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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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The point of this CIA conspiracy is not to make sense.

The point is to muddy the waters as much possible. To muddy the waters so much that, to the passerby who's not following all this crap daily, NOTHING makes sense and so it all must be bullshit.

I think conspiracy has more to do with people that are against the IC and that believe in some ideals of Trump( anti-globalism and anti-establishment) trying to excuse the actions of someone they support or discredit their enemy.

People that do that have the tendency to believe nefarious motives are actual reason certain events are happening, and they blame organizations or people that they have power and that they distrust.

It explains of the reasons why some people believe in conspiracy theories about 9/11 or any terrorist attack, Sandy Hook, the reason the US gets involved in world affairs, the UN, etc.

In my opinion many conspiracy theories don't have any overall strategy behind them besides to discredit, or deflect. They are mostly made up by random group of people.

For the record, I bet a lot of conspiracy theorists wished that their theories were as investigated and given attention like the Trump-Russia ties and if Trump loses the presidency because of Congress, they think the whole thing is actually a conspiracy ( we are believing in conspiracy theories not them ) .


Where are all the "but what about all the bombing obama did in Yemen?!" folks on the right now?
I'm here. And having an idiot like Trump in the white house is one of the reasons I thought those undeclared and unsurprivesed wars are a terrible idea.


The late-deciding voters breaking for Trump weren’t just Republicans. Andrew Bagley, 40, a diehard supporter of both President Barack Obama and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said he found Trump’s every utterance “abhorrent.” But he voted for him anyway, even as gay family members expressed fear to him that Trump would treat them “as second-class citizens.”

It wasn’t Comey’s letter that convinced him. It was foreign policy.

“I think Trump is far less likely to get us involved in endless war in the Middle East,” Bagley, a native of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, said. “And the thing to me that is most important is not getting into unnecessary wars. Trump might be more likely to press the nuclear button than Hillary. But I put the chances of a nuclear war at 0.00001 percent. I put chances of a war in the Middle East with Hillary at nearly 100 percent.”
Crazy hot take: I've been reading a lot today about how Carter deregulating airlines is partly responsible for the decline of non-coastal cities so I kinda the Democrats should run on nationalizing the industry.


I think it's easy to get caught up in 24 hour cable news and Trump tweets, but it really hits you when you step back and realize this administration is most likely already causing lives to be needlessly lost.
What happens when they pick a fight with someone who is capable of retaliating?
Reading of Park Geun-Hye, I have come to the realization that Trump is probably just as crazy. And cannot wait for all his shit to come out.

This is probably the biggest worldwide scandal in like 30-40 years and Trump will still probably beat it somehow :/

I mean, it's almost impossible to imagine a bigger scandal than a president being controlled and humiliated by a woman she believed had magic powers to talk to her dead mother, but Trump will outdo this somehow.


Corporate Apologist
I still don't understand how this conspiracy's logic works internally. The CIA hacks the DNC and Podesta and reveals stuff that weakens Trump's rival, just so that they can get Trump elected and then blame the hacks on the Russians to impeach Trump and put the presumably more anti-Russian Pence in office? But why would do that if Hillary is the great anti-Russian warmonger? Why sabotage her campaign at all and not, say, plant child porn on Trump's phone or something?

And why would the (((globalists))) want to reveal their sensitive emails that let the vigilant citizens know about pizza shop child abuse?

Its simple, the CIA is actually in the back pocket of... Uh... Let's go with China.


Crazy hot take: I've been reading a lot today about how Carter deregulating airlines is partly responsible for the decline of non-coastal cities so I kinda the Democrats should run on nationalizing the industry.

I.. am not sure about that being the decline.

But I do agree, airlines should just be nationalized.
I.. am not sure about that being the decline.

But I do agree, airlines should just be nationalized.
On mobile so I can't link anything but basically coastal cities after airline deregulation cost significantly more to travel to and in doing so drove out the sorts of non-manufacturing industries who had to relocate to cities with better airports.


Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Thursday began taking ”extraordinary measures" to delay the U.S. government from defaulting on its obligations, as he called on House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) to lift the debt ceiling ”at its first opportunity."

Mnuchin, in a letter to Ryan, said Treasury was now suspending the sale of certain state and local securities, a practice the federal government normally performs to assist with tax policies. Treasury will soon likely suspend payments to certain pension funds as it tries to delay, as long as possible, falling behind on other payments. Eventually, though, it will run out of options and not have enough money to pay its bills.

Budget experts believe that if the debt ceiling isn't raised by August or September, Treasury will run out of steps to delay default and the government could fall behind on its obligations.


This should be interesting. Another area where the Republicans have put themselves in a very awkward position thanks to their obstructionist brinkmanship blackmailing tactics of the Obama years.

I guess we will see if they are hypocrites on this, will actually do major cuts, or blow up the world economy.


