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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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This motherfuck is actually defending Russia on CNN. Why? Why in the blue hell would anyone with a self preservation instinct do this?

He really seems to me to be an utter and complete attention whore. He seemingly loves to be viewed as someone far more important than he actually is. I honestly believe he just can't help himself.
He really seems to me to be an utter and complete attention whore. He seemingly loves to be viewed as someone far more important than he actually is. I honestly believe he just can't help himself.

He might be one of the worst liars I have ever seen. You can see him do a little facial post mortem after every answer.



Tapper's face lmao
Lol that sums up the interview
Oh wow apparently Thompson wasn't just a civil rights attorney, but a civil rights attorney who worked for free to prosecute a cop who shot a kid after the kid's dad was recommended by local BLM to have Thompson take the case but was too poor to pay him.


This is fantastic news, have there been any new Senate cosponsors?

This is going to sound bitchy and I swear I don't intend it that way, but I can't find any evidence that Sanders has actually introduced a Medicare for All bill this year. I searched for Medicare for All and also went through Sanders's introduced legislation. I also went through news items but all the ones I saw said he was going to introduce the bill soon, not that it has actually been introduced. If you can find it on Congress.gov or find the bill number somewhere please let me know!

It may be that he's just still working on it, it's only been a few weeks after all. But since the bill is not introduced yet we don't know about the cosponsors yet. Hopefully Dem senators will take a message from the House.
Just checked /pol/ because I'm a sadomasochist, and I would find it a bit funny how quickly they got off the Trump Train after the last few weeks if it weren't for them making my blood boil further by being /pol/ and using it to further validate their anti-Semitism due to Kushner and his marginalization of Bannon and other ultranationalists in Trump's cabinet.


Oh you know there are plenty who still give Russia the benefit of the doubt due to reflexive Soviet apologism

In many ways I think it was a reverberating error for socialists/the West in general to accept the USSR's claim that it was a socialist country instead of a fascist one. But I guess we really didn't know. Except Orwell apparently knew, so.


So today the big orange baby in the White House (well, he's there once in a while) declares China is not a currency manipulator, going back on yet another campaign promise. This was supposed to be a part of his very busy first day in office, along with repealing Obamacare and replacing it with "something great." Of course immediately people started retweeting his tweet complaining about Obama doing the exact same thing he did today.

I saw a theory online that's starting to make sense to me. At some point before the inauguration Trump was out grabbin Ps like you do and he accidenally grabbed the p of a powerful enchantress, who placed him under a powerful curse. Now he has no choice but to live out his old tweets, doing each and every thing he complained about Obama doing. And the curse is so strong, you can't even tell that he's burning with rage as he heads back out on to the golf course, orders strikes on Syria, and flies to Florida every weekend. Scary stuff.

We can only hope that when the final tweet is completed, the curse will be broken and he can get back to making America great again.


In many ways I think it was a reverberating error for socialists/the West in general to accept the USSR's claim that it was a socialist country instead of a fascist one. But I guess we really didn't know. Except Orwell apparently knew, so.

I don't know if I'd call the USSR fascist. Red fascist is a fun term to sling around and while it was authoritarian it still lacked a lot of the hallmarks of fascism - class compromise, action for action's sake, an obsession with halting "degeneracy" and imposing traditional values to renew/purify the nation, the focus on nationalism itself, I don't think a violent and oppressive state with a state-driven economy in and of itself is fascism, but is an element of fascism.

Stalin got pretty close there though, with his focus on traditional values, focus on Russian patriotism for the war effort, etc.


Carter Page is a legit moron. Does he not have a lawyer? Because any lawyer on the planet would tell him to shut the fuck up and stop talking to the press.
This is going to sound bitchy and I swear I don't intend it that way, but I can't find any evidence that Sanders has actually introduced a Medicare for All bill this year. I searched for Medicare for All and also went through Sanders's introduced legislation. I also went through news items but all the ones I saw said he was going to introduce the bill soon, not that it has actually been introduced. If you can find it on Congress.gov or find the bill number somewhere please let me know!

