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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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No Scrubs
Oh man, Cuomo getting single payer?

I really don't like him but on the surface level he's got an amazing record to run on when he does. (I'm saying when because reality) Don't forget gay marriage - NY legalizing it was I think a rather large milestone/turning point. One of the biggest, richest states in the country, passed by the legislature, and the first time media coverage was almost completely positive and supportive instead of "oh but it's controversial!" And Cuomo was a very public face in that regard.

Hate to do the gossipy psychoanalysis stuff but I wonder if he feels obligated to run because his dad never did.

He hasn't said anything about it, but at the rate he's going that'll be the only part of Bernie's platform he hasn't moved on at all. So I wouldn't be shocked if we heard about it at some point.

Odds are it's more about him, the dude is a glory hound. I think he'd be good at the job, he's demonstrated the skills needed as Governor, but he's far from anyone's first choice.

Cuomo vetoed public defender funding like three weeks ago.

Considering his comments on it, I'll bet it passes in the summer with his name on it and a minor change. Can't have the legislature do something good without him.

This seems like a good time to make a purity test joke.

This is something he deserves to get shit on for. He wants it, the legislature actually agreed on it, and then it didn't happen. I think he just wants the credit.
Not sounding like Kasich goes for it, honestly. I think his best bet would be to stay on the sidelines throughout Trump and hope he gets obliterated in 2020 so Kasich can swoop in as the moderate savior. Hell I'm pretty sure this was his game plan already, just without that pesky Trump winning thing.

But yeah if he does jump in he could easily beat Brown so let's hope against that.

As for winning the governor's race I just want to temper my expectations, but I'd still expect the Democrats to fight like hell for it and for holding Brown's seat. I consider 2018 to be the OHDP's last stand. If they blow it they're shut out of Ohio government for another ten years. The new redistricting plan might help but the governor's party can basically pass gerrymanders anyway, they just have to reconvene every four years instead of ten if it's not a unanimous vote.

And like even if the gubernatorial nominee ends up being kind of a dud (I would hope this isn't Tim Ryan's fate), there still needs to be some effort and energy behind the campaign. The top of the ticket drives turnout and the GOP nominates and wins with boring fucks all the time. The Democrats used to too. Even if all you can do is limp your way to a 5-point loss that's still not a huge drag downticket or in other statewide races.

Since the Senate map sucks and the House is gerrymandered, governor's races should be our focus. If all we can do is win statewide because the state legislature maps are fucked (but don't forfeit those either), then let's sweep 'em.

As an Ohioan ... Kasich is done. Not because he wouldn't get the votes, but because Trump and his allies in the state have turned the state GOP against Kasich and are in the process of making him a lame duck for the last two years of his governorship. They're already saying they'll override every veto he gives their legislation, they threw his pick for state GOP leader to the curb for a Trump supporter, and they've already thrown a Trump supporter (Josh Mandel) into the Senate race against Sherrod Brown.

Kasich is going nowhere as long as Trump has any influence over the GOP. This is his revenge for the primary.
The confusion: I see some people on GAF(in the megathread in OT) saying Trump was aware of the dossier by Clapper on Friday and thus Conway and Trump lied yesterday on Seth Myers and today during the Press Conference(of course they lied but not on the shit the specific shit they say they're lying on). The NBC story says otherwise.

I'm very confused. Russia is winning, on GAF at least.

The NBC story comes from Moscow Times (NBC lifted it entirely at first but edited it later on) and there's a reason why it's only NBC putting it out there. Don't you think you would see it everywhere if it were true?

Russia is winning, though. But only because the situation we're in right now is win-win for them - they can't really lose.
NBC had a sweetheart deal with Trump over The Apprentice. They in no way are going to go after their ratings golden cow. I feel like the board is messing the news floor constantly there. From that pathetic ball fondling by Matt Lauer to booking Trump on SNL, NBC is doing Trump a solid.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Glad Cuomo's not completely terrible, but he cut a deal with the senate to make sure Republicans carried a majority, and that's pretty hard to forgive.


No Scrubs
Glad Cuomo's not completely terrible, but he cut a deal with the senate to make sure Republicans carried a majority, and that's pretty hard to forgive.

Basically it's because he controls them. He controls the swing vote that gives them power, a caucus of independent Dems, so he can basically pass whatever the fuck he wants so long as he can get one side or the other on board. So it's not so much the Republicans are in control as he is.

He's a total fuckface, but he's also really good at this Governor thing.


As an Ohioan ... Kasich is done. Not because he wouldn't get the votes, but because Trump and his allies in the state have turned the state GOP against Kasich and are in the process of making him a lame duck for the last two years of his governorship. They're already saying they'll override every veto he gives their legislation, they threw his pick for state GOP leader to the curb for a Trump supporter, and they've already thrown a Trump supporter (Josh Mandel) into the Senate race against Sherrod Brown.

