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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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The busters (I'm not calling them Bernie people anymore) are probably the worst people ever.

The good news is, they've managed to confirm what everyone has been saying about them all along. (Not all Bernie supporters just the wacky Buster people). They've managed to marginalize themselves all by themselves. Even people who were diehard Berners I know are fed up with them. So good on them.


Trumps bringing back the shuttle from retirement? Interesting decision for a conservative.
A) You would have policies that basically just target the coasts and major cities. Why worry about the rest of the country if I can just promise to take away tons of money from the rest of the country and just invest it in the cities and still win?
If this is such a strong incentive, why hasn't it already resulted in policies being distorted toward swing states? Why would it become stronger under a national popular vote? And if this is a real effect, it seems better that it benefit the population, which we positively value, rather than the swing states, which are essentially arbitrary.

B) Low population states are ignored, but middle population states aren't always ignored. Given current population trends, the president would end up being elected purely by folks who live on the coasts within 20 or so years.

I still am not seeing the problem. Small and medium states still would have the Senate to represent their interests. Right now you have the weird situation where both presidential campaigns basically ignore the major population centers and big states except to raise money, which has its own distorting effects.
At Hillary Clinton’s convention this week, Democrats have been speaking about a world that doesn’t exist. A world where America has full employment, where there’s no such thing as radical Islamic terrorism, where the border is totally secured, and where thousands of innocent Americans have not suffered from rising crime in cities like Baltimore and Chicago.
In the Democrats’ fantasy world, there is no problem with Hillary Clinton maintaining an illegal, exposed server full of classified information that could have been hacked by any foreign enemy, and in which Hillary Clinton risked prison time to delete 33,000 emails that were simply about yoga and wedding planning. In this world, there is no Hillary Clinton disaster in Syria, Libya and Egypt, ISIS doesn’t merit a mention, Iran isn’t on the path to nukes, convention stages don’t need American flags, and our great men and women of law enforcement, our police, do not need to be honored.
I propose a different vision for America, one where we can break up Washington’s rigged system, and empower all Americans to achieve their dreams. In our vision, we will put America First.
If we deliver this change, the future is limitless and we will Make America Great Again for everyone.

Well, let's go through this.

1. Iran isn't on the path to nukes, true.
2. Why do we care about American flags on convention stages. Seriously... Who gives a fuck?
3. Terrorism barely matters, yes.

Also, nice Nazi slogan.

But they can't have held up Tpp signs before they even get in.

Well that girl's twitter is a hot mess, so I doubt they've said that to them. They're welcome to hold up the TPP signs all the way as long as they stay quiet. But I doubt that's going to happen.
Then, according to the sources, Ailes told Ryan what he wanted: He wanted fair coverage from Politico; he wanted the website to take stock of Fox News' successes, not just its controversies; and he wanted Politico to stop taking talking points from "that faggot David Brock."

The derogatory term Ailes used to describe Brock, the founder of the liberal watchdog group Media Matters For America, so shocked Ryan that he felt compelled to relay it to friends and colleagues, three of whom told CNNMoney about it this week. (Ryan declined to comment.)

To those who know Ailes, however, the story would not be surprising at all. The former Fox News chief, who stepped down last week amid sexual harassment allegations, regularly makes coarse and derogatory statements about women, homosexuals, Jews and racial minorities, several sources who have met with him said.

One former Fox host recently told CNNMoney that Ailes once said to her, "Walk down the hallway slower, I want to get a look at those legs." A former staffer told the Washington Post, "He would say things like, 'She's really got the goods' and 'look at the tits on that one.'" Sometimes, the staffer said, he joked "that he liked having women on their knees."

Sherman reports that during a post-September 11 lunch with former President Bill Clinton, Ailes suggested rebuilding the World Trade towers and filling "the last ten floors with Muslims so [the terrorists] never do it again."

He has also used the word "faggot" on several occasions, according to sources, including to describe Brock during the meeting with Ryan -- a man who was by no means a friend or close confidant.

"Why am I not surprised?" Brock told CNNMoney when informed of the alleged slur.
After all, it was Brock who noted in his own book, "The Fox Effect," that Ailes once told President George H. W. Bush he shouldn't wear a short-sleeve shirt because he'd "look like a fucking faggot."

Roger Ailes sounds like a lovely person.


The rules of the event forbid non-approved signs. They agreed to the rules of the convention when they agreed to be delegates
Yea but in practice they don't enforce that rule and now all the sudden they are putting their foot down on a sign that reflects the party consensus. Just creates unecessary drama.
Yea but in practice they don't enforce that rule and now all the sudden they are putting their foot down on a sign that reflects the party consensus. Just creates unecessary drama.

They've been enforcing the rule every night. It's why some Busters had to sharpie their approved signs to say what they wanted.


Yea but in practice they don't enforce that rule and now all the sudden they are putting their foot down on a sign that reflects the party consensus. Just creates unecessary drama.

meh, i have no problem with TPP signs. They could get rid of the entire CA Bernie delegation and it would solve all the problems
Yea but in practice they don't enforce that rule and now all the sudden they are putting their foot down on a sign that reflects the party consensus. Just creates unecessary drama.

