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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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I wouldn't have released it, I would have told my source "that's two pages, need more.". And if they just got it in the mail with no way to contact them back, don't publish it.


No Scrubs
I'm now 100% convinced that Comey's reveal will be nothing, and this was all calculated.

I'm going to bed. What good is journalistic integrity if people are just waiting for the most convenient moment to cash it in?

If Maddow was falsely led to believe she had something, she should have canceled the story when she realized she had nothing. Her nervous expression on Lawrence O'Donnell right now...she knows she fucked up. Lawrence knows it too, but they're all going down with the ship.

This is why you never hype up a story when you have something. You never know when something big like this will just fall apart in your hands.


Yep, it's one thing to partake in speculation when you are connecting the dots to something and say something needs more investigation. Speculating about stuff you clearly don't have the evidence for after hyping this up as a reveal was stupid. I don't know how she expected this to go to be honest.

She doesn't normally get 'scoops' and she tends to make mountains out of molehills when she gets them, its why I was tempering my expectations in the OT thread. She has a great investigative reporting team who know how to compile facts into context and create a story, I have never liked how she handled on-air news when the facts are still in the wind. I seriously doubt Maddow likes how this story is being perceived once she has a chance to go and look at it off the air and people like Lawrence O'Donnell who helped support this only made it worse for her. To little to late, but I expect her to make some comments off the air or on-air tomorrow about what happened in the lead up. It is legitimate news, but someone in their PR department should have realized how this was going to come across unless it was carefully worded, by being vague using twitter she created her own worst enemy.
Oh man, seeing the thread in Off-Topic Discussion makes all this bullshit worth it.

With that being said, I'm getting real fucking fatigued by this shit. We seem to be hyping fairly mundane shit up to the stratosphere and proclaiming it as "the one thing that'll take Drumpf down!!!!111" when it's in fact pretty inconsequential. We're getting to a point where we're gonna be too fucking tired to care if something big about Trump does break because we've been continually hyped up by the last 47 things that turned out to be shit. Typical boy cries wolf scenario.

Eh, that's not really how it works. Watergate took 2 years, and Dems got to hammer Dubya with "the culture of corruption."

Think of it like a list war on gaming side; you just want shit to write down. Hell, read the Declaration of Independence. Half of that shit they listed doesn't really rise to the level of armed insurrection.
Washington Post and folks should go after MNBC for this in some constructive way ... anything to get out of the crater of "Liberal Media" that Maddow and folks just created.



my god...
This really just exposes how absolutely worthless news media is in general but especially MSNBC and anything trying to prop itself up with a 'liberal' tilt

We're starting to see these anchors for who they really are. At this point they probably figure their best years are behind them. I don't think Maddow will last too much longer on the network


And now if NBC ever gets anything real it won't make it through the right wing news bubble.

Nah thats not true. A megaton is still that. Will spread everywhere else.

I honestly dont know what to make of tonight but it wasnt good. Im now hoping the Comey shit is an announcement of independent investigations and maybe calling people to testify or something.
That's all that will come out of this and the fact that Rachel tried to make him look bad with only evidence of him paying a shit ton in taxes. Jesus Christ

Edit: Looking at her now, she knows this went south fast. I love her, and we need people in the media constantly investigating, but you have to know how to play optics
It's really best at this point to expect the worst regarding any Trump-Russia connections. Assume he'll get away with everything and anything (as he apparently seems more than capable of doing) and just be ready to fight like hell in 2018, 2020 and beyond. Complacency that there's something out there to inevitably stop Trump should never be the mindset.


The issue here was overhyping a story. There's a reason you never see WaPo or NYT hyping a story up.

Yep. A bunch of people probably tuned in for the first time, got disappointed, and will never tune in again.

It should've been allowed to spread organically without drama and hype and taken as what it is: one more data point in Donald's tax history, which is better than what they had before.


And now if NBC ever gets anything real it won't make it through the right wing news bubble.

This seems to be a fear of the left but I don't see much evidence that it's true. I think people who think this are still operating in a world where facts matter on the right, but that world is dead and so is every moment except the current one.


Lol, nobody knows how to challenge Trump from the left

Eh I think people have been good at challenging him. His shitty ass policies make that easy. And this healthcare thing is a big target for him and the GOP.

