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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Does Devin Nunes really pronounce his name "new-ness?" In my Texas mind it's "noon-yez." I swear I've heard people on MSNBC pronounce it both ways in the same sentence.
Two things that the special election in GA-6 reminds me of:

1. We should steal terms from the Brits and call them by-elections. Also we should name our congressional seats instead of boring states and numbers.

2. #VoteYourOssoff is a funny hashtag.


Nunes I assume is NEW NESS

Núñes (Núñez) is what I assume is NOON YEZ

Overall.. It literally doesn't fucking matter.


Heitkamp is the most likely, Manchin, Donnelly and McCaskill are definitely at risk, though I'm fine with losing Manchin if we can take out Flake and Heller. I think Tester is relatively safe so long as trends don't go too poorly against Democrats, which seems unlikely. People are worried about Baldwin but her favorables are looking better than before and there doesn't seem to be a credible challenger other than possibly Walker, who I imagine opts to keep the governorship instead so I think she's okay. King also is sort of a risky thing since Maine was closeish but I think he'll be okay, we should run a Democrat in that race anyways because Maine has the Alternative Vote now so no worries about spoiler effect. I think everyone else should be fine unless something big happens.

Of course if Trump gets even more unpopular there's the outside chance of trying to win Cruz's seat and if he's rock bottom popularity I think we have a slim chance at Fischer and Corker's seats. But that's fantasy territory.

The pro-Gorsuch ads in Indiana have been taking shots at Donnelly already. "Donnelly is drifting away from Hoosier values... tell him to confirm Neil Gorsuch" is the basic line interspersed with shots of him standing next to Hillary. I assume these are running elsewhere but I have a very bad feeling about that seat. I'd love to be surprised.
Two things that the special election in GA-6 reminds me of:

1. We should steal terms from the Brits and call them by-elections. Also we should name our congressional seats instead of boring states and numbers.

2. #VoteYourOssoff is a funny hashtag.
Jeff Stein did an article about the race on Vox


This part made me lol though

Peter Thomas, a 36-year-old software engineer, drove more than 90 minutes one Sunday on February to canvass for Ossoff’s campaign. A reporter asks if he’d have done the same for the race if Price had been appointed by President Marco Rubio or President Jeb Bush.

“Absolutely not. This is specifically about Trump. This isn’t about Democrats and Republicans. I didn’t go out to protest when Bush was president — this is all in response to Trump,” Thomas said.

Thomas added that, right now, he “loves” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) because he’s “the only Republican in Congress willing to stand up to Trump.” If more congressional Republicans were like that, Thomas says, he doubts that he’d be hitting the stump for a Democratic candidate.

I hope Quist gets this sort of attention, but his race isn't until later so it's understandable. It probably depends on how Ossoff does in the first round.
Every Republican going defending Nunes going to the WH for a secret meeting should be reminded if they called for Loretta Lynch to step down after her airplane meeting with Bill Clinton. It's literally the exact same scenario.


Yep, Obama won WI by 14. Cruz is totally beatable in a wave election, especially since no one really likes him.

No one in any part of the political establishment really likes him (his own caucus, other R groups, and of course the Dems), but he was competitive against Trump for a reason, the megachurch types come out swinging for him, and you'd need someone against him who could get his base at least as fired up to overcome that hump.


Two things that the special election in GA-6 reminds me of:

1. We should steal terms from the Brits and call them by-elections. Also we should name our congressional seats instead of boring states and numbers.

2. #VoteYourOssoff is a funny hashtag.

Being a politics nerd who often has way too much time on his hands, i did start naming districts. Only the ones in states i've lived in or where congressional leadership comes from, though. Paul Ryan R-Waukesha, Kevin McCarthy R-Bakersfield, Steve Scalise R-Mouths of the Mississippi (since there's already a Mississippi Delta somewhere else, where the river doesn't empty into the sea), Nancy Pelosi D-South San Francisco, Steny Hoyer D-Lower Potomac.


D-Everything In Hawaii Except Honolulu doesn't really roll off the tongue.

edit: Also, Pelosi doesn't represent South San Francisco, she represents the southwest bit of San Francisco. Sorry, the name is taken!
lol Jeremy Corbyn is just as disliked in the UK as Trump is.

On how [X] is performing at his/her respective job:
Approve / Disapprove:

T. May: 46 / 33
J. Corbyn: 17 / 58
D. Trump: 18 / 60

(via GfK)


Unconfirmed Member
D-Everything In Hawaii Except Honolulu doesn't really roll off the tongue.

edit: Also, Pelosi doesn't represent South San Francisco, she represents the southwest bit of San Francisco. Sorry, the name is taken!
"Greater Hawaiian Archipelago"
D-Everything In Hawaii Except Honolulu doesn't really roll off the tongue.

edit: Also, Pelosi doesn't represent South San Francisco, she represents the southwest bit of San Francisco. Sorry, the name is taken!

Leftist Icon Tulsi Gabbard, D-Other Islands
Except it's all made up? Was that the joke?

The first paragraph is real and promoted the fake second paragraph.

The first paragraph shows that Bannon is a jerkoff who pretends to be wise by making references he doesn't understand (and not making the reference with even the correct author!) and that inspired the second (fake) paragraph.


"Greater Hawaiian Archipelago"

Leftist Icon Tulsi Gabbard, D-Other Islands


This is actually a serious thing I think about. Somebody living in Hawaii Kai has much more in common with Honolulu than with the Big Island. The problem is, there's no obvious way to organize the districts that doesn't lump some portion of Oahu in with the outer islands.
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