Kasich is going nowhere as long as Trump has any influence over the GOP. This is his revenge for the primary.

The same guy that lost to brown in 2012? That guy is going to lose again.
The NBC story comes from Moscow Times (NBC lifted it entirely at first but edited it later on) and there's a reason why it's only NBC putting it out there. Don't you think you would see it everywhere if it were true?

Russia is winning, though. But only because the situation we're in right now is win-win for them - they can't really lose.

I was flipping between CNN/MSNBC and reading GAF when Clapper update happened. I think I was hearing a different story everywhere. Hence my question.

Thanks for answering. It seems the US media is not concerned with being Russian mouthpieces. They actively supported the dissemination of WikiLeaks(Russia), Paid Trump Surrogates(Russia), They built-up and continued the non-stop coverage of Trump(Russia) resulting in his "win."
All this talk about Cuomo got me watching his dad's 1984 speech again. Such a good speech, and hearing him say "Reagan will tear this nation in half" feels more true than ever.

Man, to think if he'd run in '88 instead of Dukakis.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Basically it's because he controls them. He controls the swing vote that gives them power, a caucus of independent Dems, so he can basically pass whatever the fuck he wants so long as he can get one side or the other on board. So it's not so much the Republicans are in control as he is.

He's a total fuckface, but he's also really good at this Governor thing.

Huh, well that's good at least.


Thanks for answering. It seems the US media is not concerned with being Russian mouthpieces. They actively supported the dissemination of WikiLeaks(Russia), Paid Trump Surrogates(Russia), They built-up and continued the non-stop coverage of Trump(Russia) resulting in his "win."
Yes, butI think being Russia's puppets is more of a side effect rather than their intention. By trying to play up th horse race/both sides narratives, they played right into Russia's hands.
Yes, butI think being Russia's puppets is more of a side effect rather than their intention. By trying to play up th horse race/both sides narratives, they played right into Russia's hands.

But now that the race is over they continue to give the Russian mouthpieces plenty of airtime.

25 minutes to a propagandist is quite extreme. Even if Anderson Cooper is owning her the entire time.


I still can't believe Droppo The Oppo was real. Goddamit poligaf we were so close.

Yeah. It was always going to be real. Trump's political career is probably going to be over in a few years if a lot of the allegations can be proven eventually.
The timeline on this looks like.

1. Obama says he will bomb terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
2. Dumbfuck at the AP asks "Would you nuke them???"
3. Obama: what the fuck is wrong with you, no I would never use nukes.
4. Hillary stupidly tries to appear more "serious" than Obama (whom she's trying to portray as naive) and says that nukes shouldn't be off the debate.



According to the second link............ Dubya thought about nuking Iran?!?!?

How has this been forgotten? Dubya thought about committing one of the worst crimes against humanity ever?
The timeline on this looks like.

1. Obama says he will bomb terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
2. Dumbfuck at the AP asks "Would you nuke them???"
3. Obama: what the fuck is wrong with you, no I would never use nukes.
4. Hillary stupidly tries to appear more "serious" than Obama (whom she's trying to portray as naive) and says that nukes shouldn't be off the debate.



According to the second link............ Dubya thought about nuking Iran?!?!?

How has this been forgotten? Dubya thought about committing one of the worst crimes against humanity ever?

I mean people have also forgotten we were inches away from a catastrophic war with Iran thanks to Bibis idiocy.


Unconfirmed Member
So, uh, voting on the ACA repeal seems to be going on? Seems there's no replacement for it after all...

Damn, they even got rid of the pre-existing conditions protections and being on your parent's plan until 26. I know they've promised to include those things in their replacement, but I don't have much trust in them to do that if they still don't have a solid replacement with those things in it.

Looks like Rand Paul voted no and was the only one on either side to break party line.


contribute something
That would be like having a reality TV star as president.

Most large companies are already owned by people with no real connection to their production. Firms that are publicly-traded have hundreds of partial owners who do not involve themselves in management. If the operation of a company is already so far removed from the ownership of a company, then a transition toward worker ownership wouldn't necessitate any major changes in management.
Hillary just said she's been taking on Republicans longer than anyone else.

Gravel was elected to the senate in 1968 and Biden in 1972.

To be fair though, voters also forgot they existed.


I wouldn't call it madness. Seems right out of the Ailes playbook to set the scene for TV and photos with a fake prop like that, I guess to signal some sort of competency and professionalism.

Didn't McCarthy do literally the same thing during the second red scare? Great precedent.


Unconfirmed Member
We are relitigating the primaries so hard we just traveled back in time 8 years.


Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Hillary just said she's been taking on Republicans longer than anyone else.

Gravel was elected to the senate in 1968 and Biden in 1972.

To be fair though, voters also forgot they existed.

She made less gaffes in 2016 than 2008, I think. You're starting to bring the memories flooding back. Try finding her gun control stuff, there were some howlers there.
The first clear memory I have is of 9/11.

I'm kind of surprised no Republican has proposed this replacement of Obamacare:

-Individual mandate as a tax is replaced by losing certain amount Medicare benefits for each month you are not insured. Say some bullshit like "we need to ensure that to save Medicare, we need young people as of now to keep themselves healthy."

-Taxes to fund subsides are repealed, subsides are paid for by adding to the national debt.

-Drop the employer mandate and the Cadillac tax.

... That could work pretty well and would be pretty popular.


Doesn't really show more than the front of someone's passport, does it?
If you're not convinced by:

- the obvious look that they're never been printed on (the pages are still stuck together -- that never happens after they've been through the laser printer)
- the lack of page numbers
- the lack of folder labels
- the fact that these are supposedly legal documents on letter size paper

might the lack of stickies convince you? As anyone who's ever signed a legal document will tell you, lawyers love stickies.


Unconfirmed Member
The first clear memory I have is of 9/11.

I'm kind of surprised no Republican has proposed this replacement of Obamacare:

-Individual mandate as a tax is replaced by losing certain amount Medicare benefits for each month you are not insured. Say some bullshit like "we need to ensure that to save Medicare, we need young people as of now to keep themselves healthy."

-Taxes to fund subsides are repealed, subsides are paid for by adding to the national debt.

-Drop the employer mandate and the Cadillac tax.

... That could work pretty well and would be pretty popular.

That individual mandate plan misses the whole point of why medicare is a thing in the first place, and would probably still be seen exactly like the mandate, except under a different name.

Subsidies paid for by debt is probably a temporary part of the plan, but I doubt republican politicians want subsidies in the long run on principle.

There was a handful of democrat senators that signed onto dropping the employer mandate and Cadillac tax, though most of those have now lost their seats, so that one seemed likely no matter what.


Already posted?

Eric Holder to Lead Democrats’ Attack on Republican Gerrymandering

Thwarted for much of his term by a confrontational Republican Congress, and criticized by his fellow Democrats for not devoting sufficient attention to their down-ballot candidates, Mr. Obama has decided to make the byzantine process of legislative redistricting a central political priority in his first years after the presidency.

Emerging as Mr. Obama’s chief collaborator and proxy is Eric H. Holder Jr., the former attorney general of the United States and a personal friend of the president. He has signed on to lead the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, a newly formed political group aimed at untangling the creatively drawn districts that have helped cement the Republican Party in power in Washington and many state capitals.


Damn, they even got rid of the pre-existing conditions protections and being on your parent's plan until 26. I know they've promised to include those things in their replacement, but I don't have much trust in them to do that if they still don't have a solid replacement with those things in it.

Looks like Rand Paul voted no and was the only one on either side to break party line.
What the fuck. They're going to wreck the health insurance market overnight. So much for delay or even having a transitional period?


What the fuck. They're going to wreck the health insurance market overnight. So much for delay or even having a transitional period?
This is like, how to put it, a vote on pre-voting and, uh, intent. And it was just the Senate, and Obama's still President so even if it was both the House and Senate it'd have been vetoed. Nothing's changed yet.

Course, that all but one Republican felt that it was safe enough to vote against being on the record for keeping the Pre-existing clause is fucking scary.


A majority of the ACA can be repealed through the budget gimmick known as reconciliation, which only needs the support of a 51 senators — an easier threshold than the 60 votes that most other legislation needs. But Republican leaders are working to figure out what can be replaced through reconciliation. While reconciliation is easier to pass, it has restrictions on its content. It can only pertain to the debt and spending.

The actual vote to repeal the ACA will come after legislation is worked out. Republicans gave themselves a deadline of Jan 27.

Senate Approves First Step Toward Repealing Obamacare in Late-Night Session

Almost certain they'll repeal before a replacement is worked-out. They're not going to ignore their own deadline, since it'll make them look weak, and irritate their base.


This is like, how to put it, a vote on pre-voting and, uh, intent. And it was just the Senate, and Obama's still President so even if it was both the House and Senate it'd have been vetoed. Nothing's changed yet.

Course, that all but one Republican felt that it was safe enough to vote against being on the record for keeping the Pre-existing clause is fucking scary.
Yes I know how the voting works but it's a framework for what could be the final bill. They're not very interested in a transitional phase and they're ripping away the popular provisions, something they hinted at finding a way to support before.
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