Trump's going to do something stupid next week and everyone saying "he finally became president" are going to look like fools, like the last seven times the media has proclaimed him a new manPundits giving Trump credit for this knee jerk attack is just baffling. I don't get it at all. And Fareed Zakaria with his "Trump became president" junk?
Even if we didn't pack it with extra judges, what's to stop them from expanding the court first if we ever do get a majority of a nine-seat court?Putting aside the "norm-breaking" of packing the Supreme Court, how do you pack it in a way the GOP doesn't just pack more the next time they get power?
Pundits giving Trump credit for this knee jerk attack is just baffling. I don't get it at all. And Fareed Zakaria with his "Trump became president" junk?
KS-04 voted bigly for Trump, yet with just a weekend to go...
NRCC on air
VP robocall
Cruz visit Monday
Dem share of EV roughly 2x reg
Remember the last time he became the president?
Then what... like 24-48 hours later it was right back to the same old shit.
Pundits giving Trump credit for this knee jerk attack is just baffling. I don't get it at all. And Fareed Zakaria with his "Trump became president" junk?
Pundits giving Trump credit for this knee jerk attack is just baffling. I don't get it at all. And Fareed Zakaria with his "Trump became president" junk?
Andrew Beatty‏Verified account @AndrewBeatty 39m39 minutes ago
In other news. AFP sources in Syria report that the base hit by Trump yesterday is already being used again to launch air strikes.
Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) was the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committees national mobilization chair in 2016. Montana special election? Clyburn said, when HuffPost asked if the DCCC planned to get more involved in the race. Somebody nearby told him the race was to replace Zinke. Oh, I didnt know about that, Clyburn said.
Gabbard has the right idea going the other way with this
Lost some respect for Van after that. All he did was use someone to push a political agenda in an attempt make himself look good.
Even if we didn't pack it with extra judges, what's to stop them from expanding the court first if we ever do get a majority of a nine-seat court?
Trump's going to do something stupid next week and everyone saying "he finally became president" are going to look like fools, like the last seven times the media has proclaimed him a new man
Remember the last time he became the president?
Then what... like 24-48 hours later it was right back to the same old shit.
This feels just like that speech he did a few weeks into his presidency and everyone was like "TODAY HE BECAME OUR PRESIDENT" and 24 hours later more Russia stories dropped and people looked like a bunch of fools. I guess calling him a liar and a fraud every day got boring or something.
Brian Williams salivating over the rockets was disgusting though.
Low Bar + "Both Sides" + need for Plot Twists + Establishment kind of already wanted to do "something"/"anything" about Syria = heil Trump :/
The MSM can be so dangerous sometimes![]()
Democrats are still sucky at this Congress thing.
Real good right there.
and how would you even do term limits? would it be all of them up after the 10th year or make it like the Senate every year a seat ends up being up?
I'm sure Clyburn knows about it.
I hope the Dems stay out of the Montana race. They don't need "outsider" influence there.
would they still be appointed the same way?I liked the idea of 18-year terms with one justice up for replacement every two years.
It's like they are looking for any excuse to talk nice about him. It's just so odd.
would they still be appointed the same way?
No, fucking Gabbard. She literally said "we don't even know if Assad used the chemical weapons, maybe it was the rebels." THAT IS WORSE.
Brian Schatz's statement is pretty much what I wanted. I called this morning to thank him, especially since it crosses Schumer's statement.
Pundits giving Trump credit for this knee jerk attack is just baffling. I don't get it at all. And Fareed Zakaria with his "Trump became president" junk?
The US's response to Russia's invasion of Georgia and effective annexation of territory in 2008 was a big, beautiful, red reset button. How did that work out?
Not sanctioning behavior in gross violation of all international law is condoning it. It may not always produce immediate results but it's absolutely necessary if the West wants to maintain any shred of credibility in its rules-based international order.
If Putin cares about the quality of life of average Russian citizens, perhaps he should not annex parts of other countries' territory or continue to wage war against his neighbors.
Source close to Bannon says things are very bad for him in WH right now. Allies are telling him to "lay low" and wait out the storm.
White dudes on campus wearing red Budweiser hats looking eerily like MAGA. can't believe those dumb hats ended up becoming powerful imagery.
Note: Fareed Zakaria is a discredited serial plagiarist that is being inexplicably sheltered by CNN and his other employers. It is insulting to basic ethical standards that he was not fired. Anyone quoting Fareed Zakaria should be informed of this, there should literally never be a time that we are thinking about Fareed Zakaria besides observing this.
No, fucking Gabbard. She literally said "we don't even know if Assad used the chemical weapons, maybe it was the rebels." THAT IS WORSE.
Brian Schatz's statement is pretty much what I wanted. I called this morning to thank him, especially since it crosses Schumer's statement.
Personally, I've always thought Trump doesn't really have social and political opinions of his own, but rather that of people who he trusts most. If Bannon is truly done, there might be a drastic shift in his policies because the ideas that he will enforce will be from Kushner and Ivanka Trump.
Why don't we hear about Stephen Miller anymore? That guy is hiding too well.
Stephen Miller sure is looking good these days.
Why don't we hear about Stephen Miller anymore? That guy is hiding too well.
Education and Journalism major average GRE scores are near the bottom, which shouldn't be all that surprising to learn -
The massive hypocrisy from republicans here is sickening. I wish we had a count for how many of them that were against Obama attacking Syria are now in favor of Trump doing it.
She probably would've done far better if she was the candidate instead of Jill in 2016.Gabbard is gearing herself up for replacing Jill Stein in the green party.
She probably would've done far better if she was the candidate instead of Jill in 2016.