Rebel Leader
Don't PANIC about things you CAN'T CONTROL
Don't PANIC about things you CAN'T CONTROL
On calls with Senate campaign donors, Trump often comes up, as moneymen probe for details on coordination with the top of the ticket. “What Trump campaign?” one swing-state Senate campaign manager snapped at a volunteer recently. “We have more offices than they do.”
Internal and public polling suggests that the party will see record numbers of split-ticket voters who shun Trump but remain open to supporting vulnerable congressional candidates. Traditionally, these voters would be among the last targets for the party’s get-out-the-vote effort. But that might change if Trump’s poll numbers remain moribund. That’s why Priebus told the nominee that the RNC would soon decide which voters to prioritize. Trump, who is helping the party collect cash, is mystified by this account. “Why would they state that when I’m raising millions of dollars for them?” he asked TIME.
Like the rest of the party, Trump’s staff has been flummoxed by his political naiveté. They describe a candidate who doesn’t understand the basics of modern campaigns, from why you knock on doors to how to read a poll to why he should be dialing for dollars more aggressively. His headquarters has enough palace intrigue and warring fiefs to rival the fictional badlands of Westeros. “You’re always afraid of getting fired,” says one staffer, “but it’s his fault, not ours.”
These staff members are still cashing checks but have begun to lose faith that their boss can or should win the top prize in American politics. Most highly regarded Republican operatives have stayed away from the campaign, wary of being blackballed for future gigs. “If someone applied for a job and brought in a résumé that had Trump 2016 on it,” says a GOP fundraising consultant, “I wouldn’t give them an interview.”
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 4m4 minutes ago
Trump: "the polls are closing up very rapidly. I have a whole other group out there that people don't even know about"
Hopefully the emails turn up nothing bad or bad enough to cause damage. I'm sure all of these staffers are penning statements to be provided if something dumb they said gets released.You are THE WORST OMG
Don't PANIC about things you CAN'T CONTROL
Yeah for sure. I'm still hoping the down ballot vote will push Strickland over the top in the endStrickland is just bad. Sucks for Dems.
Eh Obama has been called a terrorist in a variety of ways from the far right since 08. Nothing new and the spotlight isn't on him. It's Hillary you should be worried about.Trump is doubling down on the founder of ISIS nonsense. I can't deal with this nonsense anymore. Someone is going to get hurt.
Edit: And this email nonsense would have sunk Clinton in any normal campain.
Like use Gmail.
But this time is different!LOL again with the secret/skewed polling stuff. Unreal. I can't believe our attention spans are so low today that they can't remember 4 years ago.
I disagree. The most recent stuff is just grasping at straws.
Wow this time piece is pretty amazing:
Politico said:Democratic U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy is catching up to Sen. Marco Rubio and is nearly tied with him in a new Quinnipiac University poll that suggests Donald Trump is a drag on the incumbent Republican.
Rubio has a marginal 3-point lead over Murphy, 48 percent to 45 percent, in the latest poll of likely voters. However, last months Quinnipiac poll showed Rubio ahead by 13 points, 50 percent to 37 percent. Factoring in the new poll's 3-point error-margin, the Senate race is now "too close to call," Quinnipiac said in a news release.
What are you talking about? The other emails were reported on on Tuesday. Did you fall through a time warpNew Hillary scandal! Wooo!!!
Nice. Maybe FL Dems can finally pull through on a Senate race.
I refuse to believe that Florida Democrats can be this competent
What are you talking about? The other emails were reported on on Tuesday. Did you fall through a time warp
Can you remind me where I put my keys on Tuesday
Here's how the Murphy v.s. Rubio race will go
It must be pretty demoralizing to work on Trump's campaign.WHAT.A.TRAINWRECK:
Wow this time piece is pretty amazing:
What are you talking about? The other emails were reported on on Tuesday. Did you fall through a time warp
Can you remind me where I put my keys on Tuesday
After some additional proceedings in the Seventh Circuit, the case returned to the trial court. Last month, Judge Lynn Adelman handed down another decision that significantly weakened the laws ability to disenfranchise voters. Under Adelmans decision, voters who lack ID may fill out an affidavit at the polls and then exercise their right to the franchise.
Wednesdays order stays this decision by Judge Adelman. In an unsigned order, a Seventh Circuit panel similar to the one that originally reinstated the law criticized Adelman for failing to identify the specific voters who will be unable to obtain a qualifying photo ID with reasonable effort and tailor his remedy so that it only benefits those voters.
It is unclear how, exactly, a judge is supposed to identify these voters and tailor such a limited remedy, as the voters impacted by such laws are likely to live at the margins of society.
