Stop it.
DNSCCC error. Server not responding
Stop it.
Well shit, Ossoff at 0%.
RIP Dems
So how fucked is Nunes?
Nate Cohn‏Verified account @Nate_Cohn 8m8 minutes ago
Maybe a little more useful than this map. Est. Clinton share of two-party vote among '17 early voters...
DeKalb 67.1, Fulton 55.8, Cobb 49.4
Ossoff at 71% of the in-person early vote in DeKalb. Puts Ossoff on track for ~61% of the in-person vote, by our estimates.
Uhm...this is going to be close as fuck isn't it.
Nunes needs to lose his job and Dems should hold up legislation for it. That situation is outrageous. Susan Rice got dragged through the mud.
Steve King is a vile nazi piece of shit part 54466
I didn't even need to go any further in your post.
This is the problem right here. There were a lot of people who supported Clinton in '08, got back on board with Obama and then got on board with '16. That comment right there is the problem.
It ignores everything that Hillary Clinton did, and by and large, hits a sore spot for many of her female supporters in their groups. That it's "good riddance" that someone who devoted to 30+ years of public service is gone. That it is good riddance that members of the party that many of them have been a part of for years thinks that it's great that the first female candidate is now finished.
Nunes needs to lose his job and Dems should hold up legislation for it. That situation is outrageous. Susan Rice got dragged through the mud.
Steve King is a vile nazi piece of shit part 54466
He can go fuck himself.
Ossoff over 50% in DeKalb's Silver Lake precinct for Election Day votes - 648 of 1284 precinct went 45.47 Trump to 45.38 Clinton #gapol
I don't think King would fuck an actual pile of shit.
Maybe his own.
@Nate_Cohn 2m2 minutes ago
Turnout is near midterm levels in these DeKalb precincts, which is going to raise the burden even higher on the GOP in Cobb
Steve King is a vile nazi piece of shit part 54466
I have no alcohol for this mess.
Ossoff at 57% in the Cobb County early vote. That's more impressive than the DeKalb tally. Ossoff on track for 2/3 of the EV
Hour-long line at a Roswell, GA polling place. People say it's longer than for the presidential.
Election days are PTSD inducing now. Winning would be some great therapy
Well, the Election Day vote better be great for the GOP. Because the early vote is simply much better than expected for Ossoff
Maybe...people are actually real fucking pissed about Trump. I seriously hope so, he's achieved literally nothing in these 100 days besides run his mouth even with a complete majority in all branches of government.