It's just what Maddow did just doesn't help and destroys her credibility along with the network.

In the long run do I think this is going to linger? No. but it serves as a distraction when Trump and the GOP were getting tons of shit.

This does show that a lot of people clearly do care about his taxes, but she fucked that up
Yep. A bunch of people probably tuned in for the first time, got disappointed, and will never tune in again.

It should've been allowed to spread organically without drama and hype and taken as what it is: one more data point in Donald's tax history, which is better than what they had before.

Yep, she could also went in on Trump going over his taxes but apparently still being under audit. I know she tried to explain how the real story was how little info we had on his taxes, but by then it was too late and she had gone on speculating about illegal activity for 30 minutes


Absolutely foolish. MSNBC's credibility is shot and they deserve it. Cable news has played a huge role in making Trump what he is today and we'd be better off without it at this point. They're completely awful, not really for being fake news, just for being a shitty ratings/money driven representation of actual news journalism.

And the sad part is that's not changing anytime soon. Trump is good for business. Their business. And he feeds off them too. So they all benefit in the end.

Sad to see. Good and honest investigative journalism is needed now more than ever.


Yep, she could also went in on Trump going over his taxes but apparently still being under audit. I know she tried to explain how the real story was how little info we had on his taxes, but by then it was too late and she had gone on speculating about illegal activity for 30 minutes

She could have easily played it like this.

She could have actually praised him for how much he paid in taxes in 2005. And then questioned why he hasn't released any in years or won't let us see them. Ask "what's so damning that he won't show us?"

But yea I doubt anyone will care about this come next week. The bigger story will be whatever the hell Comey talks about tomorrow. I'm hoping he recommends a special investigation. The Trump/Russia stuff isn't going away. Too much smoke.

If you're a dem. You keep hammering on Healthcare.
Yep. A bunch of people probably tuned in for the first time, got disappointed, and will never tune in again.

I was one of those people. I don't know what her show is usually like, but what was fucking Bill O'Reilly levels of awful. Total sensationalist horseshit that did nothing but add fuel to Trump's anti-media attacks.


Yep, she could also went in on Trump going over his taxes but apparently still being under audit. I know she tried to explain how the real story was how little info we had on his taxes, but by then it was too late and she had gone on speculating about illegal activity for 30 minutes
That "speculating" she does (which she does often) is honestly no different from the bullshit Hannity does - and if we're honest with ourselves we'd admit that.


Unconfirmed Member
Lol, nobody knows how to challenge Trump from the left

You could just do stories about the real life people losing healthcare, or the immigrant families being torn appart by ICE for having a DUI 15 years ago, or the life stories of refugees that would now be baned from immigrating due to trump orders or the police departments that Sessions are giving a green light to be racially discriminatory to because the stats are "anecdotal" when part of the problem is they don't keep any stats so you have to use anecdotal ones.

But no. The left doesn't care about anything unless it's something that they think will 100% prove to 100% of the country that the left was right all along, even though no matter what the hell you prove, 45% of the country is just going to dismiss it as fake news no matter how well sourced it is. And even a good portion of the left don't give a shit unless it's something that hurts white people.

It's honestly hard to find a refugee that doesn't have an increadibly sad yet enlightening life story. Why are those stories not being told? What is it about political fanfiction that's so much more interesting than these real life stories about people being actually affected by politics?

I know it's not going to be cared about by the centrists, but you're MSNBC, you don't have the eyes of the centrists, and you never will. For everything the right does, the centrists expect there to be a balance on the left, and MSNBC is the balance of fox. There's nothing they can do to change that.
Frankly, does anyone?

I haven't seen anyone really prove themselves to be a challenge.

They're still going after him like a regular politician. They need to attack him like a celebrity. He cares greatly about the perception of him. Talk down to him, bring up favorability ratings, get more celebrities and less pundits. Get old money billionaires and tech billionaires talking down the Trump brand. He will be furious. It's not pretty, it's not honorable, but it's effective. Just look at the things that piss him off--SNL, people questioning his wealth, people questioning his inauguration crowd, talking about the size of his hands, and people questioning his stature.

