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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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In every district that swung hard to Trump from Obama where there's been a special election, Democrats have bounced back, often doing better even than Obama did in 2012.


Paystubs are not the W2. The point is to put in in people's faces every other week to raise awareness.

Only a handful of states require directly giving a paystub, many states just require employees to have access to details of their pay, but employers all give a W2.


FGC Waterboy

Amnesty implies carte blanche, no conditions, etc. There will probably be fines / taxes / service required in order to get full citizenship (similar to what the DREAM act had IIRC).

I legitimately think that if this passes and Trump gets a big W, you could probably push him on fixing Obamacare but phrasing it as "getting rid of Obamacare and replacing it with something better".


Only a handful of states require directly giving a paystub, many states just require employees to have access to details of their pay, but employers all give a W2.
It's a pretty commonplace practice nationwide, especially for hourly folks.

It's a minor change w/ low costs that has positive net benefits.


This GenForwardSurvey poll plus the week's incidents are giving me a more confident feeling that Bernie is the one to beat in 2020. I dont think even Biden is in a stronger position than Bernie atm:


(A lot of more amazing hindsights of millennials 18-34)

The week's incidents? You mean the incidents where Bernie puts out a piece of legislation with no viable funding mechanism and is another "you get a pony" proposal, while Schumer and Pelosi are getting actual concessions out of Trump and showing Ryan and McConnell to be incompetent?
The week's incidents? You mean the incidents where Bernie puts out a piece of legislation with no viable funding mechanism and is another "you get a pony" proposal, while Schumer and Pelosi are getting actual concessions out of Trump and showing Ryan and McConnell to be incompetent?

I've seen more paperwork about how much my insurance costs than I have looked at my pay stubs.

I just look directly into my bank account to see if my pay is correct (it always is), since I need to specifically request pay stubs from some website.
Throwback to the benjipwns party platform which I framed on my wall:
And since you're sooooo interested in what my policy platform would be, I will offer it:
1. 95% flat tax on all incomes over $1 million, 70% flat tax on all incomes between $1 million and the median income, 45% flat tax on all incomes between the median and 4x the poverty line.
2. Outlaw private practice, insurance, medical care, etc. Medicare for All with all drug companies, hospitals, doctors, state-owned and state paid for. Cap costs at 10% of GDP or lower.
3. A Canadian like MST and GST of 25%.
4. 100% death tax, 2% yearly savings/wealth tax, 110% expat tax
5. Gradual replacement of all power plants with nuclear
6. Elimination on tax cap on social security, increase to 25% tax, means test Social Security
7. Universal income replacing all welfare programs of 3x the poverty line.
8. Elimination of minimum wage, mandatory unionization within all industries, 25% of all public stock to be held by the government, 26% by the unions, all industries prices set within competitive range by joint government-union-company boards
9. No corporate tax on public companies, 60% tax on revenue for private companies
10. Government ownership of all telecommunications with free access and no caps
11. All school funding at federal level, given to schools by inverse of graduation rates
12. Formation of all public utility companies into national ones instead of local, de-privatization of postal service and assumption of all transportation/delivery companies under their purview, increase airport, gas and other transport fees and taxes by % of increased usage each year
13. Eliminate all restrictions on freedom of press/assembly/speech
14. Ignore the Supreme Court lol jk
15. $1 billion Metroid fund established.
16. Replace the Senate with PR elected, 1% threshold (so 1% = 1 seat, 100 seats, easy peasy), double the size of the House.
17. Ban the President from delivering the State of the Union in person
18. Ban Lindsey Graham and Peter King from the country
19. Issue letters of marque and reprisal for Lindsey Graham and Peter King
20. Pass https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titles_of_Nobility_Amendment?wprov=sfla1 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corwin_Amendment
21. Fifty-four forty or fight!

EDIT: Enact the Ecotic Comprehensive Immigration Reform Plan
lol @ Dems thinking they can do a deal with this Orangutan.

It's less thinking they can and more being forced to. We have a raft of legislative disasters coming up and even though the GOP holds down all branches of government, it falls to Democrats to save things. Working with the stupidest, least reliable, and most morally bankrupt President of all time is still a more feasible path than dealing with McConnell, Ryan or the Freedom Caucus.

It's fucked up, but it's where we are.


Annie Karni (@anniekarni)
Trump, gaggling on AF1, goes back to "both sides" language, post Scott meeting: "we have some pretty bad dudes on the other side as well."

It's only a matter of time till the bubble bursts anyway.
Apparently the bubble is today.

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Spoke to President of Mexico to give condolences on terrible earthquake. Unable to reach for 3 days b/c of his cell phone reception at site.

Also how does this work exactly? Trump couldn't reach the Mexican President? I have some doubts.

Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller)
.@POTUS on Susan Rice unmasking: “She’s not supposed to be doing that and what she did was wrong.” // not what Cong Rs say fwiw


This is total neogaf inside baseball, but what really drives me nuts some of the posters who "got it" with gamergate: recognized sexism against women critics and devs for what it was, and even had vocal defenses of Sarkeesian.

Then if you bring up Clinton around those same posters they lose their fucking minds.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I would be part of the Trump/Schumer/Pelosi dinners is that Trump is so lonely right now he needs a friend. He genuinely seems like that type of person.


The annoying thing is that Trump repeating the Nazi talking points kind of puts Pelosi and Schumer in a bind, since they probably should reiterate their condemnation.




Shortly after learning in May that a special counsel had been appointed to investigate links between his campaign associates and Russia, President Trump berated Attorney General Jeff Sessions in an Oval Office meeting and said the attorney general should resign, according to current and former administration officials and others briefed on the matter.

The president blamed the appointment of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, on Mr. Sessions’s decision to recuse himself from the Justice Department’s Russia investigation — a move Mr. Trump believes was the moment his administration effectively lost control over the inquiry. Accusing Mr. Sessions of “disloyalty,” Mr. Trump unleashed a string of insults on his attorney general.

Ashen and emotional, Mr. Sessions told the president he would quit and sent a resignation letter to the White House, according to four people who were told details of the meeting. Mr. Sessions would later tell associates that the president’s demeaning tone was the most humiliating experience in decades of public life.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

I guess I don't get the point.

I think what we're seeing is a desperate attempt to play both sides. Working with Pelosi/Schumer to try and get some democrats backing him. Tweeting that he will veto single-payer and telling people he "hasn't made a deal" about DACA yet to try and keep republicans backing him.

This NEVER works.
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