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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Hi, PoliGAF! Longtime lurker here, finally mustering the courage to post more often.

Will be interesting if Ossoff doesn't win but total Dem cand percentage beats total Rep percentage.

2nd round will be a circus regardless.

I've been speculating about the runoff, too. What will the campaign look like? They've already attacked Ossoff's youth, tried to portray him as a carpetbagger (from Georgia...), invoked the specter of Nancy Pelosi. Those efforts seem to have been largely ineffective in diminishing his support, so I guess they'll spend two months hyping whichever Republican makes the runoff. What else can they do if he nets 45-48% despite the current attack ads?
Bernie's entire agenda is about raising taxes on this district.

He wants to raise taxes on lower-middle class earners too and they still seem to like him. He's pretty popular in large part because he's never been thrown into a blender. He's just "not Hillary Clinton" to many people, which was good enough last year, and he remains a DC outsider. Those are the basics that people know about him, not "oh he wants to raise my taxes."


He wants to raise taxes on lower-middle class earners too and they still seem to like him. He's pretty popular in large part because he's never been thrown into a blender. He's just "not Hillary Clinton" to many people, which was good enough last year, and he remains a DC outsider. Those are the basics that people know about him, not "oh he wants to raise my taxes."
I don't think you need him dropping in to do rallies (diverse well-educated suburbs aren't really where that is going to play) but something as simple as a "Here's another ally for us Dems in GA, please help all you can today to fight against Trump" statement on twitter is all I'd want to see from him. And he can't even do that. He's not a team player.


No Scrubs
CNN exclusive. Looks like the fbi used that dossier to get FISA warrants for wiretaps.





This is becoming increasingly concerning. He was already bad before; him becoming increasingly senile allows Bannon and the crazies to become ever more powerful.

I'm actually starting to become convinced that Trump will be removed from office not because of the Russia scandal but because he's becoming increasingly incapable of fulfilling even the simplest presidential duties.
This is becoming increasingly concerning. He was already bad before; him becoming increasingly senile allows Bannon and the crazies to become ever more powerful.

I'm actually starting to become convinced that Trump will be removed from office not because of the Russia scandal but because he's becoming increasingly incapable of fulfilling even the simplest presidential duties.

I think you mean Kushner. Bannon seems to have lost a lot of pull recently.


I think you mean Kushner. Bannon seems to have lost a lot of pull recently.

Kushner isn't as nutty as Bannon and Miller are - Kushner is a pro-business/anti-everything else run-of-the-mill Republican who won't work to systematically dismantle the US's role in internation security and stability, at least.

I'm glad Trump is seemingly working Bannon out.
The Dems have no real surrogates.

The Bernie riff raff has chased off the Clintons.

It's now a party of Corbynite populists going on "Unite" tours with a guy who is a major divider.

Pretty much most of the Facebook Clinton groups I'm still a part of are upset about articles like this:


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) called former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's "I'm with her" slogan "phony," according to a new book.

Right now, that quote is running like wildfire through the underground Hillary clubs I'm still in. Having Bernie out doing a Unity tour is just riling this fire under voters that Democrats are taking for granted because they have always voted Democrat.

Ultimately, it's going to be a choice for Dems. They need to choose which group they are going to side with and be content with the fact that the other group probably won't vote.

Republicans made the same choice years ago when they jettisoned Vermont from being a solid-R state into what it is today.
The Dems have no real surrogates.

The Bernie riff raff has chased off the Clintons.

It's now a party of Corbynite populists going on "Unite" tours with a guy who is a major divider.

Pretty much most of the Facebook Clinton groups I'm still a part of are upset about articles like this:

http://thehill.com/homenews/campaig...ure about phony but it sure was awful slogan.
The Dems have no real surrogates.

The Bernie riff raff has chased off the Clintons.

It's now a party of Corbynite populists going on "Unite" tours with a guy who is a major divider.

Pretty much most of the Facebook Clinton groups I'm still a part of are upset about articles like this:


Right now, that quote is running like wildfire through the underground Hillary clubs I'm still in. Having Bernie out doing a Unity tour is just riling this fire that Democrats are taking for granted.

Ultimately, it's going to be a choice for Dems. They need to choose which group they are going to side with and be content with the fact that the other group probably won't vote.

Disagree. The Democratic Party is Obama's party now and will be for the foreseeable future.

Whether that's good or bad is another story though! But it is getting us Tom Perriello in VA.
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