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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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yes u aren't a real socialist unless u abandon all ur earthly possessions and live in a swamp
Only real socialist alive


False, shrek is quite clearly into private property.
yes u aren't a real socialist unless u abandon all ur earthly possessions and live in a swamp
Also, punctuation.

But more like a lot of people say they're X, Y or Z, and even believe they are. Without knowing what it means or actually actioning anything, or acting in the opposite of what they label themselves.


Also, punctuation.

But more like a lot of people say they're X Y or Z. And even believe they are. Without knowing what it means or actually actioning anything, or acting in the opposite of what they ostensibly call themselves.
an example: http://news.gallup.com/poll/191354/americans-views-socialism-capitalism-little-changed.aspx
Just off the top of your head, would you say you have a positive or negative image of each of the following? (% Positive)

May 2-4, 2016 v Nov. 18-19, 2012 v Jan. 26-27, 2010

Small business 96 95 95
Entrepreneurs 87 86 84
Free enterprise 85 89 86
Capitalism 60 61 61
Big business 53 58 49
The federal government 44 51 46
Socialism 35 39 36
Those first 3 things are really popular even though "capitalism" is not!


As a reader just pointed out, it's been two days and the third YouTube result for "las vegas shooting" is a false flag video with a million+ views.


A day of ups and downs for Google:

Pluses: They annunced a new phone that is a solid, iterative update.

Minuses: They are actively destroying democracy.
YouTube really fucking sucks. They need to block all of this tinfoil hat wearing bullshit. Enough is enough. DO SOMETHING. They can survive without it.


YouTube really fucking sucks. They need to block all of this tinfoil hat wearing bullshit. Enough is enough. DO SOMETHING. They can survive without it.

Pretty much. They could at least moderate the stuff that pops in the first few pages of popular search terms.


As a reader just pointed out, it's been two days and the third YouTube result for "las vegas shooting" is a false flag video with a million+ views.


A day of ups and downs for Google:

Pluses: They annunced a new phone that is a solid, iterative update.

Minuses: They are actively destroying democracy.

My sister in law was telling my father about this today and how he sould really aware of this stuff.
She's 32 from a rich family that went to a Ivy League university. I'm so disappointed in people.
At least father is laughed at her when he got home
I 100% agree with this. This is exactly what strong leftist organizations should be trying to do. The other thing I would recommend them doing is actually just joining the local Democratic Party and taking over the local levers of power, which is happening in some places, but I think could happen more.

I think one of the less talked about advantages of this is that parties outside of the two-party system are vulnerable to nut jobs and people with no political tact (the "from the river to the sea" people), while established parties mostly run them off. If DSA people join these major parties instead of standing on their own, they'll gain some measure of selectivity that they don't even realize they needed.

The Libertarians clearly need this advice as well (insert link to the guy stripping at the Lib National Convention).
As a reader just pointed out, it's been two days and the third YouTube result for "las vegas shooting" is a false flag video with a million+ views.


A day of ups and downs for Google:

Pluses: They annunced a new phone that is a solid, iterative update.

Minuses: They are actively destroying democracy.

It's so transparently stupid. All gun violence is a conspiracy by Soros to make the REAL gun owners look bad. And I'm sure they think evil Soros wants to take all the guns away to impose his totalitarian dictatorship.

These fucking people have the critical thinking ability of a frog.
I think one of the less talked about advantages of this is that parties outside of the two-party system are vulnerable to nut jobs and people with no political tact (the "from the river to the sea" people), while established parties mostly run them off. If DSA people join these major parties instead of standing on their own, they'll gain some measure of selectivity that they don't even realize they needed.

The Libertarians clearly need this advice as well (insert link to the guy stripping at the Lib National Convention).
Yup, though methinks the DSA probably knows this and hopefully cooler heads prevail or else they'll be largely irrelevant like they were before.
Okay, so I read the article and I dunno. A model of the "Democratic loyalists" that lumps together Jamelle Bouie and Jonathan Chait has some immediately obvious flaws, but beyond that, it doesn't actually seem to be saying anything?

This article seems to be written from the perspective of somebody who is neither left nor liberal nor, indeed, political at all. Which explains why the conclusion is simply "both sides should get along."

Yeah frankly this article sucks... It reads like some far off removed "objective" anthropologist report that is completely inaccurate.

Also I'm not down with the assumption that if you're in the Sanders camp you're a leftist and if you're not you're a liberal.

Sanders and co and their supporters don't have exclusive rights to being lefties.

And tying that shit in with Glenn Greenwald is just wretched, as if opposing Greenwald means you can't be a lefty.

And this:

In turn, the biggest asset of the Sanders campaign is that it almost won.

This is just insulting.
Talking heads are now going to start using Burr's statement that Russia was just try to sow chaos and were trying to affect both sides.

Alternatively, pundits could say investigators have been putting in countless hours but still don't have anything material on the current POTUS. Pres. Obama wouldn't have handed over the keys of power if there was more to the Russia story that implicates his successor. Additionally, Pres. Obama wouldn't have left advice, attended the inauguration or pretended to be civil while in the same room with Pres. Trump if this narrative was true. Moreover, if Pres. Trump was guilty of something like that, then there's no way he'd be wrapping up his first year as one of the most powerful individuals on Earth. He would've been gone before he was even inaugurated.


No Scrubs
Alternatively, pundits could say investigators have been putting in countless hours but still don't have anything material on the current POTUS. Pres. Obama wouldn't have handed over the keys of power if there was more to the Russia story that implicates his successor. Additionally, Pres. Obama wouldn't have left advice, attended the inauguration or pretended to be civil while in the same room with Pres. Trump if this narrative was true. Moreover, if Pres. Trump was guilty of something like that, then there's no way he'd be wrapping up his first year as one of the most powerful individuals on Earth. He would've been gone before he was even inaugurated.

