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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Say what you will about Pence, but those are perfectly fine pet names. Pets should not have human names.

At least for me, pets don't really have names at all.

My bird has a "real" name, but I never call her that. She's always just "bird" to me. I don't think she reacts to her "real" name at all, but reacts to "bird" as if it was her name.

I don't know why this is. It's not like I don't humanize my bird. Just pet names are weird with me.

There's also "the yellow one" "the other one" and "the sucker fish" in my aquarium. I've never bothered giving fish even pretend names.

It's not even because they're my pets. I do it with other people's pets. I call my mom's rabbit "bunny"

It might be because I don't really retain names very well at all, so when I think of people, it's by their characteristics or relationship to me (or on here, it's by their avatar). I guess that just extended to animals.


What Spicey meant to say (but didn't because he's a moron) was that Hitler didn't use chemical weapons on the battlefield. Which AFAIK was true: he was afraid of inviting reprisals in kind.
Hard for me to accept not calling death camps battlefields when I've studied and read of many who died battling for their lives in there.
I'll consider it going hard on Russia when Trump says "all sanctions against Russia should be kept indefinitely". Everything else is just temporary posturing and meaningless; remember, he's taking heat from both sides.


Hard for me to accept not calling death camps battlefields when I've studied and read of many who died battling for their lives in there.

Granted, but Nazi Germany not using chemical weapons in the open against armed combatants remains a valid observation from the war. Japan on the other hand used chemical weapons in open battle, but so far as I know it was small-scale (and perhaps only used against the Chinese, I don't recall with clearness).


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Today Tillerson asked the G7 why American taxpayers should care about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Knowing this administration, Nikki Haley's going to pop up any minute and say America is deeply concerned with Russia being in Ukraine.


Unconfirmed Member
Today Tillerson asked the G7 why American taxpayers should care about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Exactly. It's only the appearance of going hard.

Also I am continually amazed by all these businessmen and billionaires who really have absolutely no grasp on soft power. You'd think it would be handy in business and making money.


Spicy today:


edit: fixed typo


At this point I'll be pleasantly surprised if Trump can pull off a successful Easter Egg Hunt.

I thought he canned the stuff like that?

It's still happening as far as anyone can tell, though surprisingly enough the preparations aren't going as smoothly this year as in years past. I assume Easy D put his personal shoe-lacer in charge of the festivities so hopefully he can get it together.

Deets: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/11/us/politics/white-house-easter-egg-roll-trump.html?_r=0

At least Pence owns pets. Trump refuses to get a dog for the white house. It's not like he needs to pay attention or care for it. Heartless.
Trump is probably intimidated by unconditional love. Not a common experience for him.



Collins for Maine Gov? Improvement over LePage and hand her seat to the Democrats or a open seat Democratic governorship pickup and running against her in 2020?

I rather her run for governor of Maine in 2022. She won't be able to win the governor race in 2018 because I doubt many people in Maine would vote for a republican after LePage's tenure as governor even though she would be a way better governor then LePage.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
This White House has some balls to request characters from PBS Kids shows appear while fighting to entirely cut federal support for NEA and CPB.

Also, seems like the sales of commemorative Easter eggs has switched from being done by and in support of the National Parks to the White House Historical Association, which is pretty damn lame.

Yo if they send Oscar the Grouch, I'm gonna lose it.


Is there a Sesame Street character who has no friends because he constantly insults and lies to everyone around him? If so it's his time to shine!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
That's an amazing idea.

The Easter Egg Roll has been crowded in past years with cast members from “Sesame Street,” but this year, there will be a lone emissary.

“PBS asked us to participate with them, and we agreed to provide a ‘Sesame Street’ character,” said Elizabeth Weinreb Fishman, the vice president for strategic communications for Sesame Workshop. She declined to say which character would attend, referring questions to the White House.
Please be Oscar the Grouch, please!
North Carolina is trying to break into the news cycle again.


NC House bill seeks to make gay marriage illegal again, defying Supreme Court

A bill filed Tuesday by four N.C. House Republicans would direct state government to defy a U.S. Supreme Court ruling and restore the state constitution’s ban on same-sex marriage.

House Bill 780 is titled “Uphold Historical Marriage Act,” and is sponsored by some of the House’s most conservative legislators, who frequently file bills that don’t get a hearing because House GOP leaders don’t support the proposals.

The bill says that the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage across the country “is null and void in the State of North Carolina.” The bill quotes the Christian Bible and says the ruling “exceeds the authority of the court relative to the decree of Almighty God that ‘a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh’ (Genesis 2:24, ESV) and abrogates the clear meaning and understanding of marriage in all societies throughout prior history.”

The bill would order state government to return to the constitutional amendment known as Amendment One, which was approved in a 2012 voter referendum.

The bill’s sponsors are Republican Reps. Larry Pittman of Concord, Michael Speciale of New Bern, Carl Ford of Rowan County and Mike Clampitt of Bryson City.

Efforts in other states to defy the Supreme Court ruling failed.

I don't think these dudes quite realize we have a separation of church and state.

Collins for Maine Gov? Improvement over LePage and hand her seat to the Democrats or a open seat Democratic governorship pickup and running against her in 2020?
I've been hoping for this for a while. Governor Collins with a D legislature would probably be fine, I have no doubt she'd sign a Medicaid expansion for example. Opening up her seat would be a huge boon for us.

That being said we should still run hard in the governor's race, Democrats made the mistake of writing off the top of the ticket in Nevada and Ohio in 2014 and got flattened. They probably would have lost anyway, but there's no enthusiasm for the downticket if you don't take it seriously.

Pressed by a reporter to clarify what he meant by this remark, Spicer said that he meant that Hitler had never used chemical weapons in the way Assad had, while acknowledging they were used by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

”I think when you come to sarin gas, he was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing," Spicer said. Of Hitler, Spicer said, ”He brought them into the Holocaust centers, I understand that."

He then added: ”But in the way that Assad used them, where he went into towns, dropped them down to innocent -- in the middle of towns....I appreciate the clarification...that was not the intent."

After the briefing, the White House issued another statement: ”In no way was I trying to lessen the horrendous nature of the Holocaust," Spicer wrote. ”I was trying to draw a distinction of the tactic of using airplanes to drop chemical weapons on population centers. Any attack on innocent people is reprehensible and inexcusable."


Wait a second... this morning Trump was on some Fox News Mornin' Hootenanny show and said "But if I see them using gas and using things like that -- I mean even some of the worst tyrants in the world didn't use the kind of gases that they used."

Was Spicer talking completely out his ass, or did he flub an administration talking point?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
He then added: ”But in the way that Assad used them, where he went into towns, dropped them down to innocent -- in the middle of towns....I appreciate the clarification...that was not the intent."

I don't understand. Morally, what's the distinction between the two?

Holocaust centers..

Holocaust centers, Popeye's organizations, what's with conservatives and coming up with weird terms like this?
Wait a second... this morning Trump was on some Fox News Mornin' Hootenanny show and said "But if I see them using gas and using things like that -- I mean even some of the worst tyrants in the world didn't use the kind of gases that they used."

Was Spicer talking completely out his ass, or did he flub an administration talking point?

It's an administration talking point. Mattis said something similar after the strike.

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