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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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(Jackson did not endorse Dukakis as he thought he should have been given the VP slot and more of a say in the platform. He did a non-endorsement endorsement of Fulani.)
wow no wonder Bernie supported Jackson with that attitude

Did your caucus allow "non-committed" people who would wait for the first round then go to a candidate? Some caucuses allow this, but require you to stand with a candidate so they pick some delusional weirdo like Carol Moseley Braun or American Patriot like "Rocky" to stand with and then the candidate gets eliminated because they don't hit the threshold and then they move over to Hillary or Obama or whoever.

In fact, John Edwards and Obama both setup deals with the "true" Kucinich people to move over to their groups after Dennis got eliminated in the first round.
I actually got someone to proxy vote for me. The line to get into the school it took place in was huge and I'd been standing out in the rain for about an hour and a half and by the time I'd gotten inside while it had just started I decided I'd rather just hand someone else my vote, so I have no idea what took place after the first round.


I hope today is not a repeat of last tuesday where the democrat got destroyed in rural areas in the KS-4 special election despite doing well in urban areas. If the republicans can spilt enough of the vote in rural areas in GA-6 if there are any and do terrible in urban areas I think Ossoff can get above 50% of the vote in the first round.
Republicans splitting the vote or not doesn't affect Ossof getting over 50% or not. Any vote that isn't for him is equally bad in that regard.


But you did:

Kerry, Gore and Dukakis are not comparable because they didn't run in the 2016 election, nor against Trump-like candidates, and one ran 30 years ago against a popular President's Vice President with a key flank abandoning him. (Jackson did not endorse Dukakis as he thought he should have been given the VP slot and more of a say in the platform. He did a non-endorsement endorsement of Fulani.)

Not only that, but every single one of them was not baggage free. All three took specific steps to counter or in Dukakis' case double down on what was at the time seen as campaign cycle baggage.

Hell, even Obama was far from campaign cycle baggage free. His "historic race speech" came about because of some of his baggage that wasn't limited to just Sean Hannity playing "not god bless America, god damn America" everyday. (Hannity was doing this though which was the funniest thing at the time to me. He didn't think any other Obama scandals were as important as Reverend Wright saying that lol what a dummy)

Clinton beat Sanders head-to-head. Gore beat Bradley head-to-head. They won majorities in states. Romney even accomplished this in a four man field! So on.

Trump didn't win a single majority of the vote in any state until after all his opponents were eliminated from the race. (Cruz and Kasich stayed in and Trump won a majority in NY, but both were already eliminated mathematically.) Trump got 5.3 million of his 14 million primary votes after there were no other candidates in the race. (Romney got 6.3 million of his 10 million after he was declared the presumptive nominee, although he had not technically eliminated the other candidates and Ron Paul had not withdrawn. This was one reason the GOP held back calling Trump the nominee early, aside from wishful thinking.)

Again, this isn't really responding me to me. My point wasn't that Kerry, Gore and Dukakis were comparable, or even that they were completely baggage free. No candidate is without baggage. THAT'S my point. You pull three Democratic candidates with less obvious baggage than Clinton, and they were STILL defined by their baggage by their Republican competitors.


The problem is that Hillary's baggage was personal not temporal. It's what got her in 2008. It's what hurt her in the 90's.

John Kerry and Al Gore's 2004 and 2000 baggage isn't baggage if they're running again (or for the first time) in 2008, 2012 or 2016.

Actually, scratch 2008 for Kerry. That would have been even worse than 2004. Oh god, with Johm McCain on the other side. *vomits uncontrollably*
Tomorrow will be interesting. I am hoping polls are underestimating Ossoff support, but I see him finishing around 46-47%.

I hope Handel wins on GOP side and not Gray.
This was the 2016 vote, the bottom of the map is suburban Atlanta:

The district is more than half as black as Georgia as a whole. It's 70+% white.

The almost exact area where it stops in the middle county (dark dark red with small dark blue to north and south) is Sandy Springs which about a decade ago outsourced nearly all of its governmental functions except police and fire.

I've been looking at maps of GA-06 for a while, but can someone explain to me what's going with those random precincts on the west side of the district in Cobb County that seem completely unconnected from the rest of the district?

Also here's GA-06 for Trump v Clinton. Ossoff has to do a bit better than this to win outright.



Actually, I don't think these maps show the district right, they show anything partly within the district. There's two indents on the west side but they're colored in both these 2016 maps because part of it is inside the district?

The one black line is the district, the other black lines are not...must be state senate or something?
I'll return to being the voice of optimism in this thread and say Ossoff wins without going to a run-off.

I have no reason to believe this, other than that if it happens I get a much-needed W.


I really can't wrap my head around Ossoff getting 50%+1 in a field with like 10 Republicans but is unable to do so 1v1 but ok werk


There's four other Democrats running too buddy!



Also this independent:
We hear terms like Smart Cities, Internet of Things, Self-Driving Cars, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. I am the only candidate that understands all these technologies that impact our society and what policies are needed, if any.

