Aaron Strife
If we don't, add McGinty to that.Assuming we hold NV:
Hassan + Bayh + Feingold + Duckworth + (Kaine) = The Senate
If we do, add McGinty and subtract Kaine.
Like really the path to 50/51 is pretty much laid out, but then we also have a very realistic shot in like five other states. Like I don't think Strickland or Murphy are nearly as bad as some of you make them out to be - I don't think they're particularly good but Generic D in a swing state in what's shaping up to be a Dem wave isn't a bad place to be. Even where they have small leads, Blunt, Burr, McCain, Portman and even Grassley are posting some weak ass shit numbers very reminiscent of Pryor and Landrieu last election. (Rubio's doing a bit better but right now I'd chalk that up to having like 100% name recognition from his presidential run, I think Murphy is gonna take him down).
Also Patty Judge will win Iowa believe. 57 seats.