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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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will gain confidence one day
Maybe Bannon wrote it and hasn't shown it to anybody yet. Unrelated, it's going to be two paragraphs long and contain at least one typo.
It's hard for me to believe this executive order will matter much because nobody has leaked it yet.

Can't leak if it hasn't been written yet



Master of the Google Search
Looks like Bannon will be named Emperor tomorrow.

EDIT: this might actually be a joke.
It'll probably be similar to what Nixon tried (and failed) to do in 1973:

The solution developed by the President’s Advisory Council on Executive Organization (PACEO) was to completely reorganize the Executive Branch based on function rather than constituency. The Departments of Defense, State, Treasury, and Justice would remain largely as they were; the remaining departments would be reorganized into a Department of Human Resources, a Department of Natural Resources, a Department of Community Development, and a Department of Economic Development

Rather than being a conscious component of the New Federalism, the Executive Reorganization is more rightly thought of as a part of what Richard P. Nathan calls the “Administrative Presidency-“ Nixon’s attempts after 1972 to bring the federal bureaucracy much more directly under his personal control, through reorganizing the Executive Branch and through appointing personal loyalists to Cabinet positions and other spots. This, of course, would have lessened the influence of career bureaucrats and directly increased the President’s power over policy implementation.

The Executive Reorganization failed largely due to the Watergate scandal.

Most analysis I've read over the years don't really believe the reorganization would've help with efficiency (the opposite really) but rather it was all about control.
I mean, that EO might not be the worst thing! There's room for reform! Unfortunately the reform needs to be for dialing back some executive power, and not push it farther toward replacing the other branches of government as Trump's been attempting to do. So yeah, we're fucked. It'll probably do something ludicrous like attempt to close an entire agency. "EPA? Nah, commerce and interior can handle that stuff now" sounds like a thing he'd sign, right? No instructions on reassigning tasks other than "reassign tasks," of course. There's a high likelihood we'll get a "Drain The Swamp"™ mention at the signing.

An aside, but these schedules always makes it look like the President is lazy. Yes, Obama too. I went backed and look at some of his early ones. Every President, actually! Difference is I don't particularly trust Trump to do much "president work" off the clock, and his work day is on the record here of being all of 6 hours.


The GOP has really shown their ass with the AHCA rollout. Like I honestly don't know which is worse:

(i) the bold-faced hypocrisy on criticising the year-plus ACA legislative process while rushing to approve this bill before the April recess
(ii) the diminishing of the CBO's critical role in scoring the bill to answer detailed wonky questions like "how much will this bill cost?" and "how many people will be insured?"
(iii) the messaging strategy that fetishizes choice over security, and personal responsibility over sound outcomes-based policy

It's as if there are no guiding principles that this bill is based on; instead it's a hodge-podge of placation to various interest groups (tax cuts for the upper echelon, reduction of subsidies for free-market conservatives), bundled in a fashion that avoids serious debate about the direction that health care should take in the country.

The fact that Trump has made just the one tepid content-free statement in support of the bill shows his utter lack on this subject. "Repeal and replace" was an effective campaign device for him, nothing more.
The GOP has really shown their ass with the AHCA rollout. Like I honestly don't know which is worse:

(i) the bold-faced hypocrisy on criticising the year-plus ACA legislative process while rushing to approve this bill before the April recess
(ii) the diminishing of the CBO's critical role in scoring the bill to answer detailed wonky questions like "how much will this bill cost?" and "how many people will be insured?"
(iii) the messaging strategy that fetishizes choice over security, and personal responsibility over sound outcomes-based policy

It's as if there are no guiding principles that this bill is based on; instead it's a hodge-podge of placation to various interest groups (tax cuts for the upper echelon, reduction of subsidies for free-market conservatives), bundled in a fashion that avoids serious debate about the direction that health care should take in the country.

The fact that Trump has made just the one tepid content-free statement in support of the bill shows his utter lack on this subject. "Repeal and replace" was an effective campaign device for him, nothing more.
I honestly doubt Trump gives two fucks about how this bill gets passed as long as something winds up on his desk. Let the nerds in Congress figure it out.

Hot take: Trump is the GOP's Carter. And while Carter was a decent man hobbled by his inability to work with Congress, Trump's inability to work with Congress will be seen as just one of many faults. Hopefully he also ends up being a one-termer (or less).


CBO score potentially coming today...

Republicans brace for CBO report of health care coverage

Even with the GOP denigrating the CBO and impugning their reputation (inaccurate scores), this is going to define the week's politics, I think. And it'll give the Dems a concrete "thing" to point to - it won't be partisan anti-Trump/GOP talk anymore, it'll be non-partisan and specific evidence of how bad the AHCA could/will be.


Hearing Steve King quadruple down and not be able to answer if American citizens of different backgrounds are equal is something else. Dude hears Muslim American and he immediately has to say moderate muslims are essentially ok. I think Cuomo's head exploded.


So... Is this getting through the house?

Because I don't see how the traditional conservatives reconcile their differences with the nutjobs in the Freedom Caucus and Tea Partiers.

I think it's more likely that "moderate" House Rs capitulate to the Freedom Caucus and pass the bill than it is the Senate passes the bill.

Just now finally listened to it, and I'm a fan.

Her position on Gorsuch is exactly my position, being pro filibuster on him while being against ending the filibuster on SCOTUS overall, even though I feel pretty lonely here on neogaf on that position.

