Fascism or ...
I really hate to invoke the specter of Fascism in a blog entry. It tends to turn some people off, because it seems to be thrown around carelessly. Godwin's Law probably started as a smartassed comment, but there is a lot of common wisdom in it.
In this case, I think there is some merit to discussing it. In the turmoil that occurred in the 1930's, there were people like Mussolini and Hitler that were able to focus the rage, sense of hopelessnes, and fear into rampant nationalism. They were able to find scapegoats to blame for the economic ruin, seperating those that were true patriots from those who were "other". We all know where that led.
I've been watching the McCain and Palin rallies and I think we are beginning to see that same kind of rage and hatred. I have no illusions that McCain or Palin are Hitlers in training. But once the rage is built up, it will need an outlet. Hitler started out as a nobody, and was able to take the rage stoked by the many nationalist groups that preceeded him and harnessed them to establish his base of power. All it takes is the right person and the right atmosphere. I fear that the atmosphere is being established, which is one part of the equation, a leader would complete it.
It doesn't have to go that way though. The same turmoil, rage, and hatred were here in America during the Great Depression. There were nationalist groups all over the country, spreading the same discontent. The difference was that the leader who took charge believed in America, believed in Democracy. Roosevelt was able to channel that rage into good, getting people back to work, even if it meant a dent in our capilistic economy.
The fires that McCain and Palin are stoking, along with day after day of horrible economic news are taking their effect. You hear the hatred, the distrust at the Republican rallies. Allowing shouts of "traitor", "kill him", and other deplorable comments without rebuke from the Republican ticket is irresponsible at the very least and possibly very, very dangerous at worst. If McCain and Palin keep sowing the seeds of discord, what happens if they lose control of the hostility they have fomented?
The economics of our time are rapidly approaching the grim times of the Depression era. People are losing jobs, banks are folding, long established companies are going belly-up, and people are afraid. As a democracy, we have the same choice we faced in the 30's. We can either embrace the fear as the Republicans are doing or we can choose "the better angels of our nature", as Lincoln so elegantly stated it. Which way will we choose? The embrace of fear may open the genie's bottle, releasing forces that cannot be easily controlled peacefully. McCain and Palin are tugging on the cork.