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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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I've been saying.. when they lose to Hillary - especially with the court on the line - it's going to break them. They are going to SNAP.


Only a narcissist who had his feelings hurt is stupid enough to turn a few minute speech at a national convention most people forget about a week later into a giant, drag out fight.


I know y'all don't like South Park, but not even James Cameron can raise Trump's bar anymore.

Only a narcissist who had his feelings hurt is stupid enough to turn a few minute speech at a national convention most people forget about a week later into a giant, drag out fight.

The Dems said DIRECTLY that he was weak and easily baited, set up the bait, and the fool bit it. He can't help himself.
There is no floor. We haven't even begun to explore the depths.

Roger Stone just said this. This is bottom. There's nothing left


Paul Ryan taking a bottle of Jack and a Colt 45 to bed tonight to think things over.

Trump just took to twitter to publicly thank Paul Ryan's primary challenger for his support. It's almost as if Trump is daring Ryan to denounce him.

Or maybe he's just dumb and doesn't realize what he's doing.


I'm not too worried about violence, Trump voters are a bunch of giant cowards. It's why they wanted a strong man to protect them from the immigrants and sleep with guns under their pillows.

It can go lower. Imagine what Trump's concession speech will be like.

I've been saying.. when they lose to Hillary - especially with the court on the line - it's going to break them. They are going to SNAP.

I am taking perverse pleasure in the fact that this year, when The Southern Strategy finally bites them in the ass, the beneficiary is Hillary Clinton. The GOP's monster will ensure the election of the one they hate above all others.
Trump just took to twitter to publicly thank Paul Ryan's primary challenger for his support. It's almost as if Trump is daring Ryan to denounce him.

Or maybe he's just dumb and doesn't realize what he's doing.

Trump is still getting 80%+ support from Republicans and the Wisconsin primary is next. That was a not so subtle threat to support the other guy unless Ryan gives Trump more cover on the Khan story.


What more can I say about Trump? Like I fucking hate him, holy shit. Form the rapist comments to this now...wow.

He's a LITERAL sociopath.

Like, anyone who's ever had trouble with what the word really meant, you can just give them Trump as an example and they'll get it. Hell, I bet the name Trump will be colloquial for what a sociopath is.


I'm at a loss as to how much farther Trump can go down the rabbit hole, but holy hell, he keeps surprising me. That is TERRIBLE.

It's odd how we literally have to choose between bad things Trump has said and extremely bad things Trump has said to show his awfulness. Bed of nails analogy indeed.


From a big Sanders supporter on the news that she won't take the green nomination

"We'll follow"

It's a cult

It's odd, really. The idea of someone super progressive isn't negative in itself, but the adoration and pure fangirl/boyism is a bit much. I know some of us here on PoliGAF fawn over QUEEN YAAAS PANT SUITS YAAS, but at least we know when to criticize Hillary as well as accept valid criticisms from people.

A lot of these neophyte Bernie/Nina/Jill supporters just get super butthurt when you challenge their political revolution.
Trump's concession speech actually has been worrying me for a bit.
He ain't gonna concede anything.

He's going to send Pence out there to read a statement.

Interesting article on Manafort in the NYT

Especially this part:

It is not clear that Mr. Manafort’s work in Ukraine ended with his work with Mr. Trump’s campaign. A communications aide for Mr. Lyovochkin, who financed Mr. Manafort’s work, declined to say whether he was still on retainer or how much he had been paid.

He may still be getting paid!
Trump's concession speech actually has been worrying me for a bit.

Oh it will be something. Romney lost his shit on election night, with that late speech (after Obama IIRC) and million or so he spent on never used fireworks. I think Trump will threaten legal action and try to draw it out.


Trump's concession speech actually has been worrying me for a bit.