I didn't understand why Axelrod was so flummoxed in trying to push that point. Like, yes, a SCOTUS nominee should pass the Senate with 60 votes. That's why that threshold exists in the first place. Is that really so controversial to say?

What's funny is, 99% of ryan haters would sputter, stammer, and look outclassed in a debate with him irl. He's a slick talker for a cheesehead.

He sounded real silly tho, when asked about the tax breaks for the rich in trumpcare. "We promised to repeal all of obamacare" as if he was sorry

Well most people are professional politicians who need to be sharp debaters and public speakers as part of their trade.

This is fine... yea just fine...

Ha, a dinner with McMaster and Tillerson? Would love to hear that conversation.


CBO score potentially coming today...

Republicans brace for CBO report of health care coverage

Even with the GOP denigrating the CBO and impugning their reputation (inaccurate scores), this is going to define the week's politics, I think. And it'll give the Dems a concrete "thing" to point to - it won't be partisan anti-Trump/GOP talk anymore, it'll be non-partisan and specific evidence of how bad the AHCA could/will be.

I thought the GOP was rushing this bill to passage to avoid this very scenario.


CBO scores are fake scores! Sad!! Obama shills! Partisan hacks!

The literal party of "lalalalalalla we can't hear you lalalalalal"
CBO score potentially coming today...

Republicans brace for CBO report of health care coverage

Even with the GOP denigrating the CBO and impugning their reputation (inaccurate scores), this is going to define the week's politics, I think. And it'll give the Dems a concrete "thing" to point to - it won't be partisan anti-Trump/GOP talk anymore, it'll be non-partisan and specific evidence of how bad the AHCA could/will be.

Yeah, this will probably put this whole thing on ice.
GOP talking heads couldn't even keep their stories straight on the Sunday talk circuit.
CBO score potentially coming today...

Republicans brace for CBO report of health care coverage

Even with the GOP denigrating the CBO and impugning their reputation (inaccurate scores), this is going to define the week's politics, I think. And it'll give the Dems a concrete "thing" to point to - it won't be partisan anti-Trump/GOP talk anymore, it'll be non-partisan and specific evidence of how bad the AHCA could/will be.

This is going to be a fiasco.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Republicans might have finally picked the fight they can't win. "My town is dying because there aren't enough jobs" is a fuzzy enough concept you can shape people's perceptions. "Aunt Lucy lost medicaid and now her broken hip surgery is bankrupting us" is not.


Dismiss CBO scores at your own peril. If the CBO report says 15 million people will lose health coverage, the GOP ignores it and passes the bill into law anyway, and then 15 million people -- many of them Republican/Trump voters -- lose health coverage, well, you're fucked then.


Congrats to South Dakota!!

Friday evening, South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard (R) signed SB 149 into law, thereby granting adoption agencies that receive state funding a license to discriminate. Child-placement agencies can now enact any policy based on “religious belief or moral conviction” — and, as long as they adhere to their own rules, they cannot be punished by the government for doing so. This means that refusing to place children with same-sex couples, single people, or couples who have had premarital sex will not endanger any agency’s access to taxpayer subsidies.

Burn it all to the fucking ground.


Also, LiarAnne staying that people are spying on Trump via his microwave.



Rep. Darrell Issa said Monday he is ”not prepared" to vote for the GOP health care bill, adding to the resistance the legislation has run into among moderate and conservative Republicans.

”I think we can do better," he said on Fox News. ”I think we can do better in a number of areas of concern."

He noted the ”shrinking pools" he said were created by the Affordable Care Act and said health care should be affordable for individuals.

The White House has remained committed to supporting the bill as opposition from Democrats and conservative Republicans threaten it, especially in the Senate.

Issa added he is waiting to see the score from the Congressional Budget Office, which will predict how much the bill will cost and how many will be covered under the legislation. However, the Trump administration has been questioning the credibility of the CBO to brace itself for a possibly unflattering report.

”I think it's important we do a little bit more, look at it," he said. ”In general, though, we're doing something about a program that's failing that didn't achieve what it said it was going to achieve."

This bill is most likely going to fail in the House.


Really? So much for CNN being the left's attack dog against Trump. Hiring yet another Trump ball washer.

I'm torn on that. On one hand, it's constant entertainment to see his surrogates humiliate themselves on live TV. I think it's important to show the average person how many mental gymnastics they have to go through to justify Trump's actions. On the other hand, they are getting paid.....so.

I really want to see their reactions when there's hard evidence that Trump colluded with Russia. Them trying to spin their way out of that will be amazing. Sold their souls to the devil basically.
CBO today, or within a couple days? Fun times. Still amazed at the utter lack of political strategy or logic on display. And thank god for it. Imagine if republicans were smart and offered a plan that "fixed" some parts of Obamacare, added some conservative ideas...and more importantly began phasing out the mandate in January 2019. Such a plan could potentially split the democrat party enough to pass despite losing hardcore republican votes in the House.


CBO today, or within a couple days? Fun times. Still amazed at the utter lack of political strategy or logic on display. And thank god for it. Imagine if republicans were smart and offered a plan that "fixed" some parts of Obamacare, added some conservative ideas...and more importantly began phasing out the mandate in January 2019. Such a plan could potentially split the democrat party enough to pass despite losing hardcore republican votes in the House.

CNN said the CBO report could come as early as today.
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