Found a relevant Trump tweet from 2012
I think it's well established that 2012 Trump would have a lot to say about 2016 Trump.
still too high
Take the MoE of individual polls into account and he could be at -1% with black voters.
Found a relevant Trump tweet from 2012
still too high
Yeah, behind all the bluster, Trump is a very shallow man. He's not going to handle this well for sure.The good thing is, I don't think he has to call her a bitch to get the point across. I mentioned this in the other thread. He has no choice but to attack, attack, attack. She won't respond in kind, and the optics (sorry!) will be really, really bad for him. (At least among white women know, we're doing good with them so far!) I assume he'll try and bring every question back to the emails and/or Ben Ghazi. All she has to do is constantly drag him back on topic "Donald. That is not what you were asked. You were asked about your plan for XYZ." The emperor has no clothes, and he cannot survive an actual policy debate.
For me, it's because he's such an ugly individual inside I'm almost expecting him to blow his top as the pressure builds in him with the bad news cycles and polls showing him vastly behind.I would be incredibly shocked. I don't know where this expectation that he's going to call her a bitch or cunt if he gets flustered enough comes from. He's a nasty, mean little shit, but he practically works only with G-rated insults (at least in what he calls people directly).
Take the MoE of individual polls into account and he could be at -1% with black voters.
According to the Fox News ratings, if Clinton wins the states considered "solid" or "lean" Democrat, she would get 273 electoral votes to Trump's 164. That would put Clinton above the 270 electoral votes it takes to win the White House.
Foley, a Republican who represented southern Florida, was forced to resign his seat in September 2006 in the wake of allegations that he sent sent suggestive emails and instant messages to congressional pages. The former congressman shared Trump's camera shot, with a smile, for the entirety of the hour-long rally.
Why doesn't any reporter actually ask Donald to explain the voting process?
He obviously doesn't know it at all. He will flub it and it will be another 4 day story.
The Haredi newspaper Yated published their first ever picture of Hillary Clinton.
This is fascinating to me.
When they did the budget math back in the primaries, the most fiscally conservative candidate in the race was...I'm not even sure what the GOP's definition of "fiscal conservatism" is. It's essentially an empty term that just sounds great if you don't particularly think about it for too long.
When fiscal conservatives argue for spending money in cases where it would be the fiscally responsible thing to do, maybe I'll take fiscal conservatism seriously.
When fiscal conservatives can talk about the United States running a deficit in an honest and economically-literate way, maybe I'll take fiscal conservatism seriously.
This is true for literally anything though. Ask Donald to explain voting. Ask Donald to explain cooking. Ask Donald to explain television. Ask Donald to explain the water cycle.
Can someone please save my party like they did with this climber?
Anyway Ronald Reagan's daughter went after trump.
He did say he would solve California's water crisis. LolAsk Donald to explain the water cycle.
I agree but the other aren't pertinent to the election.
My point here was to ask it as a follow up to voter id claims. It would trip him up.
Anyway Ronald Reagan's daughter went after trump.
These fetal burial laws are the most disturbing idea the pro-life movement has ever thought up. When Ted Cruz proposes forcing a woman who gets a miscarriage to have a $2000 funeral for her fetus, that's not going to go well with the general public.
Jeremy Corbyn is everything that Bernie Sanders was caricatured to be (by this thread, specifically).
He's had a beef with her since the beginning of the campaign.
Was posted here earlier today, pretty good read:
Jeremy Corbyn is what happens when someone like Sanders gets put into a leadership position. Theyre two peas in a pod.Jeremy Corbyn is everything that Bernie Sanders was caricatured to be (by this thread, specifically).
So the thing I am worried about most is the now 100 people wide Democratic group and officials hack by Russia.
Private emails jacket, god knows what will come out of them.
What? 100 people were hacked.
But are they invisible? I'm just asking questions. Trying to find out what the hell is going on.Man when Trump says his campaign hasn't really started he isn't kidding. No field offices or infrastructure in place in Cincinnati. Which, if you forgot, is in Ohio, kind of a swing state.
Yeah, fuck. This is bad. Really bad. Wikileaks is probably sitting on the emails waiting until a later time to release them.#OctoberSurprise
Seriously the federal government has to do something about Russia's blatant attempts to influence this election.
The U.S. Senate matchups show:
Florida - Republican incumbent Sen. Marco Rubio with 48 percent and U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy, the Democrat, at 45 percent, too close to call. Rubio tops another Democrat, U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, 49 - 43 percent;
Ohio - Portman leads Strickland 49 - 40 percent;
Pennsylvania - Democratic challenger Katie McGinty at 47 percent, with Republican incumbent Sen. Pat Toomey at 44 percent, too close to call.
Yeah, fuck. This is bad. Really bad. Wikileaks is probably sitting on the emails waiting until a later time to release them.
Fuck fuck fuck.
There was no caricature, Sanders just has more realpolitik in him, and the Dem electorate wisely stayed away from the path thats previously led to doom for them.
what if at the debate, the guy who's been wearing the leather donald trump mask these last three weeks turns out to be john kasich.
that's exactly what i mean, though
the primary electorate's decision-making aside, sanders is somewhat less of a cantankerous shithead ideologue because occasionally he understands when you need to fold 'em
(enough that i don't outright dislike him like i do corbyn)
meanwhile, the real donald trump is tied up in the lowest chamber of the great pyramid of giza!!! what calamity
John HarwoodVerified account
SCOOP: pressuring Trump, HRC this week will release 2015 taxes (effective tax rate around 35%, charitable around 10%) +10 yrs of Kaine's
i don't know, he probably wanted to store some grain
This reads like a burn to me and I want to go "OOOOOOHHHH!!!" with all my boyz. But it's not a burn and we aren't sure what to hoot and holler at.
This reads like a burn to me and I want to go "OOOOOOHHHH!!!" with all my boyz. But it's not a burn and we aren't sure what to hoot and holler at.
it's a burn when you realize "store some grain" is a clever euphemism forhiding his tax returns where NO ONE will think to look for them!!!
also i'm pretty sure anyone on this side of the pond with corbyn's sheer number of skeletons would be selling cars by now
(especially any of his comments that have to do with israel)