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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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5 minutes thumping his chest about his electoral win (again!).

...and he rolls out the that bridge building chart he went over at the CEO townhall.



All things considered, a 75% approval among Republicans is pretty low, historically speaking -- it's reminscent of late Dubya.

Also WTF at that Syria response.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Can someone explain the Susan rice stuff to me? I still don't understand why it matters at all.

Susan Rice is the one who unmasked the names in the intelligence that was collected. The names so happen to be Trump transition team members. Trump/Fox News think they were helping Clinton and Obama because she was doing her job. I think this is it probably more to it though.

Secretary of State Tillerson just held a photo op.

When asked about the deadly Syrian chemical attack, he didn't comment & walked out.


Video at the link.


Despite his job title, Tillerson is a completely toothless diplomat anyway and has publicly demonstrated he has little clout in the administration.

I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't serve out Trump's full term. There was a Politico piece yesterday about how Nikki Haley is practically waiting in the wings to take the State job already.
Random thought - the Texas Rangers demoted one of their relief pitchers to the minor leagues for what appears to be disciplinary reasons. I say it appears to be that because we (the fans/the media) don't know the specifics of what happened and it doesn't appear we'll find out anytime soon.

Meanwhile whenever Trump exhales a little louder than usual, it's leaked to the press by 21 different White House sources. I'm starting to think there may be more to leadership than just being an asshole. ;)

It's because Beltre keeps an eye on leakers



This is the question I keep asking myself, since I can't find anything on this "story" other than on Fox New's home page, and even that seems kind of half assed.

Is this supposed to be some kind of master distraction? Where I look, the big story seems to be the healthcare debate starting up again.

The guy who pushed this story is the same one who started Pizzagate.


What "story?" Everything she did was legal!

To make it even better (OK, worse), we just had the NSA director explaining to the House intel committee, in public, how unmasking works and who is authorized to do it. We all just listened to how this works. And now Fox News is pretending there's a story here.
John Schindler (@20committee) has the same take that nothing seems wrong about the Susan Rice unmasking; but he really really hates Susan Rice (and claims IC at large does too):



I don't get what Susan Rice is supposed to have done wrong.

If you're monitoring suspicious foreign nationals at some point don't you want to check on who they're talking to?
I don't get what Susan Rice is supposed to have done wrong.

If you're monitoring suspicious foreign nationals at some point don't you want to check on who they're talking to?

Trumpsters are trying to tie all of the Russian stuff to an Obama witch hunt: Flynn was outed by Susan Rice when he was having a perfectly normal conversation with a Russian diplomat, and that's what the whole Russia saga is about. Rice should be sent to jail because she unmasked the name(s) for everyone to see.

Except the whole thing falls apart when you realize she doesn't have final authority to unmask names, that the unmasking is generally only given to the recipient asking for it, and this is shit that National Security Advisor's do; it's their job.
John Schindler (@20committee) has the same take that nothing seems wrong about the Susan Rice unmasking; but he really really hates Susan Rice (and claims IC at large does too):


I'm not sure anyone likes Susan Rice outside of President Obama and the inner circle.

Ultimately though...Trump is president. If Rice did something illegal (spoiler alert: she didn't), she should be prosecuted right? Shouldn't she be investigated? Isn't Trump president...so why isn't any of that being done. Because it's bullshit. It's not surprising that a national security advisor would want to know if citizens were collaborating with foreign agents.


Surprise, Spicer said the chemical attack was Obama's fault.

Obama sneaking into foreign country and dropping chemical bombs.

That bastard.

They'll keep throwing all the blame on Obama for anything negative, but will jerk their tiny dicks off with tweezers at the anything positive.
It honestly shouldn't be that hard. Booker and a few others could learn a thing or two.

Her rebranding started with the Trump appointees stuff and has continued on full throttle. She's gonna be able to successfully be separated from her Blue Dog days.
I mean, something about her not having been the Topic of a 20 year smear campaign might help with that seperation. She's going to be able to sell "I changed my views because I'm human" in a much, much better way then Hillary to the BernieBros
It's a shame we have our own little Freedom Caucus...
One that can't win elections. sad!

