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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Okay, let's try this once more.

*clears throat*

What do y'all think of Jordan Klepper's new show?

I watched episodes 1 and 2 on demand.

Klepper is good, and it seems to be a natural progression of a "satire of the times" after the Colbert Report, but I can see fatigue being an issue with the show.
Is the mistress abortion congressman's seat potential pick up?

It's a 95% white R+11 district. Even in a wave, that'd be very difficult.

To put into context:

There are 112 districts with a greater R lean and an additional 15 (not counting PA-18 itself) with the same R lean according to PVI.

There is currently exactly one seat with an R lean greater than R+5 that is held by a Democrat (MN-7, which is R+12).

The most Democratic leaning seat held by a Republican is only D+6 (FL-26).


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I just re-listened to Pink and the Indigo Girls' protest song about W and it's so fucking quaint these days.

Speaking of music, if the Dixie Chicks had done today what they did during the Iraq War, does anyone else think there would have been far, far less of a backlash against them?


Speaking of music, if the Dixie Chicks had done today what they did during the Iraq War, does anyone else think there would have been far, far less of a backlash against them?
It'd still be there because of the politics country music is pretty inextricably tied to. Just probably not to the same degree.
I think it depends on how you measure backlash. The alt-right may not have the numbers that Bush's supporters did, but they could certainly make things very nasty, especially if Russian trolls get involved.
It's a 95% white R+11 district. Even in a wave, that'd be very difficult.

To put into context:

There are 112 districts with a greater R lean and an additional 15 (not counting PA-18 itself) with the same R lean according to PVI.

There is currently exactly one seat with an R lean greater than R+5 that is held by a Democrat (MN-7, which is R+12).

The most Democratic leaning seat held by a Republican is only D+6 (FL-26).
Step 1: Clone Collin Peterson
It's a 95% white R+11 district. Even in a wave, that'd be very difficult.

To put into context:

There are 112 districts with a greater R lean and an additional 15 (not counting PA-18 itself) with the same R lean according to PVI.

There is currently exactly one seat with an R lean greater than R+5 that is held by a Democrat (MN-7, which is R+12).

The most Democratic leaning seat held by a Republican is only D+6 (FL-26).

So what you're saying is there's a chance
Speaking of music, if the Dixie Chicks had done today what they did during the Iraq War, does anyone else think there would have been far, far less of a backlash against them?
Yes. A lot less. You’d get angry comments on twitter and Facebook. That’s about it.

And that’s why I think as bad as it looks right now, I think people should remember just how things were in the bush era.

Anyone who protested or was against the Iraq war was an anti American piece of garbage who hated Jesus and George Washington. Support for W was so strong for so long. People who hated him were relegated to appearances on Fuse, MTV and Michael Moore movies. And generally made out to be looney clowns.

It got bad towards the end but that took like 6 fucking years. Really, nobody suffers much of any consequence for taking shots at Trump. Not even a year in, and it’s hard to find anyone to stand infront of a camera and defend him.


“It was Obama’s fault”

California is now a Sanctuary state...(in January that is)


California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a ”sanctuary state" bill on Thursday that will limit the extent to which local and state enforcement can cooperate with federal immigration officials. It's the most significant legislative step in the state's efforts to resist President Donald Trump's anti-immigrant policies.

The California Values Act, otherwise known as Senate Bill 54, blocks local police from ”using resources to investigate, interrogate, detain, detect, or arrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes." The prohibited acts include detaining individuals solely at the request of federal immigration officials, making arrests on immigration warrants and inquiring into someone's immigration status. While many California cities have already adopted such policies, the new law extends those parameters to all law enforcement in the state, including school police.

”These are uncertain times for undocumented Californians and their families, and this bill strikes a balance that will protect public safety, while bringing a measure of comfort to those families who are now living in fear every day," Brown said in a signing statement.

There will no doubt be legal challenges to this from the Sessions DoJ.


North Carolina is the freaking worst kind of corrupt

Democracy NC @democracync
JUST IN: in even years, #ncga normally returns in May, but will be back in Jan. ’18 to change voting districts, rewrite constitution #ncga
2:15 PM · Oct 5, 2017


It is both ironic and perfectly logical that the NRA would lay the blame on Obama - logical because it is simply a reflex action for conservatives to blame Obama whenever something bad happens, but ironic because Obama was the best thing that ever happened to the gun manufacturers that control the NRA. Gun sales reached record highs during the Obama years.


“It was Obama’s fault”

"Unfortunately the first response from some politicians has been to call for more gun control"

4 sentences later

"The NRA believes that bump stocks should be subject to additional regulations"

Motherfucker what do you think gun control is?!


Professional Schmuck
NRA just released a statement saying they SUPPORT research and potentially legislation around the legality of bump stocks.

edit: i see y'all are on it. nm


"Unfortunately the first response from some politicians has been to call for more gun control"

4 sentences later

"The NRA believes that bump stocks should be subject to additional regulations"

Motherfucker what do you think gun control is?!
I think this is the only way conservatives can accept new regulations of anything pertaining to a firearm. This fucking country, man.
Trump plans to decertify the Iran nuclear deal and punt to Congress.


President Trump plans to announce next week that he will ”decertify" the international nuclear deal with Iran, saying it is not in the national interest of the United States and kicking the issue to a reluctant Congress, people briefed on an emerging White House strategy for Iran said Thursday.

