He clearly already has it.See...Shit like that makes me think he's getting Alzheimer's
I was not fucking kidding about putting an age limit on the presidency.
He clearly already has it.See...Shit like that makes me think he's getting Alzheimer's
Disagree. The Democratic Party is Obama's party now and will be for the foreseeable future.
Whether that's good or bad is another story though! But it is getting us Tom Perriello in VA.
He clearly already has it.
I was not fucking kidding about putting an age limit on the presidency.
Perreillo is trailing in primary by 15 points per last ppp poll.
Perreillo is trailing in primary by 15 points per last ppp poll.
Oh wow. https://www.scribd.com/document/345...the-Virginia-Education-Association-April-2017Perreillo is trailing in primary by 15 points per last ppp poll.
This breakdown is familiar. (Also, why Clinton really didn't need Kaine on the ticket to take VA.)-Northam has decided advantages with the key Democratic constituencies of both women and African Americans. Among women, Northam has a 20 point advantage at 37/17. With African Americans, he has an even wider 28 point lead at 37/9. Northam is also up 45/21 with seniors, often the most reliable voting group to turn out in a primary election. Northam is ahead with men and white voters as well.
-Voters (77%) say they are much more concerned with having a candidate who emphasizes the need to get things done in Richmond than they are with having a candidate (11%) who emphasizes the need to shake things up in Richmond. This finding is an outgrowth of the near universal high esteem Governor McAuliffe is held in by Democratic primary voters- 77% see him positively to just 5% with a negative view
Not sure about phony but it sure was awful slogan.
Results with PRECINCTS MAPS: http://www.nytimes.com/elections/re...election-district-6?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur
"She's with us" would have been better, and that's shite.
Stronger Together came way too late.
I live in Texas and I guess I see it, but it's still funny to see people comparing it to tx.
I don't know what is happening
Yes:Is Texas blue yet?
I live in Texas and I guess I see it, but it's still funny to see people comparing it to tx.
Is Texas blue yet?
My sources on the ground tell me Ossoff has zero votes! We've been obliterated!
The Dems have no real surrogates.
The Bernie riff raff has chased off the Clintons.
It's now a party of Corbynite populists going on "Unite" tours with a guy who is a major divider.
Pretty much most of the Facebook Clinton groups I'm still a part of are upset about articles like this:
Right now, that quote is running like wildfire through the underground Hillary clubs I'm still in. Having Bernie out doing a Unity tour is just riling this fire that Democrats are taking for granted.
Ultimately, it's going to be a choice for Dems. They need to choose which group they are going to side with and be content with the fact that the other group probably won't vote.
Republicans made the same choice years ago when they jettisoned Vermont from being a solid-R state into what it is today.
Results with PRECINCTS MAPS: http://www.nytimes.com/elections/re...election-district-6?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur
You spelled DNC wronggg DCCC smh
How about neither. The Clintons are thankfully finished and Sanders isn't a viable 2020 candidate or a democrat.
Plus a little take over of Mexican territory and adjustment of adjacent state linespost-climate catastrophe Texas
You spelled DNC wrong
DNCCC could be used as a catch all