It may be that he's just still working on it, it's only been a few weeks after all. But since the bill is not introduced yet we don't know about the cosponsors yet. Hopefully Dem senators will take a message from the House.

Doesn't it have to come out of the house, though? I'm assuming there's some tax changes involved.


A contestant in a beauty pageant got laughed off stage for giving this ridiculous answer to a simple poli-sci question:
What do you think European countries have to fear from Russia if this tension continues to escalate?

Beauty pageant contestant: Well, I want to just start by saying hopefully they're going to have to fear nothing, ultimately. Right now there is a fear and there are problems, certainly problems, but ultimately I hope there won't be a fear and won't be problems and the world can get along. That would be the ideal situation. It's crazy what's going on, whether it's the Middle East or you look at no matter where, the Ukraine, you look at -- whatever you look at, it's got problems. So many problems. And ultimately, I believe that we are going to get rid of most of those problems and there won't be fear of anybody. That's the way it should be.

Wait, no, that was actually our fucking president answering a reporter.


I don't know if I'd call the USSR fascist. Red fascist is a fun term to sling around and while it was authoritarian it still lacked a lot of the hallmarks of fascism - class compromise, action for action's sake, an obsession with halting "degeneracy" and imposing traditional values to renew/purify the nation, the focus on nationalism itself, I don't think a violent and oppressive state with a state-driven economy in and of itself is fascism, but is an element of fascism.

Stalin got pretty close there though, with his focus on traditional values, focus on Russian patriotism for the war effort, etc.

My split between them is "does the state own all industry?" It's kind of hard to differentiate between the two. Not so much between Euro-Fascism and Bolshevism, but what, for instance, was Nasserism or Iraqi/Syrian Baathism? Baathism i'd definitely put on the Fascist side, Nasserism probably too (since in Yemen it was Nasserites vs Socialists for North/South Yemen), but it's a harder call to make.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
A contestant in a beauty pageant got laughed off stage for giving this ridiculous answer to a simple poli-sci question:

Wait, no, that was actually our fucking president answering a reporter.
I approve of this framing.



“The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is not spending money on this race at all, and even the Kansas State Democratic Party rejected Thompson’s requests for funding for mailers.”

Sorry but this idea that the race was impossible and DNC shouldn't have put any more effort into it because they wouldn't have won anyway is asinine. GOP sent Cruz and more, DNC doesn't even pay for mailers? That's a fuckup.

Edit: oh, there's a whole thread full of people making excuses LOL
Yupyup, Medicare For All is perfect. Democrats typically fail in the messaging and labeling department. It's relatively easy to explain, and it puts it in terms of an incredibly popular government program. With any luck it'll be simple enough that people start wondering why we didn't already have something like that.



“The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is not spending money on this race at all, and even the Kansas State Democratic Party rejected Thompson’s requests for funding for mailers.”

Sorry but this idea that the race was impossible and DNC shouldn't have put any more effort into it because they wouldn't have won anyway is asinine. GOP sent Cruz and more, DNC doesn't even pay for mailers? That's a fuckup.

Edit: oh, there's a whole thread full of people making excuses LOL

I agree, the DCCC should be spending money.

The Republicans just announced literally a million dollars in Montana so I really hope the Democrats get off their ass and spend at least something there.
NYT: After Campaign Exit, Manafort Borrowed From Businesses With Trump Ties

NYT said:
Aug. 19 was an eventful day for Paul Manafort.

That morning, he stepped down from guiding Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign, after a brief tenure during which Mr. Trump won the Republican nomination, Democrats’ emails were hacked and the campaign’s contacts with Russia came under scrutiny. Dogged by revelations about past financial dealings in Ukraine, Mr. Manafort retreated from public view.

But behind the scenes, he was busy with other matters. Papers were recorded that same day creating a shell company controlled by Mr. Manafort that soon received $13 million in loans from two businesses with ties to Mr. Trump, including one that partners with a Ukrainian-born billionaire and another led by a Trump economic adviser. They were among $20 million in loans secured by properties belonging to Mr. Manafort and his wife.

