole DNC hack has caused many friends I saw coming around to regress to full on hater mode.


No Scrubs
Oh my gay gods...

Meryl Streep is introducing Bill. OMG.
And America Fererra (my bae, and would) is speaking tonight.


Bill talking to the media in 1993 about if there will be a female president. He says he thinks so in his life time, and gives Hillary the side eye. Then says, it would probably be less controversial than the partnership he and Hillary have.

Oh lord, that's amazing. Of course Streep would be introducing Bill. :lol

That Bill 1993 quote though, he knew.

SHUT THE FUCK UP WEINER you rancid piece of dog shit. You dont deserve to be let out of your bedroom without Huma's explicit permission. Go back and be a family man!!

Damn straight. His dumb Carlos Danger ass killed any shot a redemption he ever had. All he had to do was keep his head down for a few years and he could have been Mayor. The fuck is wrong with him?
Damn straight. His dumb Carlos Danger ass killed any shot a redemption he ever had. All he had to do was keep his head down for a few years and he could have been Mayor. The fuck is wrong with him?

This is true. He had to, literally, keep his head down.
Or at least off camera


With further proof that Trump won't pay, anyone who offers services should get the cash in advance. This has always been the way I do things!


Nate Silver is trying way, way too hard.

A "good news" story comes out about Hillary, and he's on Twitter saying WELL MAYBE THIS HELPS TRUMP OR NO ONE OKAY!?

It's really, really weird. It's obvious. But it's weird.

I feel kind of bad for Nate. People dubbed him the soothsayer (and I'm sure he liked it), but now people are hedging all of their fears onto his model without understanding any of the math. And he's just trying to tell people "That's not how math works. Please be patient".

Maybe I'm projecting, but that's how I see it. Maybe it's his fault he put the model out so early or something. Not sure. I guess since I have a degree in statistics, I just can't imagine people hanging on my every word about the fate of the world but barely understanding the work behind it.
Oh my gay gods...

Meryl Streep is introducing Bill. OMG.
And America Fererra (my bae, and would) is speaking tonight.


Bill talking to the media in 1993 about if there will be a female president. He says he thinks so in his life time, and gives Hillary the side eye. Then says, it would probably be less controversial than the partnership he and Hillary have.

She was great on Real Time. Even called Bill out on his stupidity.
I feel kind of bad for Nate. People dubbed him the soothsayer (and I'm sure he liked it), but now people are hedging all of their fears onto his model without understanding any of the math. And he's just trying to tell people "That's not how math works. Please be patient".

Maybe I'm projecting, but that's how I see it. Maybe it's his fault he put the model out so early or something. Not sure. I guess since I have a degree in statistics, I just can't imagine people hanging on my every word about the fate of the world but barely understanding the work behind it.

His Now-Cast is a poorly constructed model.

Nate Silver is suffering from the same affliction Bernie did months back. Got too much ass kissing his way and his head got too big.

Well, that and 538 isn't getting the clicks it needs and its sports content, the main non-election draw, has been pure shit. God I miss Grantland...
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