We are certainly hoping the accelerationists were right, yes. That is the position we're in.So the accelerationists were right all along
We are certainly hoping the accelerationists were right, yes. That is the position we're in.So the accelerationists were right all along
Te-Ping Chen‏Verified account @tepingchen 7h7 hours ago
How the news Trump won't label China a currency manipulator plays here:
"Eating his words!"
"Trump slaps self in face, again"
Isn't this what he needs the state department for. To inform him and his dumbass appointees.Chinese media:
I love all the tough talk "No one respects us!" that came from conservatives whining about Obama's foreign policy.Chinese media:
Yep just heard that as well. Took a lot not to find something to break.Jeff lord
"Think of trump as the MLk of healthcare"
2018 - D House
2020 - D Pres, D Senate
2022 - Rs reclaim the House due to liberals either getting complacent and disillusioned in spite of an accomplished first two years
Upshot is if we pick up enough governorships and legislatures in key states we could have a neutral or even mildly favorable House battleground throughout the next decade. I firmly believe Obama would have had another two years of full Democratic control had the maps not changed so drastically between 2010 and 2012.
So tell me are you guys tired of winning? Heads spinning yet?Chinese media:
Movement on the single-payer bill is encouraging even though I expect it to be watered down to a public option by the time Ds win Congress again (which whatever, I'm fine with and it does far less to upend the system). Same with something like free college, or resembling it well enough.We need to make sure we have an entire legislative agenda ready to roll out on day 0, then. Get everybody running to agree to it in advance, pass literally everything in the first week, try and get it implemented and the kinks ironed out by 2022.
I really hope that's being worked on.
Those are both good, but we need a whole suite of shit covering most of our policy agenda ready to be voted on. If we get back the house, Senate, and presidency, we're going to have an extremely narrow window get get stuff done. I wanna see voting access, justice reform, financial stability, immigration, environmental everything, all at once, all on day 1. Get it all scored and shit beforehand.Movement on the single-payer bill is encouraging even though I expect it to be watered down to a public option by the time Ds win Congress again (which whatever, I'm fine with and it does far less to upend the system). Same with something like free college.
There was a poll earlier done by Kaiser which showed that people dont want Obamacare to fail, and that it should be made better not worse. Trump will soon realize if not already that it's the Congress that takes the President hostage, not the other way around. After KS04 and townhall mania, I highly doubt Republicans in congress will let him. FC, sure. But that random GOPer in that R+5 district? Nah.He will end up doing it. He's a fucking bully. Such a vile human being. Treating affordability of health care for millions as a hostage. Fucking evil.
That I agree with. If they want to start governing in good faith then sure, let's bipartisan it up, but that will never happen.Ed: Oh, and they really shouldn't allow any Republican additions or amendments. They have vested political interest in making it all work worse.
Jeff lord
"Think of trump as the MLk of healthcare"
Things will work out fine between the U.S.A. and Russia. At the right time everyone will come to their senses & there will be lasting peace!
My fear of Trump has been greatly reduced at this point, simply because of how lazy and stupid he is. All these big evil ideas he had like the deportation force, the tax reform, the AHCA, etc etc, these all take someone willing to put in the effort, work, and political capitol to make happen.
Donny just thinks he can wave his hands and make things happen, spurned to decisions entirely based on whatever the topic of the day is on Fox News or CNN, then he forgets about whatever makes him mad when he goes to play golf.
Not an expert on the mechanics of this but I've read Yglesias say he think that Trump/Price can sabotage the exchanges through executive action and the main achievement of the ACA will be the Medicaid expansion. Not an expert on the details tho
Oh, I assumed it was Medicare buy-in available to all, not YOU ARE GETTING MEDICARE WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.
That definitely won't pass. A buy in easily can.
Hold me fam, I think we broke the universe.
"Donald Trump is the Martin Luther King of healthcare" - Jeffrey Lord
Life h u r t s
Hold me fam, I think we broke the universe.
"Donald Trump is the Martin Luther King of healthcare" - Jeffrey Lord
Life h u r t s
Overall, the RRH poll finds Jon Ossoff in the lead with 39% of the vote, and a demolition derby of Republicans competing for second place in an assumed runoff: Karen Handel has 15%, Bob Gray 12%, Dan Moody 11%, and Judson Hill 10%. They also surveyed another Democrat, Ron Slotin, who earned 4% overall in the poll, and David Abroms, a Republican being backed by Evan McMullin, who earned 3%. Bruce Levell (R) was also surveyed but earned 0%. Combining the share all Democratic candidates and Republicans candidates earned, the Republicans lead slightly with 51% to 43%.
Hold me fam, I think we broke the universe.
"Donald Trump is the Martin Luther King of healthcare" - Jeffrey Lord
Life h u r t s
Actually that deportation force is being quietly built up, with 33,000 beds waiting.
A draft outline with ideas doesn't equal action. There has to be money behind it and right now you have a congress basically saying nope to even slight border wall funding.But these plans could be held up by the prohibitive costs outlined in the internal report and resistance in Congress, where many lawmakers are already balking at approving billions in spending on the wall and additional border security measures.
What's up with that other D? Why haven't they dropped out yet?
Trump is going to learn far more in the next 4 years than he has in the last 70. If he wants to/can listen.Chinese media:
Besides whatever notions of patriotism that Trump feels, I suppose the idea of funding the military at the expense of the rest of government appeals to him because it's based on loyalty.
Since the ACA ended up being a good thing for so many millions of people, do you guys think american voters are more open to the idea of changing americas healthcare system?
Since the ACA ended up being a good thing for so many millions of people, do you guys think american voters are more open to the idea of changing americas healthcare system?
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/apr/13/british-spies-first-to-spot-trump-team-links-russiaOne source suggested the official investigation was making progress. They now have specific concrete and corroborative evidence of collusion, the source said. This is between people in the Trump campaign and agents of [Russian] influence relating to the use of hacked material.
No. Dems will push a change through, the public will hate it and put Republicans in charge to get rid of it, only to realize that even though they thought they hated it they actually rely on it, and scream at Republians to not get rid of it
The Guardian has been told the FBI and the CIA were slow to appreciate the extensive nature of contacts between Trumps team and Moscow ahead of the US election. This was in part due to US law that prohibits US agencies from examining the private communications of American citizens without warrants. They are trained not to do this, the source stressed.
It looks like the [US] agencies were asleep, the source added. They [the European agencies] were saying: There are contacts going on between people close to Mr Trump and people we believe are Russian intelligence agents. You should be wary of this.
The message was: Watch out. Theres something not right here.
Lets not pick on the fbi, they were probably exhausted going through all those hillary emails, didnt have time to investigate small stuff like treason.
It does make me happy that europe was trying to warn us though.
American Led Airstrike Kills 18 Rebels Allied with U.S.
Y'know, this administration is really getting good at this
Actually, the best case scenario is two dems getting 22% vote each. Instead of Ossoof getting 44%.
I still stand by prediction that if Ossoff doesn't win on Tuesday, he will be the underdog in the runoff.
Since the ACA ended up being a good thing for so many millions of people, do you guys think american voters are more open to the idea of changing americas healthcare system?
Not to you, because you're a decent human being. To people like Devos and Trump, higher education should only go to rich people who can afford it.There is absolutely no good reason to do this.
Don't know if this has been posted yet but devos is rolling back student loan protections.
There is absolutely no good reason to do this.
Hold me fam, I think we broke the universe.
"Donald Trump is the Martin Luther King of healthcare" - Jeffrey Lord
Life h u r t s