The purpose of the loans is unstated in public records, although at least some of them appear to be part of an effort by Mr. Manafort to stave off a personal financial crisis stemming from failed investments with his son-in-law.

The transactions raise a number of questions, including whether Mr. Manafort’s decision to turn to Trump-connected lenders was related to his role in the campaign, where he had agreed to serve for free.



Slatestarcodex making the salient argument that it is probably a bad idea for people to continue using "but Free Speech!" as an excuse to be deliberately offensive and provocative without fear of social outcry in response.

”The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is not spending money on this race at all, and even the Kansas State Democratic Party rejected Thompson's requests for funding for mailers."

Sorry but this idea that the race was impossible and DNC shouldn't have put any more effort into it because they wouldn't have won anyway is asinine. GOP sent Cruz and more, DNC doesn't even pay for mailers? That's a fuckup.

Edit: oh, there's a whole thread full of people making excuses LOL

The Kansas State Democratic Party didn't pay for mailers. The DNC had nothing to do with this. At least check the quote you used!

GOP sent Cruz & had Trump/Pence record robocalls. Who do the Democrats have that has appeal in KS-04? Bernie? I agree, he should have been there. But beyond him, I don't think there's anyone.

(This is why Montana is different IMO - there's Tester & Bullock, plus Bernie likely has some appeal.)


The Kansas State Democratic Party didn't pay for mailers. The DNC had nothing to do with this. At least check the quote you used!

GOP sent Cruz & had Trump/Pence record robocalls. Who do the Democrats have that has appeal in KS-04? Bernie? I agree, he should have been there. But beyond him, I don't think there's anyone.

(This is why Montana is different IMO - there's Tester & Bullock, plus Bernie likely has some appeal.)
It says right in the quote that the DCCC didn't spend any money "at all." DNC is in the same building and afaik, the DNC didn't spend any money either, so you guys can quit being cute with this DCCC vs DNC sillyness.
It says right in the quote that the DCCC didn't spend any money "at all"

Okay, but your post said the DNC didn't even pay for mailers. Which I guess is technically true! But Thompson's campaign didn't ask the DNC or the DCCC for that - they asked the state Democratic Party and were told no.

This race wasn't tight until like a week ago. Before that, it looked like a 15-20 point GOP win, which is not worth investing in when there are other more competitive districts! Things changed late, which limited options (mailers likely not going to be as available/effective less than a week out, etc). Bringing in big names for rallies/robocalls is great, but who do the Democrats have for that in KS-04? You want Obama to record a call?

They definitely should have done more - send some staff, etc. But because of how quickly and late things changed I find it hard to get that mad.



In an interview in the Oval Office, Mr. Trump said the White House may lack authority to make the payments established under his predecessor to reduce copayments and deductibles for some of the poorest customers who buy insurance under the 2010 Affordable Care Act. Cutting off the payments could trigger turmoil in insurance markets.

“I don’t want people to get hurt,” Mr. Trump said. “What I think should happen—and will happen—is the Democrats will start calling me and negotiating.”

So Trump plans on sabotaging the ACA and thinks voters will blame Democrats?


Okay, but your post said the DNC didn't even pay for mailers. Which I guess is technically true! But Thompson's campaign didn't ask the DNC or the DCCC for that - they asked the state Democratic Party and were told no.

This race wasn't tight until like a week ago. Before that, it looked like a 15-20 point GOP win, which is not worth investing in when there are other more competitive districts! Things changed late, which limited options (mailers likely not going to be as available/effective less than a week out).

They definitely should have done more - send some staff, etc. But because of how quickly and late things changed I find it hard to get that mad.