Calling it a concession speech implies he would concede during it. I'm sure what you mean is that he won't do so...which is worrying as hell, but the concession has no power of law. If he loses, he loses. And concede or no, it might be messy if this conspiracy nonsense keeps being bandied about.
Nothing will happen after Trump loses because the "something" already happened nearly 8 years ago. The "something" was the republican base becoming completely unhinged after the 08 election. Fringe groups and movements tend to look for mainstream (or celebrity) validation in order to "prove" their legitimacy, and the far right received that in 2010. It's been a shit show since then.

So a Trump loss will simply continue the madness we've been hostage to; the only hope is that Trump takes down the senate and house with him. If not the House will continue to be held hostage by extremists in safe districts, and GOP gains in 2018 will bolster the obstruction by once again convincing establishment republicans that this is a blueprint to a White House victory.

I agree that Trump won't concede. The establishment GOP will slam him and accept Hillary's victory. But the GOP base won't. Just as they still don't accept Obama's victory.
Oh it will be something. Romney lost his shit on election night, with that late speech (after Obama IIRC) and million or so he spent on never used fireworks. I think Trump will threaten legal action and try to draw it out.

I don't think there will be a concession speech. I believe he will threaten to sue and the Republican leaders will beg and plead for him to stop. I'm afraid it will be a terrible few months.
This Trump speech is so random that I can't even stay raged to listen to it.

Oh, wait! He's randomly lying about TV ratings. Phew. He just called Hillary "the devil" in full context? Neat.


I remember back when Trevor Noah applauded Trump for losing gracefully in Iowa and nagged on Hillary for announcing her win.

There is a chance Trump could concede nicely without trouble.


Yeah, people are joking, but this is actually serious. Conceding an election is important. Deliberately laying the groundwork to delegitimize your loss is really dangerous.

Trump of course has no regard for the Norma and decency of democracy. I don't think people appreciate the damage he is capable of doing, and to some extent has already done, just by running a losing.

Best case as scenario is the GOP enthusiastically embraces the L (they'll be thrilled to be rid of him regardless) and the conspiracy theory only operates at a, say, truther level.

But Trump has no problem inciting political violence. This is not good.


It's funny because capital is fleeing China so quickly on top of losing large percentages of their work force to automation. Yet one of the main assertions of the Trump campaign is he will bring manufacturing jobs back.

I realize it's just one problem in a campaign littered with problems, but the willful disconnect with reality in order to trick voters consistently irks me.

Context: Trump currently talking about manufacturing jobs and NAFTA in his rally. Of course, in the process of writing this post he has skipped around 10+ topics, manufacturing, teleprompters, Crooked Hillary, NATO, Putin, Crooked Hillary, on and on.


If Trump loses, will he even concede?

Also what if he does cry foul and demand an investigation? I can see him doing this even if it's not that close. Would anything really happen?



Secessionist group plans ‘Operation Retaliation’ display of Confederate flag


The South Carolina Secessionist Party is making plans for something it’s calling “Operation Retaliation.”

The Post and Courier of Charleston reported Sunday that Chairman James Bessenger says the party is looking for help securing large Confederate battle flags that it can display along major interstates and in cities and towns.

Bessenger says his organization is looking for land on which to fly the flags around the state and has gotten several offers.

Earlier this month, several hundred people gathered at a rally and temporarily raised a Confederate flag at the State House. The event marked the one-year anniversary of the day the Confederate battle flag was furled and sent to a museum.

Banned :(

It looks like maybe we need to watch it with the Trump insults.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think Trump's latest comment on Khan is actually worse. It actually ascribes a sinister or self-interested motive to Khan's comments. I was afraid he was going to say, "I want to make sure men like Mr. Khan never have to sacrifice their sons again." Instead he says, "Khan is just bitter because I want to ban Muslins." W T F is wrong with him. His new quote is the worst he's yet said.

Manafort, are you doing your job or are you just hoping no one notices you are slipping out the back door?
Went to cnn.com to see if I've missed anything today.

First sentence on the headline article did not disappoint.

By any conventional standard, Donald Trump just blundered through the worst three days of any presidential candidate in living memory.
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