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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Easter weekend in Mar-a-Lago confirmed. I wonder if he's taking Friday off, too. That taxpayer money flows.....

Remember when Fox News made up that Obama's trip to India one year was going to cost tax payers $3mil/day and Republicans lost their collective shit?

Yeah... Where's that outrage now mothafuckas?
Fuck your shitty ass wall. Such a fucking waste of money. How about you put that fucking money into healthcare?

The comments in that article are so delicious. lulz
News coming in regarding a school shooting in San Bernardino. Another test for Trump.

Looks like murder/suicide per police chief, Trump won't say much unless the shooter was Muslim.

Chief Jarrod Burguan‏

We believe this to be a murder suicide. Happened in a class room. Two students have been transported to the hospital.


"He is working while golfing"

I've played a few rounds of golf in my day. It takes a good four hours to play a round, and of that four hours there's maybe 30 minutes of useful conversation time where you're next to each other and no one is trying to focus on a shot. All that with no pen/paper, whiteboard, etc. You might as well "work" while water skiing.

An alternate solution would be to meet around a table somewhere (preferably the effing White House), where after that 30 minutes, you could have another meeting, and then another! That way you can do more than one thing per day! Not bad!

If Trump wanted to play golf and watch Fox News all day, he should have retired. I swear he became president and works less than anyone in America.


Considering he's buddy buddy with Alex Jones, Trump acknowledging that the shooting existed is about the best we can hope for.

NRA is a big backer of Trump. He can never acknowledge the easy availability of guns is a problem. He can't really say anything about mental health care, because he's cutting that.

So, we're fucked.
This is a primary I can get behind.


IL-03: Marketing consultant Marie Newman formed an exploratory committee last month to scope out a potential primary challenge against Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski, one of the most conservative Democrats in Congress, and she announced on Monday she would run. Newman, who has ties to anti-Trump groups like Indivisible, made it clear from the onset that she would challenge Lipinski from the left, noting that he was one of the few Democrats to vote against Obamacare in 2010. Illinois’ 3rd District, which includes part of Chicago and some of its southwestern suburbs, backed Barack Obama 56-43 and supported Hillary Clinton 55-40.

Newman has plenty of other things to attack Lipinski on. As recently as 2014, Lipinski responded to a candidate questionnaire by saying that he would support an amendment in the constitution to ban same-sex marriage. Lipinski hasn't gotten any better in the age of Trump: This year alone, Lipinski was one of just three Democrats who voted in favor of a GOP bill to ban federal funding for abortion services. Lipinski has also voted to overturn an Obama-era Health and Human Services rule that prevented states from withholding funds to Planned Parenthood and other healthcare groups that also provide abortions.

And it turns out, Lipinski found a way earlier this month to be even worse than we already thought. Last week, prominent local and state Democrats made a serious move to oust Republican Roger Claar, the longtime mayor of the village of Bolingbrook. Claar attracted progressive scorn when he hosted a fundraiser for none other than Donald Trump during the presidential campaign, and Sen. Dick Durbin and several labor groups lined up behind Democrat Jackie Traynere. However, Claar appears to have won re-election by only about 100 votes. And according to the local tipsheet Capitol Fax, Lipinski sent some of his precinct workers to help Claar, a move that could have made all the difference in this tight race.

But as we’ve noted before, beating Lipinksi won’t be easy. Back in 2008, Lipinski faced a well-funded primary challenge from Mark Pera, but Lipinski defeated him 54-25. Lipinski has been an ally of Chicago's powerful Democratic machine, and he's also close to local labor groups. Lipinski and his father Bill Lipinski have represented this area for a combined 18 terms, and plenty of voters are still loyal to the family. There are also still many local Democratic primary voters who share Lipinski's views on abortion and won't see them as a liability at all. It’s also possible that more Democrats will run and split the anti-Lipinski vote enough to let the incumbent win with just a plurality. Still, at a time when progressives are fired up against the Trump administration and looking to oppose Democrats who cooperate with it, primary voters may be a lot less interested in ignoring Lipinski’s apostasies than they have been in the past.


You know what really pisses me off?

Every time I'm reminded the government and my boss hold me to higher standards than the President of the United States.


You know what really pisses me off?

Every time I'm reminded the government and my boss hold me to higher standards than the President of the United States.

If you get credit for not shitting your pants at the office, your job holds you to higher standards than Trump is held to.
You know I remember reading articles sometime around the time Trump won, that Syria will harm Trump's love affair with Russia. I guess they were right.
Trump is going to have to make some incredibly tough choices pretty soon about his relationship with Russia in regards to Syria.

But I don't think he has the mental facilities to do so.
Trump and Papa Putin love-fest didn't last very long. The whole "America First" doctrine that Spicer and the administration is pushing (today at least) sounds great to the people of this country that are sick to death of war but its meaningless when reality smacks you upside the head.

Oh the love fest is still strong and kicking. I wouldn't be surprised if this is all some big attempt to lift sanctions still.


aka andydumi
Oh the love fest is still strong and kicking. I wouldn't be surprised if this is all some big attempt to lift sanctions still.

How would that even remotely be credible? We reward them for leaving Syria alone? But then who takes down Assad? Or do you mean the one-two punch of Russia stepping out entirely in exchange for a lift of sanctions and us getting into a Desert Storm style ground war against an unsupported Assad to cement Trump into a second term?
How would that even remotely be credible? We reward them for leaving Syria alone? But then who takes down Assad? Or do you mean the one-two punch of Russia stepping out entirely in exchange for a lift of sanctions and us getting into a Desert Storm style ground war against an unsupported Assad to cement Trump into a second term?

Probably the latter. Escalations increase with Russia until "THE NEGOTIATOR" Trump steps in to talk with Putin directly. A deal is made to calm Russia down by lifting sanctions and Trump gets to come out a winner.
Trump is going to have to make some incredibly tough choices pretty soon about his relationship with Russia in regards to Syria.

But I don't think he has the mental facilities to do so.

Trump is anything but an good leader or a leader.

The choices themselves won't be a sign of any coherency. I think he'll talk big, but at the same time try to appease Russia in a slight way. He also might delegate decision-making to the generals without knowing(or caring) the political implications of the choices they might make.
Probably the latter. Escalations increase with Russia until "THE NEGOTIATOR" Trump steps in to talk with Putin directly. A deal is made to calm Russia down by lifting sanctions and Trump gets to come out a winner.

LOL we aren't lifting sanctions on Russia if they repent for their new sins, our sanctions are still based on Crimean annexation. You don't get your sanctions rolled back by committing additional offenses and making nice on them after.

Congress won't do it, sorry.


GALLUP -- US Support for Syria Strikes Rates Low in Historical Context

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