Hard to buy this "they were caught off guard" stuff when republicans clearly saw that it was going to be close and went into action. I'm probably more mad at people suggesting dem leadership (DNC, DCCC, state party, whatever the fuck) made the right call, than I am about them missing the opportunity -- knowing they didn't make the right call is how they get it right the next time.
Hard to buy this "they were caught off guard" stuff when republicans clearly saw that it was going to be close and went into action. I'm probably more mad at people suggesting dem leadership (DNC, DCCC, state party, whatever the fuck) made the right call, than I am about them missing the opportunity -- knowing they didn't make the right call is how they get it right the next time.

Republicans saw it in the last week - that's when you saw Cruz go there and the robocalls were recorded. As I said, options are limited when there is only a week left. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party does not have equivalent politicians who could come to KS-04 for rallies and record robocalls, with Bernie being probably the closest.

You didn't really see Republicans worried up until a week or so ago. I'm sure they saw the numbers gradually get worse, but it's not like they were having Cruz et al come in in March.

I'm pretty sure the DNC/DCCC learned some valuable lessons from this race, regardless. Not sure why you think the lesson they learned is "not get involved" (if that's what you're implying).


The #1 thing leading to a likely Dem wave in '18/'20 is completely out of the Dems control.

There will be a wave election or two. This is because the GOP congress + Trump are getting nothing done, actively pissing people off, and are going to be super fucking unpopular.

This is what it will take to get the Dems control of Congress and the Presidency, because people are fucking assholes. We will likely only have control for two years, because the US electorate is full of fucking assholes.

This is why, if you're going to spend money on races that aren't w/in close margins, you do it in '18 if the margins are looking bad for the GOP. You don't waste money now when the wave hasn't crested and you aren't getting max value out of your spending. It's great that Thompson made up 15 pts. BUT THAT WASNT DUE TO HIM. This is why guys like Pierello came in on a wave and went out on one. People misattribute gains made via luck to their personal skill all the time. It's a known fallacy.

The big part of a 50-state strategy is empowering state parties. Getting people in state legsilatures and such that can adapt to their local populations. Having the DCCC spend money on every race still isn't going to happen under a "50-state" strategy because at a certain marginal point you're just throwing money away. You're not going to bother fighting the most conservative district in the country because there's no point.
Republicans saw it in the last week - that's when you saw Cruz go there and the robocalls were recorded. As I said, options are limited when there is only a week left. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party does not have equivalent politicians who could come to KS-04 for rallies and record robocalls, with Bernie being probably the closest.

You didn't really see Republicans worried up until a week or so ago. I'm sure they saw the numbers gradually get worse, but it's not like they were having Cruz et al come in in March.

I'm pretty sure the DNC/DCCC learned some valuable lessons from this race, regardless. Not sure why you think the lesson they learned is "not get involved" (if that's what you're implying).
pull out fossils like Tim Johnson and Bill Nelson lol

I'm surprised they didn't try to get Sebelius involved but I don't know how popular she is there anymore


So Trump plans on sabotaging the ACA and thinks voters will blame Democrats?
Not an expert on the mechanics of this but I've read Yglesias say he think that Trump/Price can sabotage the exchanges through executive action and the main achievement of the ACA will be the Medicaid expansion. Not an expert on the details tho
pull out fossils like Tim Johnson and Bill Nelson lol

I'm surprised they didn't try to get Sebelius involved but I don't know how popular she is there anymore

Not an expert on the mechanics of this but I've read Yglesias say he think that Trump/Price can sabotage the exchanges through executive action and the main achievement of the ACA will be the Medicaid expansion. Not an expert on the details tho

Sebelius = Obamacare now.

In an interview in the Oval Office, Mr. Trump said the White House may lack authority to make the payments established under his predecessor to reduce copayments and deductibles for some of the poorest customers who buy insurance under the 2010 Affordable Care Act. Cutting off the payments could trigger turmoil in insurance markets.

“I don’t want people to get hurt,” Mr. Trump said. “What I think should happen—and will happen—is the Democrats will start calling me and negotiating.”

So Trump plans on sabotaging the ACA and thinks voters will blame Democrats?

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