I honestly expect them to raise the debt ceiling without any fuss considering they're the ones in power now and spending as never mattered to them so long as they're the ones doing it (that and their and Trump's policies are expected to balloon the deficit anyway). It was used as a tool to smear Obama and the democrats and to try and pass gross legislation which isn't necessary anymore.
I almost forgot about our usual debt ceiling debacle

The one time I recall legitimate anger flashing in Hillary's eyes was having to answer a dumb question about not adding to our debt or something. It's an idiotic topic every fucking year because people think the country works like a checking account.
I honestly expect them to raise the debt ceiling without any fuss considering they're the ones in power now and spending as never mattered to them so long as they're the ones doing it (that and their and Trump's policies are expected to balloon the deficit anyway). It was used as a tool to smear Obama and the democrats and to try and pass gross legislation which isn't necessary anymore.
Nah, problem is they have too many true believers now. The people running the show are the guys who listened to Rush Limbaugh on their way to work 20 years ago. The Senate leadership is mostly old fogies who know how the game is played, hence why they seem far more reasonable.

How fucking hilarious would it be though if we defaulted or shutdown under a unified Republican government? Knowing Ryan he'd tack on some lethal poison pill to a debt limit bill that makes it impossible to draw much Dem support. And while they'd certainly try, I don't see how we'd catch much heat for that. It'd be all the Republicans'.


No Scrubs
Nah, problem is they have too many true believers now. The people running the show are the guys who listened to Rush Limbaugh on their way to work 20 years ago. The Senate leadership is mostly old fogies who know how the game is played, hence why they seem far more reasonable.

How fucking hilarious would it be though if we defaulted or shutdown under a unified Republican government? Knowing Ryan he'd tack on some lethal poison pill to a debt limit bill that makes it impossible to draw much Dem support. And while they'd certainly try, I don't see how we'd catch much heat for that. It'd be all the Republicans'.

I'd rather not tank the world economy if we can help it.
I'd rather not tank the world economy if we can help it.

Sure, but not if they're trying to back door some insane policy that wouldn't fly on its own. They can own this shit; Dems should vote no on everything (except for folks like Manchin and Heitkamp who have red areas to hold). Dare the Turtle to vote no on a Freedom Caucus bill.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Just remember, guys

Republicans wanted to eliminate social security the last time the US hit the debt ceiling


Unconfirmed Member
Obama did vote against raising the debt cieling limit too as senator, but Republicans have a special talent for taking typical political hypocrocy to the absolute extremes.


No Scrubs
Obama did vote against raising the debt cieling limit too as senator, but Republicans have a special talent for taking typical political hypocrocy to the absolute extremes.

The only reason we have the debt ceiling is so people looking to move up or who are in a tight race can vote against it and say, "look how much I care about our national debt."

The issue with the GOP isn't hypocrisy, it's the Freedom Caucus guys are utter morons and don't realize the whole point of the vote is political. It's never supposed to be in any real danger of not being raised because not raising it is madness of the highest order. It's supposed to be a show vote for people in tight races or districts filled with stupid people.


Unconfirmed Member
The only reason we have the debt ceiling is so people looking to move up or who are in a tight race can vote against it and say, "look how much I care about our national debt."

The issue with the GOP isn't hypocrisy, it's the Freedom Caucus guys are utter morons and don't realize the whole point of the vote is political. It's never supposed to be in any real danger of not being raised because not raising it is madness of the highest order. It's supposed to be a show vote for people in tight races or districts filled with stupid people.


Combine that with the establishment being so quick to fold to them and you have a real problem.

Nah, problem is they have too many true believers now. The people running the show are the guys who listened to Rush Limbaugh on their way to work 20 years ago. The Senate leadership is mostly old fogies who know how the game is played, hence why they seem far more reasonable.

How fucking hilarious would it be though if we defaulted or shutdown under a unified Republican government? Knowing Ryan he'd tack on some lethal poison pill to a debt limit bill that makes it impossible to draw much Dem support. And while they'd certainly try, I don't see how we'd catch much heat for that. It'd be all the Republicans'.

Forget that. I'm wondering how they wont be destroyed by passing a healthcare bill similar to the one they're trying to pass now. And the Freedom Caucus even wants to speed up the plan so that it starts affecting people in a very real way in time for the 2018 election instead of the 2020 one.
Forget that. I'm wondering how they wont be destroyed by passing a healthcare bill similar to the one they're trying to pass now. And the Freedom Caucus even wants to speed up the plan so that it starts affecting people in a very real way in time for the 2018 election instead of the 2020 one.
They're sunk.