It's almost like you have no idea how an investigation works or what the word even means.


Moreover, if Pres. Trump was guilty of something like that, then there's no way he'd be wrapping up his first year as one of the most powerful individuals on Earth. He would've been gone before he was even inaugurated.

Remind me again when the Watergate break-in was, and how long it took those responsible to be held accountable for it?


God I hope I was wrong and this is right. Please.

WaPo VA Gov


Northam (D): 53
Gillespie (R): 40
Hyra (L): 4


Approve: 33
Disapprove: 59
Clinton Country.
Democrats appear to have an edge on engagement this year. A 67 percent majority of Democratic registered voters say they are absolutely certain to vote or have already cast an absentee ballot, compared with 57 percent of Republicans.

This dynamic, along with greater levels of past election turnout, is one reason Northam's 10-point advantage with registered voters stands at 13 points among likely voters. In the June primary election, Democratic voters outnumbered Republicans by a roughly 3-to-2 margin.
This was showing up in the earliest poll showing Northam slightly ahead. Gillespie was winning Rs and Is and it didn't matter.

Also, where's Autodidact for that "moderate darling" song?
(AMONG REGISTERED VOTERS) Who do you think would do a better job making needed compromises across party lines, (Northam) or (Gillespie)?
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edit: Anecdotally, someone I know in NoVA who volunteered for Hillary has been indundated with requests to help. At least locally, they're at work here.
Has anyone explained why there'd be a false flag massacre during a GOP-GOP-GOP federal government alignment? You'd need a dem supermajority in the senate to get even the tiniest, smallest, dumbest thing passed. We couldn't even agree to terror watch list background checks for fuck sake. Any new rapidfire mod legislation will die, too, and even if it inexplicably got through congress Trump would veto it.

It's the absolute dumbest possible time to pull this kind of conspiracy. Also, fuck YouTube.


Gillespie going full Trump is just a total misread of the state. We rejected the rural/populist candidate in the D 2016 primary, General, 2017 D/R primary, and Trump only hit 35% in the GOP primary.

Why would it suddenly work now? He's trying to "energize the base" when the base won't carry him to a win. The race-bait ads he's running in NoVA are just going to energize the wrong side of the aisle here.


Doctor Ralph Northam.



Did we mention he's a doctor?


(This was noticeable in the very first campaign materials, but jesus that # is way higher than I would've thought, even with the crap in DC)
Doctor Ralph Northam.



Did we mention he's a doctor?


(This was noticeable in the very first campaign materials, but jesus that # is way higher than I would've thought, even with the crap in DC)

Well, that's why he's winning, probably more so than any "bipartisan" shit.

Again, an outlier, and with some undecided, but, encouraging.


No Scrubs
Doctor Ralph Northam.



Did we mention he's a doctor?


(This was noticeable in the very first campaign materials, but jesus that # is way higher than I would've thought, even with the crap in DC)

Regardless, if I were running as a Dem I would like those numbers. Especially considering what Trump is up to.


Doctor Ralph Northam.



Did we mention he's a doctor?


(This was noticeable in the very first campaign materials, but jesus that # is way higher than I would've thought, even with the crap in DC)

They're probably worried about the Medicaid expansion.
Anecdotal, but my cousin came over to say hi and one of the first things he said was that he didnt "buy it". (referring to the las vegas shooting). He didnt provide context and i didnt ask.

He's not even conservative or a gun owner or anything, for whatever reason conspiracy theories are just very compelling for some people, or the truth is too harsh for them to want to accept.
Has anyone explained why there'd be a false flag massacre during a GOP-GOP-GOP federal government alignment? You'd need a dem supermajority in the senate to get even the tiniest, smallest, dumbest thing passed. We couldn't even agree to terror watch list background checks for fuck sake. Any new rapidfire mod legislation will die, too, and even if it inexplicably got through congress Trump would veto it.

It's the absolute dumbest possible time to pull this kind of conspiracy. Also, fuck YouTube.

If they were thinking logically they wouldn't be propagating false flag stories tbf! The Deep State is the new boogeyman now.
If they were thinking logically they wouldn't be propagating false flag stories tbf! The Deep State is the new boogeyman now.

The little bit that i could stomach to read wasn't claiming government involvement, Hillary just paid the guy to kill those people. Because you know, of course she would, and how could a 64 year old millionaire refuse the money?

Maybe they were joking, its hard to tell with these people.
I wonder how he would react if the media decided to not talk about him and only talk about legislation. Basically, put him in a time out.

My guess is that he would drop the fake news thing so they'd keep saying his name.


Pretty much. They could at least moderate the stuff that pops in the first few pages of popular search terms.
Not even kidding, YouTube was suggesting more misleading videos than they were legit ones regarding the shooting, including ones that blamed Obama and said the shooter is related to Justice Ginsburg.

This is completely out of hand and infuriating.
Not even kidding, YouTube was suggesting more misleading videos than they were legit ones regarding the shooting, including ones that blamed Obama and said the shooter is related to Justice Ginsburg.

This is completely out of hand and infuriating.

YouTube is literally the site that suggest to you after your watch a feminist video a selection of Feminists are fucking Fradulant Bitch SJWs videos...

YouTube sucks.


Unconfirmed Member

So much to unpack from that...

No verification from him? From the dude that lies about the most objectively true things? Low news and reporting standards? This coming from the dude that tweets about whatever the last thing the trash heap known as Fox News says or that constantly buys into conspiracy theories?

It is impossible for me to take him, his supporters or his party seriously about anything.


It's like a parody comedy that got boring because they ran it into the ground. Now it's just shrill and annoying listening to him talk or tweet.
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