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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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Clinton's loss is an L that ya'll hold. The Democratic party has nothing to offer anyone right now. At least the Bernie crazies are attempting to give it a soul.

Also, I'm not sure what you consider 'far left', but the shit the Bernie people in this thread are talking about isn't it.

And what about Bernie Sanders? He lost too, right?

And what about the majority of Bernie approved candidates? They lost too, right?

How about Bernie approved policies like universal healthcare? Those lost too, right?

It's march. Any pivot back to Clinton at this point is just not respectable.


Tom Price is the worst type of physician (weird how the physicians in the congress happen to be GOP) and makes the rest of the medical community ashamed. Good thing he can't legislate or coordinate for shit it seems but he has a lot of power that he will probably abuse in the interest of Access.
Tom price and Ben Carson for that matter and proof that you can find morons in every field of study. Just because they are doctors doesn't mean they know jack shit about insurance, billing, what people can afford, etc etc etc. The majority of the medical field are already coming out against the disaster that the healthcare bill is


Unconfirmed Member

BREAKING: Roger Stone admits to mastering secrets of time travel.
Trump's been oddly quiet these last few days. It's making me nervous. Less gaffes means less reasons to impeach*.

*is impeachment even a possibility anymore, or is the GOP fine with all of Trump's bullshit?

I don't think it was ever a really big possibility unless something that directly implicated Trump in the Russian hacking of the DNC. Or the pee pee tape.

Especially not with a GOP Congress. Democrats might try if they win the House in 2018, but I think that's a bad strategy. Instead, should just do a shit ton of investigations and beat him and Republicans in 2020 with death by a thousand cuts.


Jesus, this new ACA replacement is going through, ain't it?

I don't see how it gets through the Senate if it passes the house. Republican Senators from blue or swing states are not going to die on a hill for a bill that kicks 10 million Americans off of healthcare insurance, makes it worse and more expensive, and gives a tax cut for rich people. Perhaps you could convince some politicians to die on a hill for an important bill that they care about, but that disaster of a bill that is going to crush them in the next election?

Not all Republicans live in Paul Ryan's Randian world where the real problem with American society is that poor people are too coddled and need to suffer so as to give them the motivation to succeed.
I doubt Rand Paul or Tom Cotton vote for any Obamacare replacement (their constituents are desperately reliant on Obamacare) and the current bill fucks over Alaska so bad that Murkowski won't vote for it.


I'd say maybe at this point.

It paves the way for their tax agenda; To get to B they need to pass A.

It paves the way for a permanent tax agenda. They can still do what Bush did without passing Trumpcare.

I would imagine that many Republicans in the Senate would be willing to make the bet that they have tax cuts for 10 years and hope they get Republican president in 10 years to make it permanent rather than passing this politically disaster of a bill


Yeah, but what value a tax cut that's repealed in '20, or even squashed after the midterms? (Is that possible?)

Yes, GOP want a tax cut, but will their short-sightedness cause them to go for it? They've got to know that the strategy loses in the short-term.
Jesus, this new ACA replacement is going through, ain't it?

Who knows, I read an opinion piece that was guessing that part of the motivation for the hard push they're making with the ACA replacement is to prove that they can actually get something done. So just for that alone Republicans might be tempted to unite and vote for it anyway.

I doubt Rand Paul or Tom Cotton vote for any Obamacare replacement (their constituents are desperately reliant on Obamacare) and the current bill fucks over Alaska so bad that Murkowski won't vote for it.

I don't have a favorable view of Tom Cotton but even he seems to understand that the ACA replacement would especially fuck over people in Arkansas. He'll probably still vote for it though.


It's hard for me to see this bill passing without a single GOP senator being willing to support it publicly right now.

I'd like to think so.

But this new Republican party is lower than dirt. Not a single one with integrity among them. I'm wouldn't be surprised...


I don't count on republicans to stand up for people, so the ones who don't want the Medicaid expansion to go away will fold.


I'd like to think so.

But this new Republican party is lower than dirt. Not a single one with integrity among them. I'm wouldn't be surprised...

Ironically, the only ones I'd wager have integrity on this issue are the Freedom Caucus guys against this simply because it's not shit enough to the most people.


I said it was my proposal! We should stop compromising our moral imperative and actually run candidates that talk about racial and economic justice.

You should definitely run unapologetic progressives in the no-hope races for the purpose of dragging the overton window over, just someone who can get out there and hammer the message on a budget. For more winnable races, flexing ideologically is worth it.


So, what do the 235,000 jobs that Trump created consist of? I'm guessing corporate, government, jobs that Obama really created or random people hired to tell Trump how awesome he is on a daily basis.


Unconfirmed Member
The chances of the bill passing without any changes to it is almost 0%, but all it might take is a few minor amendments before republicans declare it fixed and unite in support.


The chances of the bill passing without any changes to it is almost 0%, but all it might take is a few minor amendments before republicans declare it fixed and unite in support.

I dunno, the Freedom Caucus/Tea Partiers are pretty all in on wanting full on repeal, and anything to placate them will make it completely anathema to the moderates in the Senate concerned about the Medicaid expansion. I'm not sure how you marry the two right now, though it's probably easier to placate those concerned about Medicaid with a bandaid.


I looked into his eyes and saw his soul.

It was full of crazies.


If angry Democrats & media put as much energy ensuring the best nominee won the primary as they do hating Trump we'd have President Sanders
12:43 PM · Mar 12, 2017


President Sanders with a Republican Congress sounds like a total disaster :lol

At least he would be a president or candiate not currently under FBI investigation.

/50 articles talking about this fact while ignoring eveything else

Is the ultra left still trying to say Clinton killed Seth Rose?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'm still standing firm on my prediction I made after the election: GOP does everything they can to screw over poor and middle-class until 2019, then promises huge tax refund check for each family similar to the tax refunds George W. Bush sent out, except these will be bigger.
So, what do the 235,000 jobs that Trump created consist of? I'm guessing corporate, government, jobs that Obama really created or random people hired to tell Trump how awesome he is on a daily basis.
Presidents don't really create jobs themselves.

Some of jobs that were created is basically what industry is benefiting from the recovery. Government, some manufacturing, retail, etc are some of the few types that were created. Also this job report is slightly less on the same month than at the time Obama was in office for the last few years.


It's hilarious to me that Republicans still try to claim that the only thing they have a problem with are illegal immigrants.


Unconfirmed Member
I dunno, the Freedom Caucus/Tea Partiers are pretty all in on wanting full on repeal, and anything to placate them will make it completely anathema to the moderates in the Senate concerned about the Medicaid expansion. I'm not sure how you marry the two right now, though it's probably easier to placate those concerned about Medicaid with a bandaid.

Some of the freedom caucus might get eventually pursuaded by something being better than nothing and the moderates in the senate are largely complete liers and cowards that fold to the extremists everytime they actually have a chance to make good on their comments.
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