I mean, something about her not having been the Topic of a 20 year smear campaign might help with that seperation. She's going to be able to sell "I changed my views because I'm human" in a much, much better way then Hillary to the BernieBros
Yeah. and im not entirely sure, but she probably doesn't have that many videos of her espousing unfavorable opinions in the past. That Hillary lying for 13 minutes straight made the rounds last year.


Hillary handled the Wall St stuff terribly. Not convinced other candidates can't navigate that with far more ease than she did. The sad truth is that the Clintons have been happy to use their post-presidency stature for wealth. (Like just about every other ex-politician, of course) That's why that attack line was so potent, even in addition to the smear campaign.

Those two years between being Secretary of State and campaigning for president were disastrous for her -- isolating herself from the media and the political environment was incredibly arrogant, shortsighted, and reinforced all of the Clintons' worst tendencies. And it doomed her, because Republicans controlled the narrative from day one.


It honestly shouldn't be that hard. Booker and a few others could learn a thing or two.

Her rebranding started with the Trump appointees stuff and has continued on full throttle. She's gonna be able to successfully be separated from her Blue Dog days.
The complete lack of shame required to pull this off isn't easy to replicate. :p


No Scrubs
Yeah. and im not entirely sure, but she probably doesn't have that many videos of her espousing unfavorable opinions in the past. That Hillary lying for 13 minutes straight made the rounds last year.

Gillibrand hasn't been in the public eye for 20 years, most people are just hearing about her now. Bernie did a whole bunch of shit that's contrary to image he created for himself but it doesn't matter because no one knew who he was back then.

Plus, I just want to point out again that the 13 minute video thing only had like 2 lies and like 27 things pulled way out of context.


Hillary should have just released the Wall Street transcripts right from the start. Hiding them fed into the perceptions of her being untrustworthy, shady, etc. and they weren't even worth hiding! There was stuff in there that would have done a better job of actually endearing left-of-center voters than saying "I'll release mine when Bernie releases his" over and over was ever going to.


Beat EviLore at pool.

FBI plans to create special unit to co-ordinate Russia probe

The FBI is planning to create a special section based at its Washington headquarters to co-ordinate its investigation of Russian activities designed to influence the 2016 presidential election, according to a person familiar with the plan. 

The move, a sign of how seriously the bureau is taking allegations of Russian meddling in American politics, is also aimed at giving FBI director James Comey greater visibility into the investigation’s granular details. “It’s meant to surge resources,” said one FBI agent. 

Creation of the temporary unit mirrors the bureau’s approach to other sensitive investigations, including the WikiLeaks disclosure of classified US government documents and Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state. 


Steve Benen‏ @stevebenen
Trump's approval among Republican voters in Quinnipiac's March 7 poll: 91%
In its March 22 poll: 81%
In the Quinnipiac poll out today: 79%

Jesse Ferguson‏ @JesseFFerguson
BREAKING. New Quinnipiac poll

Trump job approval

Approval - 35%
Disapprove - 57%

Men disapprove by 12 pts
White voters disapprove by 5pts
Steve Benen‏ @stevebenen
Trump's approval among Republican voters in Quinnipiac's March 7 poll: 91%
In its March 22 poll: 81%
In the Quinnipiac poll out today: 79%

Jesse Ferguson‏ @JesseFFerguson
BREAKING. New Quinnipiac poll

Trump job approval

Approval - 35%
Disapprove - 57%

Men disapprove by 12 pts
White voters disapprove by 5pts

He's in free fall. I'm not really sure how he digs himself out of this.


Steve Benen‏ @stevebenen
Trump's approval among Republican voters in Quinnipiac's March 7 poll: 91%
In its March 22 poll: 81%
In the Quinnipiac poll out today: 79%

Jesse Ferguson‏ @JesseFFerguson
BREAKING. New Quinnipiac poll

Trump job approval

Approval - 35%
Disapprove - 57%

Men disapprove by 12 pts
White voters disapprove by 5pts

They just can't handle all the winning.
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