I mean "unnecessary drama" is a good name for the people that are causing problems. But, there were Anti-TPP signs during Obama's speech and no one was revoked or anything. All signage that is brought in has to be approved. That's just how it is. How it's always been. I'm sure they're unaware of that because they're not as familiar with the process as other delegates.

To be clear, I don't have a problem with the signs. I think it's silly, but hey, have at it. I only take issue with chants and interrupting the speaker.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Can't believe I missed this:

LMAO, Reid. He's right, too. Trump wouldn't even recognize a made up country.

Man, I am gonna miss him and Obama when they leave. :(

I remember back in the day when he got shit on constantly by the left for supposedly watering down Democratic bills when in fact it was the exact opposite (especially with Obamacare). Dude was a true lion of the senate.


speaking of busters...

i thought i'd just leave this nugget of idiocy here

Student loans, Stein explained, “should be canceled in the same way that the debt of Wall Street was canceled, essentially writing it off as a digital 'hat trick,' which is done in the form of quantitative easing.”

There has to be a level of embarrassment you have when you vote an idiot.


Nate didn't have to unskew that Suffolk poll!

That's awesome, and a very Rochester thing to do. This grave was across the street from where I used to live. Frederick Douglass is buried in the same cemetery, I don't remember if he got anything when Obama was elected.
That's awesome, and a very Rochester thing to do. This grave was across the street from where I used to live. Frederick Douglass is buried in the same cemetery, I don't remember if he got anything when Obama was elected.

We freaking love Susan B Anthony (and Hillary Clinton). I've gone by Mt Hope all the time, but never actually visited the cemetery. I just have this feeling that grave tourism is a little disrespectful.

Snitchin' is bitchin'

Always have been.




We freaking love Susan B Anthony (and Hillary Clinton). I've gone by Mt Hope all the time, but never actually visited the cemetery. I just have this feeling that grave tourism is a little disrespectful.

Always have been.
It's a beautiful place just to walk, especially if you're in a contemplative mood. You have to go off the path of you want to see their graves, so it's easy to avoid.


Why even give them the chance?

It's the last night and they've been a bunch of children all week. Revoke their credentials now. There are enough Hillary supporters in this city to pack that stadium.

Yea. I will say it seems they've been mostly kept in check the past few days, but why even allow them to do this?
I doubt that many people will walk out and am guessing if there is a real threat of that they have a line of people waiting to go in and fill those seats.
“We demanded a formal apology for the American people from the stage of the DNC, and we didn’t get it. I supported Bernie Sanders and feel like he didn’t get a fair shake.”

As if this would have been the end of it. These people would never have been satisfied. Also I love how this is a bit of a window into what they think about their own level of importance in the convention process. "We're gonna walk out!" Who gives a fuck? You're just a few delegates belonging to someone who conceded already and did his part to unite the party.

It's like in their mind they're saying, "yeah we're gonna screw this whole unity thing. Once people see what we do it's gonna throw this whole election out of whack." Like if they're going to have the same effect that say Senators or Governors walking out on a convention, would have.


Yea. I will say it seems they've been mostly kept in check the past few days, but why even allow them to do this?

Especially because they're not going to do it quietly.

Luckily, this is the night that stadium will be so full of fed-up Hillary stans they'll easily be drowned out, but still.


As if this would have been the end of it. These people would never have been satisfied. Also I love how this is a bit of a window into what they think about their own level of importance in the convention process. "We're gonna walk out!" Who gives a fuck? You're just a few delegates belonging to someone who conceded already and did his part to unite the party.

It's like in their mind they're saying, "yeah we're gonna screw this whole unity thing. Once people see what we do it's gonna throw this whole election out of whack." Like if they're going to have the same effect that say Senators or Governors walking out on a convention, would have.

They are so blinded by their love for Bernie that they resist logic. He literally told them to to unite and elect Hillary and their response pretty much is. "i don't believe Bernie really meant that." They have no reason and there is no reason to court this fringe of his base.

They literally misinterpreted what he meant when he said "continue to fight." He means staying involved in the process. Getting involved on the local and state level. These people think it means staging fart ins and yelling "TPP". Something they don't even know about.
As if this would have been the end of it. These people would never have been satisfied. Also I love how this is a bit of a window into what they think about their own level of importance in the convention process. "We're gonna walk out!" Who gives a fuck? You're just a few delegates belonging to someone who conceded already and did his part to unite the party.

It's like in their mind they're saying, "yeah we're gonna screw this whole unity thing. Once people see what we do it's gonna throw this whole election out of whack." Like if they're going to have the same effect that say Senators or Governors walking out on a convention, would have.

yeah, they made their entitled weak ass point already. They are just being obnoxious and stupid at this point that are hell bent of disruption.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America

Melania Trump wants to assure you there is nothing mysterious about her disappearing website

MelaniaTrump.com, a site which once hosted information about Trump's beauty products, jewelry line and life story. It was up earlier this week, but now simply flips over to the more generic Trump.com because, Trump says, it didn't reflect her current business and professional interests.

Or, it seems, her accurate biographical information. The Huffington Post, which broke the story of the website's removal on Wednesday night includes a snippet of text from Trump's bio as it appeared on the site.
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