PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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So, who is going to leave first, Rexy or Elf Boy?

Also, can McCain just do a video call? Does the Senate require you to be physically in the room to vote? I'd be more down for them updating the rules to let McCain vote from home, rather than force him back to Washington.

It's not a hard cap, but there is/was something about the implementation of vBulletin NeoGAF is built off of that causes performance issues once a topic gets a bit beyond 20k posts. At least that's what the Admins claim, I don't have access to the code.

It's pretty simple. A thread is a linked list of posts. Linked lists are O(n) both for searching and for jumping to a specific point.
No, it's not allowed. He has to be on the floor and cast his vote
Knew that much. Just curious if anyone knows though if that's in the Constitution itself, actual law, or just parliamentary procedural rules that the Parliamentarian/Mike Pence could technically overrule and change if they're desperate enough? Because if they're seriously considering trying to personally drive him from Arizona to DC, it should, it really, really should, but it wouldn't shock me if McConnell gets desperate enough to have something like that changed just to try and get this thing passed at this point, since I have no idea what his train of thought is.

Of course, it doesn't sound like it really matters much, with or without McCain's vote if they're really still struggling to get someone like Portman on board, who's seat should be completely 100% safe even if he votes for it for at least another term (assuming Trump is hopefully a one-term President), but if they're throwing stuff like that out there regardless then...
It's not a hard cap, but there is/was something about the implementation of vBulletin NeoGAF is built off of that causes performance issues once a topic gets a bit beyond 20k posts. At least that's what the Admins claim, I don't have access to the code.

Never underestimate the fuckery that is legacy php code.



What we're throwing old people into partially dug holes in the ground instead of offering coverage? Cool dude, I'm in. - Burr, probably.

This guy seems legit on the senate intel committee, but this kind of talk just upsets me greatly. Like, oh whatever I'll vote for whatever shit they put up.

Maybe he just says that so he doesn't have a bunch of press up his ass about it since he knows it is going to fail anyway.


Cornyn going on a cross-country trip just to drag John McCain's carcass to vote for a widely-hated bill sounds like a Will Ferrell comedy.


Today has been a mess tbh
I've never voted for a Republican. I used to feel a little ashamed of that fact. Now I more or less have always had a policy of voting party-line in legislative races on the theory that it's more important to me who controls the chamber, but I was willing to hear out a Republican running for the proverbial dog catcher and some part of me hoped each time that I would vote for one just to end the streak.

Ever since Trump however, I have started to consider never having voted Republican to be a badge of honor. Even before him, I had noticed that every time I thought they couldn't sink any lower, they'd start digging. The Tea Party made me miss the Bush-era Republicans and, seriously, the Bush-era Republicans were horrible. Now they are seriously talking about carting a dying man across the country so they can ram through a horrible bill that no one wants. How much lower is this party going to get?
Wow, could be no Senate retirements.
Carper would have been no big loss, but given how thinly spread the Senate map is it's probably best to keep as many incumbents as possible rather than having to deal with open seat primaries sucking up the oxygen.

That being said, still wouldn't mind losing Feinstein so we could get Senator Garcetti. I know LA is big, but I don't see anyone making the jump from Mayor to President anytime soon.


Carper would have been no big loss, but given how thinly spread the Senate map is it's probably best to keep as many incumbents as possible rather than having to deal with open seat primaries sucking up the oxygen.

That being said, still wouldn't mind losing Feinstein so we could get Senator Garcetti. I know LA is big, but I don't see anyone making the jump from Mayor to President anytime soon.

I didn't see anyone making the jump from CEO to President but here we are.
What's this all about?
Amir0x was a former mod (like years ago, he was demodded for some assholish behavior/mod abuse but he still posted as a regular member) who was caught with child pornography a month or two ago.

GAF already put out an official statement disavowing him and he's been banned permanently.


Good point. Why should a news outlet pay attention to what a President says? Especially when it's about something as unimportant as healthcare.

Dude you KNOW that wasn't my point. He misspoke, its not relevant to the discussion, and just makes him look dumb on some low hanging fruit shit where there are real issues to address.

Its not a big deal either way.


These arc names are confusing, but maybe an end of season finale will reveal how they all tie together - "Made in America" week was quite the trip.

What's this week's failed deflection going to be?
Who knows!

Oh man.

So non-Hispanic whites vote more frequently?

Is the "Oh man" good or bad? Are we celebrating that Hillary only lost by nine in an electorate that was 61% white?

Oh, it's saying the electorate has become more diverse. I can't comprehend today!
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