The only way the GOP gets out of this alive is if the bill fails and the electorate decides ineffectiveness is a better look than letting the aggressively stupid members of the party run the show. But remember that Bush and the Republicans still got reamed for trying to privatize Social Security, even though it failed in the end. Trump, Ryan, McConnell, every major Republican power player has attached their names to this travesty, not to mention their base could revolt if it's Election Day 2018 and Obamacare is just sitting there unrepealed, eating crackers.
You know, it would obviously never pass but Ryan is always talking about how the GOP healthcare plan will give more "freedom" and "options" than the ACA.

What if it did this by including another option? Some sort of public option?


You know, it would obviously never pass but Ryan is always talking about how the GOP healthcare plan will give more "freedom" and "options" than the ACA.

What if it did this by including another option? Some sort of public option?

The GOP base and the GOP itself won't like that.
Real talk, at least a good half of the GOP base wouldn't give a fuck if Ryan and Trump put into law a single-payer plan tomorrow. They hate ACA because Obama's name was attached to it.

Just keep your paws off their guns and religion and you're fine.


Real talk, at least a good half of the GOP base wouldn't give a fuck if Ryan and Trump put into law a single-payer plan tomorrow. They hate ACA because Obama's name was attached to it.

Just keep your paws off their guns and religion and you're fine.

It really is astounding how much their hate and resentment overrides literally everything. Their health, their jobs, their family, their conscience, everything. As long as liberals are punished and hurt for putting a black man in office, they'll gladly give up pretty much everything in return.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm here. And having an idiot like Trump in the white house is one of the reasons I thought those undeclared and unsurprivesed wars are a terrible idea.
:p you know that's not what I meant. The people I'm looking for would also go on to tell me Hillary would be just as bad so what harm was voting Trump or no one. Your position, obama was bad enough in this regard, so Trump can only be an unmitigated disaster, I understand :p






Hasn't been aired on Tucker Carlson yet.
It really is astounding how much their hate and resentment overrides literally everything. Their health, their jobs, their family, their conscience, everything. As long as liberals are punished and hurt for putting a black man in office, they'll gladly give up pretty much everything in return.
I understand that the team mentality exists for the Democrats too, but that's a much different beast than the bigotry that drives much of the GOP. How often are Democratic proposals lifted from older GOP proposals or programs that even the authors disavowed the minute Obama gave it his thumb's up? And it seems Democratic voters are also much more willing to cross party lines (more Clinton Republicans in the House than Trump Democrats, although that disparity is shrinking).


Scalise feeling good about AHCA:

The top vote-counter in the House says there is no doubt that the Republican ObamaCare repeal and replace bill will pass.

"We're gonna get this done," House Majority Whip Steve Scalise said with a smile on Thursday.

Scalise had a good reason to be in a good mood, despite being awake for 33 straight hours, fueled by adrenaline and several cups of chicory coffee from New Orleans. He was elated the GOP healthcare bill just cleared his Energy and Commerce Committee after what may be the longest legislative markup in history.

The gregarious 51-year-old Louisiana Republican believes Thursday’s marathon hearing and party-line vote in his committee had given the American Health Care Act enormous momentum as it heads into the next round of legislative hurdles
More: http://thehill.com/homenews/house/323330-top-vote-counter-on-obamacare-bill-were-gonna-get-this-done


The point of this CIA conspiracy is not to make sense.

The point is to muddy the waters as much possible. To muddy the waters so much that, to the passerby who's not following all this crap daily, NOTHING makes sense and so it all must be bullshit.
This is exactly right.

I'd also add that the Republicans constantly making up bullshit scandals and investigating Obama and Clinton all the time over the years has also helped muddy the waters. A lot of those casual observers just assume that democrats are making shit up/exaggerating as political retaliation and that accusing the other party of fake scandals is the new normal. They've trained the population to not take any scandal too seriously.

This should be interesting. Another area where the Republicans have put themselves in a very awkward position thanks to their obstructionist brinkmanship blackmailing tactics of the Obama years.

I guess we will see if they are hypocrites on this, will actually do major cuts, or blow up the world economy.

Not really. It'll get raised and they'll justify it by cutting other programs that they dislike. Their base won't care.

Plus it is tradition to shit on raising the debt ceiling when you're the oppo. Even bams and reid did it. No one cares.


sigh media...



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Republicans fall in line. Party over country. Etc.

Except I don't believe we have (at least in recent history) go against a voter bloc as large and influential as AARP, let alone the AMA and even an insurance industry who says it won't work. Pretty much everyone is saying this will be a disaster.
Except I don't believe we have (at least in recent history) go against a voter bloc as large and influential as AARP, let alone the AMA and even an insurance industry who says it won't work. Pretty much everyone is saying this will be a disaster.

I think it's going to pass. At least 2018 will be a bloodbath for the GOP if it does.
If it does luckily it can be fixed before a little of it would be implemented. The Medicaid expansion is the truly awful part

I still don't think this can pass through reconciliation. There are so many things going against this bill and Obama had to basically ask people to kill their careers to get the aca passed
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