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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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Everything is stacked against him. The most reviled candidate in living history. No money. No ground game whatsoever. By all accounts this should be a lock

Man so why does that Quin poll have me nervous?

I can't wait for people to come after him for money when he loses. And watch that he spent campaign funds in illegal manner. It'll be so sweet to see him pissed and defeated. We should have a national holiday following this election about not voting Trump in.
It's sad and pitiful how everyone trying to speak for Trump (his VP, the RNC, campaign PR staff) are literally saying the opposite of what Trump himself is saying and trying to pretend like they are accurately representing his views.

After the election, Marvel should hire them to do all the retcons. It's ridiculous how they want people tot just forget the first version of the facts.


I can't wait for people to come after him for money when he loses. And watch that he spent campaign funds in illegal manner. It'll be so sweet to see him pissed and defeated. We should have a national holiday following this election about not voting Trump in.

Everyone ITT come to my place. Free rum and coke. I'll even buy some soda like coca cola.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So, like, I've been meaning to ask this for a while.


It's said Meeeem, right? Not meemee or whatever.

And, don't get shady with me. I can tell!

I used to pronounce it as "mem", like "memory" (don't ask me why).

This is the shit these people believe. Holy fucking shit are they stupid and vile.

Of note…your wife stood SILENT. She stood with her head covered, never uttering a word about her loss. She submitted to you being her voice in front of the country. She abdicated her free voice to you…..as would any good Sharia wife and mother. Let me say, this was not lost on the other American military moms….myself included. Had it been my son being “used” as a political PROP, no one could have silenced me. I would be voicing my grief, my pride, my love of him to the world. A man cannot speak to a mothers loss. No man knows her heart at the loss of a child. She did her heroic son a disservice by her silence. She should have uncovered her head and her heart to be the American mother you claim. And last if all….you dared to flash your picket Constitution and ask if Trump has read it. I dare to ask you, Sir….HAVE YOU READ IT? If you say yes, then I dare ask you HOW you could represent that party? HOW can you support this woman? How can you affiliate your family with a party and candidate that cannot even call the radicals that killed your son what they are? How can you support a current administration that diminishes your son’s death by denying he had an enemy? And if you have read our Constitution, how could you cover your soulmate in colorful submissive sheets and have the audacity to speak FOR her? Your son died for that Constitution you so carelessly waved around on national TV in support of the very party that exists to destroy it. As a soldier’s mother….NO ONE could ever speak for me. I find your outrage artificial. I find your party affiliation offensive. I find your wife’s silence atrocious and offensive. I find YOU a political FOOL.

Holy fucking shitballs. This woman is a fucking demon. That's the nicest thing I can possibly say about her. What a bunch of despicable assumptions and criminal ignorance.


So, serious question, let's say that we hit the worst case scenario and Trump wins.

I've been considering the following scenario: Suppose that Trump passes unprecedented tax breaks. Depending on your income, are you willing to commit to donating, say, 50% of your additional taxbreak income to a variety of causes?

If so, which causes?


So, serious question, let's say that we hit the worst case scenario and Trump wins.

I've been considering the following scenario: Suppose that Trump passes unprecedented tax breaks. Depending on your income, are you willing to commit to donating, say, 50% of your additional taxbreak income to a variety of causes?

If so, which causes?

I'll throw money towards animal adoption shelters and programs to rescue stray puppies from being eaten by Trump.


So, serious question, let's say that we hit the worst case scenario and Trump wins.

I've been considering the following scenario: Suppose that Trump passes unprecedented tax breaks. Depending on your income, are you willing to commit to donating, say, 50% of your additional taxbreak income to a variety of causes?

If so, which causes?

Give everyone what they pay in taxes as credit and setup a gofundme site for every government agency to allocate to what they want. Wonder what NASA's budget would be then.


I may have too much faith of the general American electorate, but I don't think this will be close come November. I think most people aren't really paying attention, and are probably tuning out all the crazy stuff people are saying Trump is doing as an exaggeration. Once they start to actual pay attention and realize people aren't exaggerating, there is no way they will vote for him.
Given that the GOP establishment has supported Trump this far in his fascist behavior
I'm a little unclear on why they would stop when he loses the election. Why not keep saying "we don't support violent rebellion but there are definitely irregularities with this election and we can't be sure it was fair?" Meanwhile Trump is threatening civil war.

Part of me hopes they only have gone this far because they have no other choice but to allow him to be the nominee or they disenfranchise their base beyond recovery. If the endorsements weren't so half-hearted and reluctant, I would be afraid of what you are saying. However, I have to hope that they are letting this play out and just want it over with the least amount of lost Senate and House seats as possible. God help us all if they stick by Trump after a lost election and fan the flames of goddamn civil war.


I think I want to give a little more to Hillary. Should I start my own SuperPac? KevPAC.


Yes but I have it on good authority that the gaming side will need you to reserve 12% of all donations for Project Scorpio and PS Neo


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Interesting article on Manafort in the NYT

Especially this part:

He may still be getting paid!
That's interesting. Media's going to keep digging.

This also seems to be a major part of Trump's campaign strategy:
It was Mr. Manafort who had argued for a new name for the movement — the Opposition Bloc, or Oppo Bloc, as it was called. “He thought to gather the largest number of people opposed to the current government, you needed to avoid anything concrete, and just become a symbol of being opposed,” recalled Mikhail B. Pogrebinsky, a political analyst in Kiev.
I wonder how far you can go with this before being banned.
I would not be upset if Trump died.
I would open up a bottle of champagne if Trump died.
It's like a game of chicken
I suspect Trump's life is fairly miserable. Going through life suspecting everyone either looks down on you or hates you for your success, a life where nothing can be good in and of itself unless it is proving the haters wrong -- that's the definition of suffering. And assuming he will primarily be viewed as a racist loser and an international laughingstock of historic proportions after November 8, that feeling of isolation and alienation will only get worse.
Trump fires at least 2 aides

At least two senior Donald Trump aides were fired by the campaign Monday in what three sources described as a shakeup.

Both aides — Ed Brookover and Jimmy Stracner — had worked for the presidential campaign of former Trump rival Ben Carson, who endorsed Trump after dropping out of the race.

Brookover, a longtime GOP strategist, had been working as a political adviser. He played a role in helping to organize this month's GOP convention.

Stracner, had been working as the Trump campaign’s Western regional political director.

"The campaign has parted ways with Ed, but we are thankful to him for his many contributions and appreciate his continued support," the campaign press office said. It did not mention Stracner in its statement.

One source familiar with the move said that Brookover received a phone call from another Trump aide, Jim Murphy, informing him of the news. During the call, Murphy said two senior Trump aides, William McGinley and Mike McSherry, would take on elevated roles.

Neither Brookover nor Stracner responded to requests for comment.
I can't think of a week this bad for a candidate coming off of what was an incredible week for their opponent.

I think this is a big deal actually.

The bump would have happened just based on the convention. It went pretty much perfectly. Gallup shows us that people liked what they saw and hated what the GOP did. She did a lot to repair some of her negatives. So the media would have just been able to spin it as a bump and that would have been it.

BUT, because of the many, many fuck ups from the Trump campaign, it's not just that Hillary bounced...it's that Trump lost support. He looks weak. He looks damaged. I think there could be some bandwagoning going on. So, now Trump is floundering around. He's saying stupid shit. The media is out for blood. He attacked the military. The VFW is out for him. And it all fits the narrative of him as a fucking lunatic.
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