The most recent Seventh Circuit panel consisted of Judges Frank Easterbrook and Michael Kanne, both Reagan appointees, and Diane Sykes, a George W. Bush appointee. Trump has named Sykes as a potential Supreme Court appointee if he has the opportunity to place someone on the nations highest Court.
Though this order is very bad news for supporters of voting rights, Wisconsin voters who face disenfranchisement do have one reason for hope. After the first Seventh Circuit panels decision reinstating the voter ID law, lawyers challenging the law asked the full Seventh Circuit to hear the case, and the ten active judges of the court split 55 on whether to do so. Under the courts rules, an even split means that the panels decision remains in place.
Yeah, fuck. This is bad. Really bad. Wikileaks is probably sitting on the emails waiting until a later time to release them.
Fuck fuck fuck.
Okay America-GAF
'Trump gets 20% black support to Clintons 72%. She also leads by 13 among other minority voters, while her GOP rival is ahead by six points among whites.
Deregulation Happened.
It must be pretty demoralizing to work on Trump's campaign.
Okay America-GAF
I'm watching Morning Joe on MSNBC and they are talking about Trumps " Obama founded ISIS" claim. They just interviewed Michael Hayden and EVEN a former general and director of the NSA, semi-accepts the untrue and uninformed causation between " Obama pulling the troops out of Iraq" and the violent rise of ISIS. He also casually claims the Obama administration is responsible for "breaking" Libya.
Am I wrong or is a network like MSNBC not at least supposed to attempt to act as a moral and objectivity-seeking counterweight to the FOXification of your mainstream media.
Why does an expert then answer a question in a way that in some ways is even more simple than the way an average joe would answer it ?
A regular person with a fleeting and superficial interest in politics and history would instantly be able to present
a multitude of reasons as to why the the rise of ISIS is an incredibly
complex and multi-layered question, and why it is dishonest and counterproductive to create a narrative centered around blaming a single catalyst.
I am not saying that a comment like Trumps immediately should be countered with a major breakdown of 30 years of global geopolitical dilemmas, but not even mentioning the U.S.Iraq Status of Forces Agreement ? However I am saying that when a network the right wing accuses of being biased and leftist, interviews a respected military expert, who does not identify as an republican, and the following exchange is still without even a hint of depth and nuance, it is proof of the existance of a deeper problem with your televised political discourse.
My personal opinion is that most of the time, all the big networks seem to present and treat most political news like a mix of soundbites and red versus blue team sensationalism.
In my country Denmark, shallow reality-tv and fast-food entertainment comsumption is as popular as ever, but our national news is still mostly centered around balanced, relevant and professionally presented content.
As I have written earlier in this thread, I have several relatives in the U.S, and I also lived there for a period in the late 90's (I'm 40 years old), and my memories of american news channels are vastly different from what I am seeing now.
And I know my surprise might sound incredibly naive.
I mean, it's a given that all forms of media exist in dynamic vortex of constant technological and societal evolution, but that still does not explain the extent of a situation where the the former parodies end up being less unbelievable than the current reality.
I know all this sounds like a rant. And perhaps it is. But most of all, it is the words and thoughts of a guy who is genuinely scared of what is happening in your country.
Of the Glass-Steagall Act variety or are you talking about the revocation of The Fairness Doctrine ?
The question here is why you're subjecting yourself to Morning Joe if you don't even live in the country.
I think a big part of the issue is whether or not cable news is actually "news" or if it's "newsutainment" The purpose of cable news stations is to make money. The fact that they present news is, really, secondary to that. (And, ya, this is probably not a good thing.) There is a lack of intellectual curiosity that runs through Main Street USA. The media is just catering to that lowest denominator, I think. People don't want solutions or facts. They want things broken down into 30 second vinaigrette that quickly transitions to a feel good story.
There is still "good" news out there. PBS does a fairly good job. I'd argue that most of the network's nightly news programs are anywhere from acceptable to good. The problem places like MSNBC have is that they try too hard to be the Not-Fox News (which has gotten fucking terrible lately). They know they have a liberal bias, and they try to overcompensate. It makes the whole thing just annoying to watch.
John Harwood ‏@JohnJHarwood 56s56 seconds ago
Trump to @SquawkCNBC on his strategy for catching Clinton: "It's either going to work or Im going to have a very, very nice long vacation"
Found a relevant Trump tweet from 2012
Political Polls ‏@PpollingNumbers 30m30 minutes ago
Political Polls Retweeted Political Polls
Georgia General Election:
Trump 45% (+1)
Clinton 44%
Georgia GE, 4-Way-Race:
Trump 43% (+4)
Clinton 39%
Johnson 8%
Stein 2%
@GravisMarketing/@BreitbartNews Poll
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 3m3 minutes ago
This is no surprise. Constant phony reporting from failing @CNN turns everyone off. The American people get it!