I earned my BS in Mechanical Engineering and I am currently a Cloud Engineer with a large local Telecom provider.
I teach free website development workshops to anyone looking to advance their career.
Promote more women into technology
Promote more inner city youths into technology
Promote more legacy workforce into technology
Promote more welfare recipents into technology
Promote the American brand worldwide
Promote startups and small businesses
Promote affordable health care
Promote integration of all races in these United States
I really can't wrap my head around Ossoff getting 50%+1 in a field with like 10 Republicans but is unable to do so 1v1 but ok werk
The theory is that it'll be easier to get Republicans amped up to vote when they have one candidate to coalesce around and it's treated as the "real" election.

Plus the RNC and other outside groups will be free to blanket the state with ads supporting their candidate, whereas they can only go negative against Ossoff right now so as to stay neutral with the GOP candidates.
The theory is that it'll be easier to get Republicans amped up to vote when they have one candidate to coalesce around and it's treated as the "real" election.

Plus the RNC and other outside groups will be free to blanket the state with ads supporting their candidate, whereas they can only go negative against Ossoff right now so as to stay neutral with the GOP candidates.

My worry is that Ossoff is not the best fit for a Dem candidate in a GOP held seat. Dems need to find ideally Veterans, Teachers, public service candidates to challenge in the house.

Ossoff has done investigative documentaries, which is fine but he doesn't have a personal story to tell or connect people to.

286k people who voted in GE in GA-6 haven't voted yet. Today's turnout numbers will be very important.
My worry is that Ossoff is not the best fit for a Dem candidate in a GOP held seat. Dems need to find ideally Veterans, Teachers, public service candidates to challenge in the house.

Ossoff has done investigative documentaries, which is fine but he doesn't have a personal story to tell or connect people to.

286k people who voted in GE in GA-6 haven't voted yet. Today's turnout numbers will be very important.
Kenan Thompson came closer to winning KS-4 than any Democrat in years, and he was basically a Bernie clone with a strong civil rights bent. I don't think background matters so much as how people feel about Trump.

And keep in mind this is still a heavily GOP district. The swing to Trump winning in a squeaker to Romney winning it easily seems understated. We'll have to see if that's the mark of a permanent shift or if Trump just badly underperformed.

I would be disappointed if we don't win though, either now or in the runoff. I don't want any more "we made up ground!" stories, I just want to win. But we also shouldn't concede defeat if things go to a runoff, all it means is we're just in for another fight.
Kenan Thompson came closer to winning KS-4 than any Democrat in years, and he was basically a Bernie clone with a strong civil rights bent. I don't think background matters so much as how people feel about Trump.

And keep in mind this is still a heavily GOP district. The swing to Trump winning in a squeaker to Romney winning it easily seems understated. We'll have to see if that's the mark of a permanent shift or if Trump just badly underperformed.

I would be disappointed if we don't win though, either now or in the runoff. I don't want any more "we made up ground!" stories, I just want to win. But we also shouldn't concede defeat if things go to a runoff, all it means is we're just in for another fight.

Agreed, going to runoff is also fine. I also think Ossoff's chances of crossing 50% are underestimated tomorrow.

But I would be very worried about thoughts of flipping the house if Dems can't win a Trump +1.5 district. It would mean that while people disapprove of Trump, they are fine with keeping house under R control and that Rs will continue to possibly turnout at mid-term levels.
Do you guys think this book is worth reading?

Is the author objective?


they wrote a book about her time as sec of state a few years back and have cultivated tons of clinton people into sources. i can't read much of the excerpts or reviews without getting worked up into a frothing rage, however.



Agreed, going to runoff is also fine. I also think Ossoff's chances of crossing 50% are underestimated tomorrow.

But I would be very worried about thoughts of flipping the house if Dems can't win a Trump +1.5 district. It would mean that while people disapprove of Trump, they are fine with keeping house under R control and that Rs will continue to possibly turnout at mid-term levels.
Eh, well like I said Clinton coming so close in the district could easily be a fluke. But I agree it would have far more bearing on 2018 than a close one in Kansas.


Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump

Democrat Jon Ossoff would be a disaster in Congress. VERY weak on crime and illegal immigration, bad for jobs and wants higher taxes. Say NO

Just so presidentially. I'm goinf to cry from joy.


So suddenly the UK is having an election again in June.

Their campaigns are so short, I'm a bit envious.

I'm ignorant when it comes to their laws, but when I read that May was calling for early elections, the first thing that came to mind was a dictator in Tropico. Maybe next she'll build a cathedral to appease the religious.


I'm ignorant when it comes to their laws, but when I read that May was calling for early elections, the first thing that came to mind was a dictator in Tropico. Maybe next she'll build a cathedral to appease the religious.

The ability for a time minister to set the date of an election is fairly common in parliamentary systems. For one thing, due to the way parliaments work, you can't guarantee that a party will remain in control of parliament for the entire length of a term, and because parliament is both legislative and executive that doesn't work.

