They're still going after him like a regular politician. They need to attack him like a celebrity. He cares greatly about the perception of him. Talk down to him, bring up favorability ratings, get more celebrities and less pundits. Get old money billionaires and tech billionaires talking down the Trump brand. He will be furious. It's not pretty, it's not honorable, but it's effective. Just look at the things that piss him off--SNL, people questioning his wealth, people questioning his inauguration crowd, talking about the size of his hands, and people questioning his stature.
Why they aren't running a ticker counting the number of golf games he plays juxtaposed with his tweets criticizing Obama is beyond me. Actually fuck it, every time he does something just hit him saying Obama did it better, he will become furious. You need to fight in the mud, this "when they go low we go high" shit doesn't work against Trump.