The move would mark the first step in a process that could eventually result in the resumption of U.S. sanctions against Iran, which would blow up a deal limiting Iran's nuclear activities that the country reached in 2015 with the U.S. and five other nations.

Trump is expected to deliver a speech, tentatively scheduled for Oct. 12, laying out a larger strategy for confronting the nation it blames for terrorism and instability throughout the Middle East.

Under what is described as a tougher and more comprehensive approach, Trump would open the door to modifying the landmark 2015 agreement he has repeatedly bashed as a raw deal for the United States. But for now he would hold off on recommending that Congress reimpose sanctions on Iran that would abrogate the agreement, said four people familiar with aspects of the president's thinking.

Trump's senior national security advisers agreed within the past several weeks to recommend that Trump ”decertify" the agreement at the Oct. 15 deadline, two of those people said.

That would start a 60-day congressional review period to consider the next steps for the United States. On its own, the step would not break the agreement among Iran, the United States and other world powers, but would start a clock on resuming sanctions that the United States had lifted as its part of the deal.

The administration has begun discussing possible legislation to ”strengthen" the agreement, congressional aides and others said. That is the ”fix it or nix it" approach suggested by both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a leading Republican hawk on Iran.


How exactly does that play well with their base? Not only do I not see anyone buying it but it ends in gun control legislation? Go for it.
“It was Obama’s fault”

I found this to be a pretty spot on critique of the NRA's and right leaning ideology's fear driven agenda. Which lines up well with that response.

The NRA’s Latest Terrorist Attack on U.S. Soil


What is the agenda, the political objective? Selling guns is part of it, but the real program is deeper than just that immediate commercial intention. A bigger if related aim is to create a climate of fear and violence so pervasive that people are afraid to join together in movements and protests on behalf of democracy, social justice, peace, ecological sanity, and civil and human rights – the common good. The political goal is to promote an image of human nature and evil so vile and chilling that people give up on their species and on the aspiration to unite with their fellow workers and citizens to demand something better than a miserable world of low wages, savage socioeconomic and racial inequality, environmental ruin, abject plutocracy, rampant sexism, virulent racism, and endless war. The idea is to turn as many households as possible into atomized self-defense and survival units – to create a nation of armed Robinson Crusoes, each stuck on their own little island.
This is really bad and I hope this is one of those "float" stories that gets killed in the crib due to internal backlash.

Iran, China, and Russia have said they have no intention of renegotiating the deal. Get ready for Iran to start up those centrifuges again. You know, cause those are certainly "within the national interest".

Not to mention the damage this will do the countries credibility on the global stage. Why would you make a fucking deal with the US moving forward?
I found this to be a pretty spot on critique of the NRA's and right leaning ideology's fear driven agenda. Which lines up well with that response.

The NRA's Latest Terrorist Attack on U.S. Soil

The odds of being in a situation where

1. You are in danger
2. You are able to reach your gun
3. That doing so doesn't escalate the issue and ends up letting you get by without harm

Is astronomically low.

And yet it's a thing apparently a large chunk of the country feels is totally likely and they get to be a cowboy and save their lady from the big mean dude in the alley way.

When people say they need a gun for "protection" I usually just roll my eyes. The NRA has people so afraid of other people, it's sad.

Right, i know but if he does, he will still win with all that baggage.

But... he's not. So it doesn't really matter?
The odds of being in a situation where

1. You are in danger
2. You are able to reach your gun
3. That doing so doesn't escalate the issue and ends up letting you get by without harm

Is astronomically low.

And yet it's a thing apparently a large chunk of the country feels is totally likely and they get to be a cowboy and save their lady from the big mean dude in the alley way.

When people say they need a gun for "protection" I usually just roll my eyes. The NRA has people so afraid of other people, it's sad.

That fear lines up with republican orthodoxy too. Push the fear. Remember when the Iran deal was happening the GOP had that ad which showed a happy white christian family eating breakfast and a nuke going off outside. Or how they want to arm cops like the military. Or how they push fear to justify their military budget. etc etc


One thing I'm not clear on is how the U.S. pulling out of the Iran deal affects the other countries involved? With Paris, the U.S. pulling out just means the rest of the world continues to operate under that framework. But what's the ripple effect to Europe, China, Russia on the Iran deal if we pull out of it?
I doubt Mattis will ever leave voluntarily, but he has to be seething about the Iran deal.

The U.S. is rapidly losing any international credibility it still had.
That fear lines up with republican orthodoxy too. Push the fear. Remember when the Iran deal was happening the GOP had that ad which showed a happy white christian family eating breakfast and a nuke going off outside. Or how they want to arm cops like the military. Or how they push fear to justify their military budget. etc etc

I just can't imagine living a life where I'm terrorized by things that are basically irrelevant to worry about.

There's a nice park right by my house with a trail that goes through the woods. It's all paved and well taken care of. I enjoy walking this trail every so often. I told my dad I do this and he thought I was crazy and in serious danger because anyone could jump out of the woods at any time and rob me.

The only other people on the trail with me that I've ever seen were the elderly or dudes who take their bike riding way too seriously. If it's safe enough for them...

Maybe I'm too casual with my own personal safety. Meh
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