It's actually the USA which is the odd one out, with its elections that you can set your watch by. Well, the USA and china... ;-)


Tech Is Dominating Efforts To Educate Syrian Refugees
Would-be students have many immediate needs. They have universally experienced some form of trauma. There is a lack of schools, teachers, books, uniforms and food. Yet, according to this study, nearly half of the donors have chosen to supply educational technology, far more than are building schools, providing basic books and materials or employing teachers.

"Many of these companies are based in Silicon Valley, and they do not have a very clear picture of the context they are delivering to," says Zeena Zakharia at the University of Massachusetts Boston, the coauthor of the report.
These private organizations often back more than one type of educational activity, but there are clear trends. The authors found that 1 percent of organizations focused resources on social and emotional skills; 5 percent on extracurriculars such as sports; while fully half were focused on providing education technology. To oversimplify a bit, for every donor funding a soccer ball there are 10 backing tablets, educational games, online courses or learning platforms.
When your good intentions might not be the best.


Trump is really going all out on GA-6. GOP internals must be really close! ....or Trump is watching TV.

I assumed his reaction was more because Ossoff is a threat to his perceived effectiveness in the first 100 days than any threat to the GOP. I default to thinking he's only interested in how this affects his brand. So yeah, he's watching TV, because they're pinning an Ossoff victory as a backlash against Trump.


“Liberal democrats from outside of Georgia are spending millions and millions of dollars trying to take your Republican congressional seat away from you. Don’t let them do it,” Trump said on the call, according to The Hill. “Only you can stop the super-liberal Democrats and Nancy Pelosi’s group, and in particular Jon Ossoff. If you don’t vote tomorrow, Ossoff will raise your taxes, destroy your healthcare, and flood our country with illegal immigrants.”

...weren't you, Pence, et al outside Republicans intruding on the Kansas election?

Oh, whatever. I don't even know why I bother pointing out political hypocricy.


...weren't you, Pence, et al outside Republicans intruding on the Kansas election?

Oh, whatever. I don't even know why I bother pointing out political hypocricy.

There's something cute about the majority in power claiming the election of a single Democrat to the House will destroy healthcare.

It's also sad that they know their audience.


aka andydumi
Tech Is Dominating Efforts To Educate Syrian Refugees

When your good intentions might not be the best.

Part of the issue is self-reflection. People take for granted the "cheap" basics like pens and pencils and they think "what would I really want but could not readily afford" and answer iPad or a laptop.

Same as the people donating teddy bears to Haiti and Thailand after the tsunami. Landfills full of stuffed animals and winter coats.
Tech being the solution to all of the world's issues seems to be a reoccurring major problem with the tech industry.

If you throw enough computers at a problem, it'll go away, basically.
It's really stupid because in the abstract they're right, but they have such a narrow view of what technology is that they end up tripping over themselves. Instead of investing schools w/ low power cooling and lighting and water reclamation all powered by solar and wind so they can be self sufficient and off the grid, they just throw iPads and apps and shit.
I doubt Trump would go out of his way to educate himself about the subject, so it's probably this.

I was legitimately surprised he even mentioned the runoff election.

I assumed his reaction was more because Ossoff is a threat to his perceived effectiveness in the first 100 days than any threat to the GOP. I default to thinking he's only interested in how this affects his brand. So yeah, he's watching TV, because they're pinning an Ossoff victory as a backlash against Trump.

Yep, he's definitely aware of how people are saying this is a sign people are turning against him. He'd love to shut that kind of talk down.


There's something cute about the majority in power claiming the election of a single Democrat to the House will destroy healthcare.

It's also sad that they know their audience.

20% of A country living in fear of brown people, no job, and affordable health care...

It must be a sad, sad, sad existence to live in such terror.


May contain jokes =>
Agreed, going to runoff is also fine. I also think Ossoff's chances of crossing 50% are underestimated tomorrow.

But I would be very worried about thoughts of flipping the house if Dems can't win a Trump +1.5 district. It would mean that while people disapprove of Trump, they are fine with keeping house under R control and that Rs will continue to possibly turnout at mid-term levels.

To ignore that this district went Republican by 23% in 2016's congressional election despite Trump barely winning is pretty silly.
It's really stupid because in the abstract they're right, but they have such a narrow view of what technology is that they end up tripping over themselves. Instead of investing schools w/ low power cooling and lighting and water reclamation all powered by solar and wind so they can be self sufficient and off the grid, they just throw iPads and apps and shit.

Also there should be a program that intelligently allocates these resources by need and location.


I even saw this in the US. My math class had ancient textbooks but somehow the teacher got a Smart Board. He quickly figured out he wasn't supposed to draw on it with markers, so he used it as the backdrop for his overhead projector.

How the hell did the teacher get a Smart Board without having a real projector...
Maybe the tech industry should take some of the money they're using to send iPads to countries that have no use for them, and use that to improve their insane hours and sexual harassment problems.
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