Why they aren't running a ticker counting the number of golf games he plays juxtaposed with his tweets criticizing Obama is beyond me. Actually fuck it, every time he does something just hit him saying Obama did it better, he will become furious. You need to fight in the mud, this "when they go low we go high" shit doesn't work against Trump.
You could just do stories about the real life people losing healthcare, or the immigrant families being torn appart by ICE for having a DUI 15 years ago, or the life stories of refugees that would now be baned from immigrating due to trump orders or the police departments that Sessions are giving a green light to be racially discriminatory to because the stats are "anecdotal" when part of the problem is they don't keep any stats so you have to use anecdotal ones.

They do this all the time, and nobody cares.


Professional Schmuck
everyone please recall MSNBC was the #1 channel for most time showing trump's stump speeches. not to mention joe scarborough and now fucking greta, lololol.
You could just do stories about the real life people losing healthcare, or the immigrant families being torn appart by ICE for having a DUI 15 years ago, or the life stories of refugees that would now be baned from immigrating due to trump orders or the police departments that Sessions are giving a green light to be racially discriminatory to because the stats are "anecdotal" when part of the problem is they don't keep any stats so you have to use anecdotal ones.

But no. The left doesn't care about anything unless it's something that they think will 100% prove to 100% of the country that the left was right all along, even though no matter what the hell you prove, 45% of the country is just going to dismiss it as fake news no matter how well sourced it is. And even a good portion of the left don't give a shit unless it's something that hurts white people.

It's honestly hard to find a refugee that doesn't have an increadibly sad yet enlightening life story. Why are those stories not being told? What is it about political fanfiction that's so much more interesting than these real life stories about people being actually affected by politics?

I know it's not going to be cared about by the centrists, but you're MSNBC, you don't have the eyes of the centrists.

Well the left sees ourselves has the good guys and good guys don't do underhanded tactic or strategies. However, many want to fight fire with fire now. I think it is a good thing that the Dems are labeling the healthcare bill as Trumpcare. Many want it to be Republicare or something like that.


Unconfirmed Member
Well the left sees ourselves has the good guys and good guys don't do underhanded tactic or strategies.

What's underhanded about pointing out the damn truth that is affecting real lives?

Russia and tax returns is nothing but theories until something real comes from them. Enough smoke to pay attention too, but not enought to base 95% of your entire focus.
"Trump is a wizard which is why his main Senate allies refuse to support his health care bill which is literally the only item on his legislative agenda.

"Oh and he's at 38% approval too."


They're still going after him like a regular politician. They need to attack him like a celebrity. He cares greatly about the perception of him. Talk down to him, bring up favorability ratings, get more celebrities and less pundits. Get old money billionaires and tech billionaires talking down the Trump brand. He will be furious. It's not pretty, it's not honorable, but it's effective. Just look at the things that piss him off--SNL, people questioning his wealth, people questioning his inauguration crowd, talking about the size of his hands, and people questioning his stature.

Why they aren't running a ticker counting the number of golf games he plays juxtaposed with his tweets criticizing Obama is beyond me. Actually fuck it, every time he does something just hit him saying Obama did it better, he will become furious. You need to fight in the mud, this "when they go low we go high" shit doesn't work against Trump.
They're under the impression they're journalists.
What's underhanded about pointing out the damn truth that is affecting real lives?

Probably because that using vulnerable people is immoral like using that woman during Trumps speech to Congress. It is not about the truth it is about perception. I'm not saying it is a bad thing to do, I actually think it is a good tactic.
"Trump is a wizard which is why his main Senate allies refuse to support his health care bill which is literally the only item on his legislative agenda.

"Oh and he's at 38% approval too."

Already a bad angle to take. Just go on and on about how Congress doesn't care about what Trump does because Bannon writes the Executive Orders and Congress plans on sending him whatever they want and inflating his ego so he signs it. Talk up how Obama had a moral compass and was a strong leader who set his own agenda and wrote his own speeches. Trump by comparison appears okay with just doing what others want.

His ego will implode in a hatesplosion.


Still can't believe how stupid this all was

Dems can be so fucking dumb on occasion. But Maddow took this to 11. I've watched more even handed episodes of Bill OReillys show.
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